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Do you know what kind of weapons used in lebanon?


Jul 8, 2006
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It is very important ... I belive that some of you might through some light on this disturbing news.

Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage?
July 21st, 2006


The attached pictures are hideously gruesome, but you have to look at them . Help me find out what kind of weapons cause this kind of dismemberment and mutation.
What kind of weapons cause this kind of damage? Do you know? Could you find out?

None of this is confirmed, or could be here and now. However, there are growing doubts that Israel might be using internationally forbidden weapons in its current aggression against Lebanon. News from "Southern Medical Center", a hospital in Saida( in South Lebanon) are not good. Dr. Bashir Sham, member of "French Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons", explains that the way the corps look when they reach the hospital, especially those of the air strikes in Doueir and Rmayleih, is very abnormal." One might think they were burnt , but their colour is dark , they're inflated, and they have a terrible smell" All this , and the hair is not burnt nor do the bodies bleed.

Eight of the victims of an air strike on Rmayleih bridge, near Saida, on the 15th of July, were transferred to Sham's hospital.

Sham says that only chemical poisonous substances "lead to instant death without bleeding". And what indicates the power of these substances, is the high and unusual of number of dead victimes, compared to the number of injuries.

Sham thinks that whatever "abnormal " substance causing these features might penetrate through the skin, or another explanation would be that the missiles contained toxic gas that stopped the proper functioning of the nervous system, and led to blood clotting.

These toxic materials cause immediate death, within two to thirty minutes, according to Sham, who admits that these doubts can't be proven, not even by an autopsy.

The director of the same medical center, Ali Mansour, says that due to the strong smell of the corps, he couldn't breath properly for at least 12 hours after the corps were handled.

He explains that the center received eight bodies from Rmeileh last Monday, and none of them was bleeding.

Mansour tells us the hospital wrote to both the commissioner of the European Union for Foreign Affaires Javier Solana, and the United Nations Secretary general Kofi Anan. He said that dr Sham will communicate his doubts to the Doctors Order in Lebanon.


2 C-5 Galaxy has already arrived in Israel, carrying smart bomb provided by US along with military equipment. Those smart bombs have the capability to penetrate anything, 60 m down earth's surface.
melb4aust said:

2 C-5 Galaxy has already arrived in Israel, carrying smart bomb provided by US along with military equipment. Those smart bombs have the capability to penetrate anything, 60 m down earth's surface.

These are basically derivatives of dezy-cutter bombs.
I mean to ask whether Israel criminals using the chemical bombs and thier likes?... the body that are shown in the link carry this impression. Please throw some light over it.
KashifAsrar said:
Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage?

I have absolutely no idea what the doctor is smoking but those bodies are burned. I've seen enough of those to recognize them.
KashifAsrar said:
I mean to ask whether Israel criminals using the chemical bombs and thier likes?... the body that are shown in the link carry this impression. Please throw some light over it.

Israel using cluster munitions in Lebanon: Human Rights Watch NEW YORK: Human Rights Watch said Monday that Israel has used artillery-fired cluster munitions in Lebanon, killing a civilian, and called on the Jewish state to immediately cease the practice.

The New York-based rights group said researchers on the ground in Lebanon confirmed that Israel staged a cluster munitions attack on the village of Blida on July 19, leaving one person dead and
injuring 12 civilians, including seven children.

The report said researchers had also photographed cluster munitions in the arsenal of Israeli artillery teams stationed at the Lebanese border.

"Cluster munitions are unacceptably inaccurate and unreliable weapons when used around civilians," Kenneth Roth, executive directory of Human Rights Watch, said in a statement. "They should never be used in populated areas."

Researchers interviewed witnesses of the Blida attack who said Israelis had fired shells which dropped hundreds of cluster munitions on the village.

Cluster munitions are particularly dangerous because they have a high level of duds that can explode much later after the attack.

Human Rights Watch said the US use of cluster munitions was the leading cause of civilian deaths during the invasion of Iraq in March-April 2003, killing or injuring more than 1,000 Iraqi

Belgium became the first country to ban use of cluster munitions in February 2006, followed by a moratorium declared by Norway four months later, Human Rights Watch said, noting there was a growing international movement against their use.

Last week, Human Rights Watch said Hezbollah's attacks on Israel with imprecise rockets in civilian areas violated international humanitarian law and most likely constituted "war crimes."
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