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Doctors Feed Aborted Girls to Dogs to Hide Sex-Selection Abortions

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In agricultural societies, the male is the one that can do housework, and due to most agricultural societies being patriarchial, the male passes down the family line as well. China had the same problem before... hell, we have the same problem now just less severe, but for slightly different reasons.
Interesting. I never thought about it that way but it makes sense. Sounds like something all cultures practice in a slightly different way. A bit of a hushed up but necessary measure for survival reasons?
Interesting. I never that way but it makes sense. Sounds like something all cultures practice in a slightly different way. A bit of a hushed up but necessary measure for survival reasons?

In India it might be more pronounced because daughters not only make less money but also when married, must pay the husband's family dowry.

In China, the sex ratio was balanced from 1949 to 1985, and since 1990 it became male skewed, hit a peak in 2005 and is now reversing, so it's clearly not due to agricultural and traditional culture. Indeed, daughters are more prized than sons now because they have much less pressure to make money and are traditionally gifted by the husband when married. The reasons in China are much more complex than in India and have to do with underreporting, the birth control policy and the specifics of implementation.

For example, in some places, you can have 2 children regardless, you can have 1 child regardless, or... you can have 2 children only if the first is a girl. In the 1st case, the parents who practice sex selection feel guilty, there's no pressure to do so, and are less likely to do it. In the second case, that's usually the government workers, party members and military who get this enforced on them, and they won't do sex selection. The 3rd case is what causes problems. If the first child is a male, then there are no more children. If there are 2 children, the first is a female, and the second may be sex selected by conservative grandparents (usually not parents these days, since they were born in the 80's) to guarantee a male. This naturally leads to a 2:1 sex ratio if unchecked.
Very interesting. Makes you really appreciate the place we live in. It makes me sad when I see America today, we take everything for granted...
Doctors Feed Aborted Girls to Dogs to Hide Sex-Selection Abortions | LifeNews.com
in a news story that sounds like it is more out of a bad science fiction movie than reality, a newspaper in India reports doctors in one city are so desperate to hide evidence that they are doing sex-selection abortions that they are feeding the remains of aborted girl babies to dogs.

Sme physicians in the city of Beed, India are engaging in the practice, according to India Today, which spoke with Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, an NGO working against the practice. Maharashtra’s Public Health Minister Suresh Shetty also admitted to the newspaper that he had heard of reports of the practice taking place.

“A person even saw a foetus being fed to the animals. This is known to everyone in Beed, but the police are not taking action as Munde is influential,” Deshpande said.

She added that some other doctors in Beed kept dogs for the same purpose – to avoid the hassle of disposing of the bodies.

Health Minister Shetty said: “I have heard of the practice but have no evidence.”

He added that since the local police seemed to be under a lot of “pressure”, he had decided to ask the crime branch to investigate the latest case.

The newspaper indicates Beed has one of the worst male-female gender ratios in India — 801 girls being born per 1,000 boys, according to the 2011 census — and the numbers are attributed to female infanticide and sex-selection abortions.

Beed is the location of an abortion clinic that was responsible this week for killing a woman in a failed abortion. The husband and wife doctor team who run the medical clinic where she obtained the abortion face criminal charges.

The PTI news service has more on the abortion death and the reason for the abortion — sex-selection:

Beed district has become infamous for the worst child sex ratio in Maharashtra, as per the 2011 census.

Dr Sudam Munde and Dr Sarswati Munde, the accused husband-wife, run a clinic in the Parli tehsil, police said. According to the police, the victim woman, Vijaymala Patekar, died during abortion procedure at Munde’s clinic yesterday.

As the victim’s relatives got angry, the doctors themselves informed the police about the incident.

According to the police, Patekar had four daughters, and did not want another girl child. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shrikant Dhivare told PTI that no one from the victim’s family had filed any complaint against the doctors.

Case was registered against Dr Sudam Munde and his wife for causing death by negligent act under the IPC, and also under Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prevention) Act.

Last year, two people were arrested after another woman died in a botched abortion.

Women in India are frequent victims of failed legal abortions as a woman died in May 2010 from an abortion at a Marie Stopes International abortion business. According to the Republica newspaper, a woman identified as Durga Devi Khadka went to a Marie Stopes center for an abortion of her 10-week-old unborn child. She died at the MSI facility located in Damak Municipality-15 of Jhapa district.


In January 2010, an Indian doctor was arrested in a newly-reported case of a botched abortion that killed a woman. The Times of India indicated the Vikhroli police recently registered a case of medical malpractice against Dr. Vinod Ganpati Prabhu.

