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Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

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No they have not----the Israelis are an extremely rascist society---it openly discriminates against darker jews----the original jews---the most rascist are the russian jews---the german jews would be some of the nicest that you would come across.

I've no experience in this or have any basis to make a judgement. But from my experience with Jews , be they Ashkenazim, Mizrahim or Sephardim, they are good. One of my very good friends is a Russian Jew, and he is probably one of the most accepting people i've met. Perhaps you've met some Ashkenazim that are racist, or prejudiced. But who isn't free of prejudice ? Are we not , as humans, have proclivity to racism and prejudice feelings? I mean, i myself have prejudice and I admit it.

The problem with Palestine is that it does not have anyone with the caliber of Jinnah or Gandhi---they don't have a politician to represent them.

Ben Gurion was a good leader. I'm sure there are many more.

You---sir did not understand my post----in the past good old American whites would hate the jews---I am not talking about simple anti Semitism---it was more than that-

Can we consider that these anti-semitic views was congruent with other racist policies in the United States such as the Jim Crow Laws that denied rights to African Americans? The same as the Anti-Miscegenation laws applied to Chinese, Japanese and other "Orientals" in the United States -- to forbid them from marrying with White men or White women.

Can we not contend that the recent advances in Civil Liberties in the United States ensures that not one group is persecuted , under the Supreme Law of the Land, the United States Constitution ?
Many first generation Palestine leaders are Christians,such as George Habash,Naif Hawatmeh,and even Arafat's wife came from the Christian family of Palestine
People should know,the early Palestine movement is secular,not an Islamist movement

Very interesting. I didn't know this, I'll have to read more into this.
Many first generation Palestine leaders are Christians,such as George Habash,Naif Hawatmeh,and even Arafat's wife came from the Christian family of Palestine
People should know,the early Palestine movement is secular,not an Islamist movement

Very interesting. I didn't know this, I'll have to read more into this.

Suha Arafat got nothing to do with PA struggle but more a gold digger that PA hates.

Palestinian is secular just like Saddam's Baath party. Unfortunately, they are not able to get rid of the Muslims sectarianism successfully. Saddam's despite trying his best to be none sectarian is still far from inclusive. The discrimination of Palestinian Christian is quite real, despite PLO is officially quite secular.

I would say PKK is way more progressive.
Suha Arafat got nothing to do with PA struggle but more a gold digger that PA hates.

Palestinian is secular just like Saddam's Baath party. Unfortunately, they are not able to get rid of the Muslims sectarianism successfully. Saddam's despite trying his best to be none sectarian is still far from inclusive. The discrimination of Palestinian Christian is quite real, despite PLO is officially quite secular.

I would say PKK is way more progressive.
The Israeli treatment of Palestinian Christians is better?Surely no,the discrimination of them most came from Israel,most Christians come from west bank,and west bank is far more liberal than Gaza(the Hamas stronghold)
The Israeli treatment of Palestinian Christians is better?Surely no,the discrimination of them most came from Israel,most Christians come from west bank,and west bank is far more liberal than Gaza(the Hamas stronghold)

Israeli and Arabs, both semitic are sucks in treatment of minorities. The important thing is does minorities prefer to live in Israel as second class citizen or prefer to stay in shitt hole PA?

Israeli Arabs: We Do Not Want to Live in Palestinian State

Also, the Jews are just as tribal as Arabs, but living side by side with Christians for 2000 years, have pick up something good about recent development of scientific development, human rights and minorities treatment in Christian land.

One thing to take note. What if there is no existence of Israel? Given the conduct of Sunni Arabs, can we trust that we wont do a ISIS or a Egypt Sunni-against-coptic style on their Christian,

In middle east only Lebanon is truely secular. Is it because there are too much Shia and too much Christian? How about if Sunni become majority, go see every Sunni state and figure out.
Israeli and Arabs, both semitic are sucks in treatment of minorities. The important thing is does minorities prefer to live in Israel as second class citizen or prefer to stay in shitt hole PA?

Israeli Arabs: We Do Not Want to Live in Palestinian State

Also, the Jews are just as tribal as Arabs, but living side by side with Christians for 2000 years, have pick up something good about recent development of scientific development, human rights and minorities treatment in Christian land.

One thing to take note. What if there is no existence of Israel? Given the conduct of Sunni Arabs, can we trust that we wont do a ISIS or a Egypt Sunni-against-coptic style on their Christian,

In middle east only Lebanon is truely secular. Is it because there are too much Shia and too much Christian? How about if Sunni become majority, go see every Sunni state and figure out.
What about Tunisia?You know I'm a big fan of Bourguiba
Anyway,this has nothing to do with the topic"Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?"
My answer is yes,Israel has right to exist in pre-1967 border
What about Tunisia?You know I'm a big fan of Bourguiba
Anyway,this has nothing to do with the topic"Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?"
My answer is yes,Israel has right to exist in pre-1967 border

I have already state earlier that I think Israel is wrong. I fully support 2 state solution and Israel go back pre-1967 border.
What about Tunisia?You know I'm a big fan of Bourguiba
Anyway,this has nothing to do with the topic"Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?"
My answer is yes,Israel has right to exist in pre-1967 border
I have already state earlier that I think Israel is wrong. I fully support 2 state solution and Israel go back pre-1967 border.

