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Do you think religion is a personal matter ?

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Yeah......cells are living and dying as well. Every moment there are huge amount of dead skin cells falling off your body.

So there is something superior in your body that's asking them to die because they are not needed.. they can't decide themselves right?
I can only speak about Islam which isn't only personal. Its ambit stretches from a personal level to statecraft, foreign relations, trade, jurisprudence, warfare and welfare, statehood. It deals with political identity, formation of polity, laws, ethics, accountability and other pillars of the state. Islam is a religion which also applies to the real world, it has a complete and fair system of banking, tax, Govt, law, military and more importantly a political system.

What is the Islamic political system anyway ? Allah has neither prescribed nor proscribed any specific "political system" for Muslims in the Holy Qur'an ... The Holy Qur'an is a book of guidance, and even a secular political system doesn't contradict the teachings of the Holy Qur'an ... In words of Iqbal, Islam as a religio-political system, no doubt, does permit such a view" (i.e separation of state and church) ... There is nothing in the Holy Qur'an to suggest that religion is NOT a personal matter but the business of the state ... Quite the contrary, the Holy Qur'an explicitly declares that everyone is free to follow his religion and no one is allowed to "impose" religion on anyone else ... So, yes, religion is one's personal matter and not the business of anyone else, including the State

"Religion should not be allowed to come into politics….Religion is merely a matter between man and God." and

"You may belong to any religion or caste or creed. That has nothing to do with the business of the state."

- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
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It is a well know fact that hear and nails keep growing even after death.
The short answer is no, though it may not seem that way to the casual observer. That's because after death, the human body dehydrates, causing the skin to shrink. This shrinking exposes the parts of the nails and hair that were once under the skin, causing them to appear longer than before.

So there is something superior in your body that's asking them to die because they are not needed.. they can't decide themselves right?
Your brain.

For that you have read the Holy Quran yourself....no spoon feeding sorry.
Ah....you can't go any further...

This ends the discussion.
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Ah....you can't go any further...

This ends the discussion.
Well, I have a day job and many things to do other than tending a mindless troll on PDF who can't read a book and wants to spoon fed..grow up and don't be such a parasite on the society and burden on mankind...your Achilles heal.

That's where I was bringing you to..

So you can't define energy... that's what we call soul.. and not all energy has consciousness, a soul has consciousness..

Now who gave a soul this consciousness?
Pardon my intrusion, but where exactly is the soul located in the human body.

Energy is simply defined as the capacity of doing work. We live till we eat and breathe, our existence can be compared to a burning candle which draws oxygen to burn its food, the hydrocarbons.
If Islam needs to extend beyond the personal and requires the public space then it places all the Muslims living in non Muslim countries like the west in a bind. Does it not?

Please tell this to the Swedish society and the govt. Can you tell me the last time you saw people walking around naked in the streets?


Do you know about Digambari Jains, distinct from Swetambaris?

Full nudity is allowed in Spain. And there are places in Europe where sex in public is also allowed. I haven't heard of any problem because of these.

You don't need to go that far away.

Personally, while I find the sight of an aged (or a young) individual walking around stark naked, with his retinue, usually clothed, somewhat unsettling, I understand and tolerate their deeply engrained religious beliefs, where clothing is a binding to the social world that they want to give up. Not for me, but they have their reasons.
Its as personal as changing your clothes. Some do it in front of you like vulgar cretins and others do it in private. Its not a state obligation and defenitely not the responsibility of a self appointed life boss maulana or bishop or whatever.
I can't remember but if I did apology tendered. Now clear my question about the three points you raised please.

No problem bro.. you are my elder brother..

I will speak as per my understanding here.. but generally, the concept is well understood among Muslims, and even other religions..

So there are religious duties which are between Allah and His creation.. such as Salah and Saum, and Hajj etc.. There are people who flog those who don't pray.. they are wrong.. TTP extremists were the best example of those extremists..