Prabhu did an abortion on a woman who was three months pregnant in April 2006 at the Priya Maternity Home.

The newspaper indicates a panel of five doctors from JJ Hospital investigated the failed abortion and submitted their report to police on December 30, 2009, asking that Prabhu be charged.

Before that, LifeNews.com reported on another Indian woman who died from a botched legal abortion and was at least the third to die from a legal abortion and have her case make the Indian media that year.
India should do something about this really fast other wise it would get worse and after reading this Indians should now more focus on their internal problems instead of telling us what to do about women and other rights
Rules are already stricter ..

The problem is you just can't prove if the doctor is involved in it because everything is done skillfully under the table
Sex is determined by Sonography .. The new machines make the job even much easier

The drugs used to abort are used legally in medical practise for threathened abortions ..
So you can't prove if the doctor has used it for killing the baby girl
I don't think such drugs is used for threatened abortion , by the way if you made the law stricter it won't solve anything they do it underground and the women get less necessary care after the procedure . the only solution is a cultural revolution

In agricultural societies, the male is the one that can do housework, and due to most agricultural societies being patriarchial, the male passes down the family line as well. China had the same problem before... hell, we have the same problem now just less severe, but for slightly different reasons.

the problem must be passing down the line and keeping family money in the family as I knew in these sort of societies women work on farms as hard as men maybe even harder
those doctors and those families which terminate female fetus should be hanged till death :flame::angry::flame::flame:
Rules should be made stricter, and such doctors should be hanged, they are a stigma on medical profession.

But on other side, what to about the parents, they should also be punished while others should be educated.

actually the rules are quiet strict. we do not need need new laws , we just need a stronger implementation of the existing laws.

this doc is a really sicko . :sick:
I don't live there any more so I can't tell but quite possible reasons will be their connections high up and probably nobody raised it is as issue anywhere..

But that's changing as blood of "Maulana Azad" Aamir Khan is out with his drive against such idiots and so are others. But to change the whole picture it will take time but I am sure these criminals will get their well deserving death soon enough.. I wish they do along with the parents involved in the act!!!

Satyamev Jayte(Aamir Khan's show about burning issues) has a one full show about it.About 10 years ago a sting operation was done by 2 reporters where docs(females) caught doing female foeticide.Later on cases were filed against the reporters and the poor reporters were recieving summons/arrest warrents from various Indian states.After the show Aamir wrote to authorities to put the case on fast track.

There should be public humiliation of such Doctors to start with.. Criminal proceedings can wait!! But I am glad their names are coming in the local/mainstream newspapers.. I see it as a first step towards a change or at least I hope so..

These docs should have their license cancelled and name published daily in a special colomn in various newspapers called "Female Killers of the Day" with a pic as well with the name of the hospital/clinic they practice.They should be expelled from the job and clicnic shutdown.

Happens everywhere .. Nothing astonishing for me .

As I am studying MBBS . I had heard this long time ago
Abortions are so easy nowadays that you don't need doctors .. All U have to do is give some drugs (some chemists even sell it without prescriptions )

The majority of female foeticides occur in Haryana and Gujarat .. The so called most developed state .. My foot

Gujrat can be understood but Harayana as a developed state??

Anyway...facts shows that education/development is not really a criteria here since lot of educated people are doing this.This includes girls family and doc.This is contrary to the belief that female foeticide happens in lower classes.

A bit surprising to hear. Why do Indian parents only want males?

Many reasons.Major reason is another evil called "Dowry".Parents fear that after spending much on girls education/upbringings they have to spend lot of money on girls marriage and then the girl would take care of the new home of her husband and also give her salary(if she works).So they prefer male child as he would take care of parents and bring earnings at home.This practice is still prevalent but slowly going.

Another major reason is that parents think that the family tree runs on the basis of male child so they must have at least one.In this process they abort females.
poverty has led indians to abort girls
Indian Society Is Full Of Such Sickning Acts. Hell with such Devils. This 'News' has Sickened me. :angry:

This news is disgusting enough...
But blaming the whole indian society for it is nothing, but flame baiting...
Its like the whole pak society is a terrorist society, just cos, many terrorist are from pakistan..
This social evel like abortion, must be given , rigorous imprisonment..

A bit surprising to hear. Why do Indian parents only want males?
Wsh to maintain a family line is the most reason... Male child carry the family name and line...
Moreover, the property can be transferred to male lines instead of giving to females, who take those property to another family after marriage..
Its a sick practise... We must remove them...
What a shame for shinning India in 21st century, if see bigger picture the fault exists in Indian society majority are hindus they don't want baby girls and death penalty is must for such doctors. :angry:
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