Agreed. I also believe that a 2 state solution is the natural answer. Israel and Palestine must both be recognized and allowed to prosper. God Willing.
I've no experience in this or have any basis to make a judgement. But from my experience with Jews , be they Ashkenazim, Mizrahim or Sephardim, they are good. One of my very good friends is a Russian Jew, and he is probably one of the most accepting people i've met. Perhaps you've met some Ashkenazim that are racist, or prejudiced. But who isn't free of prejudice ? Are we not , as humans, have proclivity to racism and prejudice feelings? I mean, i myself have prejudice and I admit it.

Ben Gurion was a good leader. I'm sure there are many more.

Can we not contend that the recent advances in Civil Liberties in the United States ensures that not one group is persecuted , under the Supreme Law of the Land, the United States Constitution ?


Ben Gurion was a jewish leader-----.

Actually the good old americans liked the arabs much more than they liked the jews---. The arabs did not do anything to better their image in the u s---otoh they tried to treat the americans like they treated the Europeans----that was a blunder.

With time as the jewsih control of the u s news media and movie industry got stronger---the propaganda against the arabs increased and news about Israel became more favorable----a massive brain washing effort successfully concluded.

Agreed. I also believe that a 2 state solution is the natural answer. Israel and Palestine must both be recognized and allowed to prosper. God Willing.


You are not listening----you don't understand----Israel cannot exist if there is peace----. It is Israel that instigates war----there are tremendous ethnic differences amongst the Israeli jews----the only thing holding them together is war----in peace----these groups will go their separate ways---the bonds will break---there will be massive infightings.

You have misgivings if you think that everything will be hunky dory for the Israelis after peace----. That is not the case.

You are not listening----you don't understand----Israel cannot exist if there is peace----. It is Israel that instigates war----there are tremendous ethnic differences amongst the Israeli jews----the only thing holding them together is war----in peace----these groups will go their separate ways---the bonds will break---there will be massive infightings.

You have misgivings if you think that everything will be hunky dory for the Israelis after peace----. That is not the case.

My friend, let us agree to disagree on this one.
Don't bring religion into this thread,the Israel has or doesn't has the right to exist has nothing to do with religion,but has everything to do with international law and humanity
bible is in fact a historical narrative of israel & thus her very existence. God has been guiding the world affair particularly israel
You---sir did not understand my post----in the past good old American whites would hate the jews---I am not talking about simple anti Semitism---it was more than that----but then with the invent of born again Christian movement---the support of Israel got picked up by a thousand time.

1) All immigrant groups in the US have been hated until they have proven their economic worth, whether it's Italians, Irish, Jews, Asian, or Hispanics. Most groups eventually overcome the original prejudices as they assimilate and their economic power grows. Some groups do not assimilate, or do not improve their economic positions, and thus remain at the lower rungs of society. It is the natural tendency of humanity to condescend to or even despise those who are lower on the socioeconomic ladder, no matter the race or national origin (e.g. "white trash").

2) All the way back to the Founding Fathers, there has been an undercurrent of philo-Judaism. Evangelical Christianity is a distinctly American form of Christianity, so it's no surprise that Evangelicals have also been philo-Judaic. At the same time, Jews have made continuous and determined efforts to assimilate and integrate into society, to the extent that many of them converted to Protestantism in order to fit in better.

3) Judaism is not an evangelical or proselytizing religion, so other religious groups do not feel threatened or encroached upon by Judaism.

A better question is not why Americans tend to support Jews, but rather why the rest of the world has been anti-Jew for millennia. We all know the answer to that, so please treat it as a rhetorical question.
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1) All immigrant groups in the US have been hated until they have proven their economic worth, whether it's Italians, Irish, Jews, Asian, or Hispanics. Most groups eventually overcome the original prejudices as they assimilate and their economic power grows. Some groups do not assimilate, or do not improve their economic positions, and thus remain at the lower rungs of society. It is the natural tendency of humanity to condescend to or even despise those who are lower on the socioeconomic ladder, no matter the race or national origin (e.g. "white trash").

2) All the way back to the Founding Fathers, there has been an undercurrent of philo-Judaism. Evangelical Christianity is a distinctly American form of Christianity, so it's no surprise that Evangelicals have also been philo-Judaic. At the same time, Jews have made continuous and determined efforts to assimilate and integrate into society, to the extent that many of them converted to Protestantism in order to fit in better.

3) Judaism is not an evangelical or proselytizing religion, so other religious groups do not feel threatened or encroached upon by Judaism.

A better question is not why Americans tend to support Jews, but rather why the rest of the world has been anti-Jew for millennia. We all know the answer to that, so please treat it as a rhetorical question.

Out of topic. I think Jewish manipulation of financial market may one day incur wrath of the American, and perhaps the whole world. Similarly Goldman Sachs blowing up one country after another.

Russian Jews are Oligarchs.

Greenspan and gangs may be the front man of an even bigger Jewish financial power.

Right now, USA Jews are losing competitive versus Asians. As a result, there is a bias in favor of Jews in elite schools.

The Myth of American Meritocracy | The American Conservative

There are still good Jews around. For example, Ron Unz who expose Jewish educational caste system is Jews. Joseph Stiglitz who speak for the poor is Jews.

But the bad Jews conduct are getting increasingly visible.




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