There are religious duties which are not only between Allah and His creation.. for example, how you will behave with your parents, with your wife, with you husband, with your neighbors, with animals etc.. So if someone stops paying Zakat, it is Islamic states responsibility to force him to pay.. If someone starts abusing his animals, it is society's responsibility to condemn him..

Now the third one.. where Allah has ordered to do something.. for example, how to dress modestly, punishing adultery (remember that there is a requirement of four witnesses for a reason), etc.. that's what one's personal as well as Islamic society's matter... why? Because if someone comes out wearing objectionable cloths in front of my family, I have a right to ask the state to force him to dress appropriately.. But, I am no one if he does that inside his home.. Similarly, if someone is doing adultery, and he is not seen by many (four witnesses seeing clearly what was happening), it is his personal matter, but when four witnesses see him, it becomes Islamic society's problem.. because he wasn't careful in keeping it personal..

So Islam has forbidden us to look what's happening inside someone else's house in the first place.. but if someone is doing it openly, so much that four people can clearly see the act, it means that he has started advertising this act.. tomorrow he can do it on a busy highway.. and then people may start taking lessons from him.. This is where it becomes the problem of an Islamic society..
Your brain.
What keeps your brain alive?

If Islam needs to extend beyond the personal and requires the public space then it places all the Muslims living in non Muslim countries like the west in a bind. Does it not?


Bro.. that's where concept of Hijrat comes in.. A Muslim who can live among non-Muslims it is fine (although he is suggested to move somewhere else), but there is no justification to impose one's thought on non-Muslims.. not in Pakistan, not anywhere..

So a Non Muslim living in a Muslim society can do whatever he wants as long as he is not breaking the Islamic laws, such as indulging in immodesty in public.. But he is free to do whatever he wants inside his home..

Pardon my intrusion, but where exactly is the soul located in the human body.

Energy is simply defined as the capacity of doing work. We live till we eat and breathe, our existence can be compared to a burning candle which draws oxygen to burn its food, the hydrocarbons.

Soul is not just energy.. it is a conscious energy.. You can't form an organism and then give it consciousness. You can provide it energy though.. but it will be of no use..

This consciousness can't be defined by atheists.. that's where they become silent after certain questions..
There are religious duties which are not only between Allah and His creation.. for example, how you will behave with your parents, with your wife, with you husband, with your neighbors, with animals etc.. So if someone stops paying Zakat, it is Islamic states responsibility to force him to pay.. If someone starts abusing his animals, it is society's responsibility to condemn him..

Domestic violence, animal cruelty, tax evasion etc. are criminal offenses everywhere ... There are secular morals/ethics also, without religion or faith .... Not specific to Islam/Allah ... What's your point ?
Domestic violence, animal cruelty, tax evasion etc. are criminal offenses everywhere ... There are secular morals/ethics also, without religion or faith .... Not specific to Islam/Allah ... What's your point ?

No point..
What keeps your brain alive?

Bro.. that's where concept of Hijrat comes in.. A Muslim who can live among non-Muslims it is fine (although he is suggested to move somewhere else), but there is no justification to impose one's thought on non-Muslims.. not in Pakistan, not anywhere..

So a Non Muslim living in a Muslim society can do whatever he wants as long as he is not breaking the Islamic laws, such as indulging in immodesty in public.. But he is free to do whatever he wants inside his home..

Soul is not just energy.. it is a conscious energy.. You can't form an organism and then give it consciousness. You can provide it energy though.. but it will be of no use..

This consciousness can't be defined by atheists.. that's where they become silent after certain questions..
No, I mean where is the anatomical location of soul in the human body? And that energy that you talk of is it quantifiable by any means? Also, are you citing human consciousness as a proof for the presence of a soul?

Not an atheist bro, just a regular guy with lots of questions.
No, I mean where is the anatomical location of soul in the human body? And that energy that you talk of is it quantifiable by any means? Also, are you citing human consciousness as a proof for the presence of a soul?

Not an atheist bro, just a regular guy with lots of questions.

No answer.. We will know after death.. :lol:

our knowledge about soul is very limited..
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