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Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

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I agree with you. One thing that I do admire about Israel is that the State of Israel is composed of a mixture of varying ethnicities. The Jewish concept of "The Law of Return" (Hok Ha Shvut) allows people of the Jewish faith to return to Israel. These include European Jews -- Ashkenazim, the Iberian Jews or also known as Sephardim , the North African or Middle Eastern Jews known as the Mizrahim.

Israel, truly, is an example of how the notion of a Nation State has trumped any ethnic, or tribal origin. Israeli citizens may be of Russian, Hungarian, German , Moroccan, Saudi, Iranian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Jordanian, Chinese (Kaifeng Jews), Indian (Goan Jews), Ethiopian, Somali origin. It is actually very impressive how the loyalty of Israelis , who come from a very diverse ethnic background, is proven time and time again.

In fact, I would even say that Israel is a perfect example of how a nation that is composed of multiple ethnicities, races can work together -- nationally.

Without all the billions of $ that have (and still) poured in from the West to make it look as a promised land for a better living, all these chaps you have mentionned would have stayed in their lands of origin. It is the money and better life prospects as magnets that got them there, more than any national or religious cause, and it is what 's holding them together.
Israel has right to exist. And I can even show u this right:


Not a good example:



- Nobel Prizes: Medicine, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, Literature
- Medical Research: biological pacemaker; DNA nana-computer detects cancer cells – then releases combating drugs; stem-cell technology to regenerate heart tissue; pill-camera, tiny, examines small intestine; first full computerized diagnostic instrument for breast cancer detection; development of heart pump synchronization device
- Pharmaceutical Research: treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease
- Microsoft and Cisco companies – only R&D facilities outside the US are in Israel
- Microsoft-Windows operating system - designed in Israel
- Pentium Microprocessor -designed and produced in Israel
- Voice mail – developed in Israel
- Aircraft Security System – developed in Israel
- University degrees, highest % of workers, per capita
- Museums, zoos, orchestras, home computers – highest %, per capita
- Only country in the world – more trees at start of 21st Century than at the 20th

This is only a partial list and was achieved in its short 61 years of life, while defending itself in four major wars resisting combined Arab armies plus unrelenting attacks by terrorists upon Israeli civilians throughout its existence. Amazing!
Still, American -European money and tech...
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Can anyone trust the Zionists after the Gulags of the USSR, with many millions of Slavic people killed under Jewish dominated communism, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Along with Germans Hungarians Romanians Baltic people, Tatars, Chechens, Kazaks Azuris etc, The Jews Will Still deny That Communism Was Genocide, They Led It, With Many Jews Like Ilya Ehrenberg etc fleeing to Israel after?

It is an open question!
Not a good example:



Very good example, since the introduction of Merkava in 1979 no army dared to attack Israel. Our enemies can now only send terrorists who fire rockets hiding behinds women and children.

Also first two pics are just road accidents and third pic is old 1982 model.

Still, American -European money and tech...
Stop being jealous and quoting neonazi sites.
Very good example, since the introduction of Merkava in 1979 no army dared to attack Israel. Our enemies can now only send terrorists who fire rockets hiding behinds women and children.

Also first two pics are just road accidents and third pic is old 1982 model.

Stop being jealous and quoting neonazi sites.
Those pics were taken when you dared to attack lebanon...

I have no jealousy in me, I live in the real world and know that all the tech you have got come mostly from the US, and that your R&D are directly linked and funded by US funds, and that in order to hide it , they have opened "outlets" in Usrael.

You are Nazi when it fits you and anti-Nazi when it fits you too, communists when it fits your agenda and capitalists at the same time. The Truth has to come out and I have no particular sympathy for Neo-Nazis or others. The documented facts in that video show a part of the Zionist agenda, and the genocides that were committed since the 1920s by the same people who have settled in Usrael, and sow that what is going on in Gaza today is nothing new or exceptional for them.
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Those pics were taken when you dared to attack lebanon...
First of all its Hezbollah who attacked us.

Secondly as I said first two pics have nothing to do with Lebanon.

Since the introduction of Merkava in 1979 no army dared to attack Israel. Our enemies can now only send terrorists who fire rockets hiding behinds women and children.

I have no jealousy in me
Of course u are jealous because Jews achieved so much and u achieved nothing. All you can do is wanking on neinazi sites.
First of all its Hezbollah who attacked us.

Secondly as I said first two pics have nothing to do with Lebanon.
Since the introduction of Merkava in 1979 no army dared to attack Israel. Our enemies can now only send terrorists who fire rockets hiding behinds women and children.

Of course u are jealous because Jews achieved so much and u achieved nothing. All you can do is wanking on neinazi sites.
Just 100 or so Merkava destroyed in Lebanon... The rest of your post is irrelevant to anyone who knows the truth.
Just 100 or so Merkava destroyed in Lebanon... The rest of your post is irrelevant to anyone who knows the truth.

Europeans will invent new technology, Jews slightly modify it and claim they created the modern world civilization. LOL.
Just 100 or so Merkava destroyed in Lebanon... The rest of your post is irrelevant to anyone who knows the truth.
100500 quadrillion Merkavas were destroyed. Its funny how Hazzy boy is liking everything anti Israeli, no matter how ridiculous and stupid it is. Poor desperate couple.

There were 4 destroyed tanks (including 2 by IEDs) and 2 heavy damaged. I can tell u about each case. For each destroyed Merkava Hezies payed 100 of their dead.
Europeans will invent new technology, Jews slightly modify it and claim they created the modern world civilization. LOL.
Actually it is given to them to generate some money (not much success in that, since everyone wants to buy the original stuff), and to conduct espionage on who wants western tech through gray markets.
In their twisted minds like this "500", the Zionists have innovated so much that they have surpassed the Muslim innovations and inventions of a 1000 years on which all modern tech is based. not to talk about European and American innovations. According to these guys they are all Usraeli innovations!

100500 quadrillion Merkavas were destroyed. Its funny how Hazzy boy is liking everything anti Israeli, no matter how ridiculous and stupid it is. Poor desperate couple.

There were 4 destroyed tanks (including 2 by IEDs) and 2 heavy damaged. I can tell u about each case. For each destroyed Merkava Hezies payed 100 of their dead.

This report says that Israel lost 120 tanks


This one ranges from 170 to 120


This one says 50 to 100 but of course this one is from the United States


But according to Hezbollah here in Lebanon they counted 133 tanks
100500 quadrillion Merkavas were destroyed. Its funny how Hazzy boy is liking everything anti Israeli, no matter how ridiculous and stupid it is. Poor desperate couple.

There were 4 destroyed tanks (including 2 by IEDs) and 2 heavy damaged. I can tell u about each case. For each destroyed Merkava Hezies payed 100 of their dead.

They don't need to be destroyed. How did we get into a discussion about military armor? o_O

Get a life dude. Go take your ADD prescription pills maybe that will help.
This report says that Israel lost 120 tanks


This one ranges from 170 to 120


This one says 50 to 100 but of course this one is from the United States


But according to Hezbollah here in Lebanon they counted 133 tanks
1 and 3 link are some crazy conspiracy sites which are not even opening and second is some forum. Boy u are seriously retarded.

You also dot realize that 10 destroyed tanks means 400 killed tankers and that means 1500 killed Israeli soldiers total. Get life kiddo.
Delete Israel :D racism does not belong in the 21st century
1 and 3 link are some crazy conspiracy sites which are not even opening and second is some forum. Boy u are seriously retarded.

You also dot realize that 10 destroyed tanks means 400 killed tankers and that means 1500 killed Israeli soldiers total. Get life kiddo.
The Israelis dubbed the Wadi al-Hujeir battle as a war within a war. It completely changed the course of the campaign.

Unit 162 of the invading army faced “nothing but hellfire,” as one participating soldier told Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. He could not believe that he would come out of it alive. “You gaze at death and shake its hand,” he said.
This is where one Hizbollah fighter "Ali Saleh" destroyed 15 Merkava tanks.

You Kiddo is an ignorant guy who lives on lies. Do you seriously think that if 2000 or 3000 Usraeli troops are killed or severely wounded that you army will say it . on every account and mostly by your enemies in Lebanon Usrael lost more than 130 Merkava, not counting personnel carriers and special forces decimated.
Two state solution, a state for Palestine, with Jerusalem a joint capital. Palestinians should be given all rights, including freedom of movement and to live with dignity. Israel shouldn't face any attacks.

Basically live with each other.
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