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Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

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Israel doesn’t even exits there is only Palestine. Israel is a piece of land which has been colonized by European Jews. I have nothing against Jews I am anti Zionists. I don’t believe the state of Israel deserves to exist but unfortunately it does. We are told that Adolf Hitler was one of the world’s most wicked and evil tyrant. Why is Adolf Hitler a wicked person? Well some might say because he killed 6 million people. Yes Hitler killed 6 million Jews but that’s not why Hitler is most evil man. Hitler is not the most evil man because he killed 6 million Jews Hitler is one of the world’s most evil man because he killed 6 million white people. If Hitler killed black people he would be alwright he would the member of all boys club he would be invited in Buckingham palace to the queen mother’s birthday but oh no Adolf Hitler killed white people & colonized white countries. He conquered France & the world condemned him but if it was wrong for Hitler to colonize France than it was wrong for the French to colonize Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal & Cameron. Israel would not have existed if Hitler had not existed. Israel would not have existed if Hitler had not been murdering Jews. Now let me go even further it was not just because Hitler was killing Jews the French killed Jews the Hungarians killed Jews the Russians killed Jews the Ukrainian killed Jews the Italians murdered Jews the British knew about the murders of the Jewish people. The Americans financed the Nazis regime to get Adolf Hitler to power when they were terrified that communism was spreading throughout Europe and Hitler was a staunch anti communism so they backed Adolf Hitler so it’s because of Europe’s collective guilt they created the state of Israel as reparations for the Jewish people who were murdered by the Europeans and before they offered them Palestine where did they offer them the land. It was Uganda. Before Israel was established the British government offered the Zionist movement the right to establish a state in Uganda in Africa. I want to know what right the British government had to offer the Zionist movement a land in Africa. What right does the British government have to offer the land of Palestine to the Jewish people. They had no right it was illegal if the British wanted to give Jews a land they should have given them Germany. Now we today are the victims of history decisions which the past western governments agreed upon and today the government rectify. The people of Palestine have the right to self determination the people of Palestine have the right to an independent state called Palestine. Look at what we have we have a state of a partite happening in Israel it’s a partite nothing more nor less look at it in South Africa what did the white minority regime do to the blacks they pushed them out of Johannesburg and created townships. What has the Israeli government done the Israeli government has chased out the Palestinian people & established camps on the west bank, Gaza, Jinneen, Jericho. This is a partite, in South Africa blacks had to carry permits blacks only occupied blue color menial work, in Israel the Palestinian Arabs have to carry permits they only occupy the Rankin file of the blue color menial workers of Israel. This partite is supported economically, spiritually, politically & militarily by America.
Israel is a reality and you cant deny it. It doesn't need anyone's opinion to prove of its existence.
I agree with you. One thing that I do admire about Israel is that the State of Israel is composed of a mixture of varying ethnicities. The Jewish concept of "The Law of Return" (Hok Ha Shvut) allows people of the Jewish faith to return to Israel. These include European Jews -- Ashkenazim, the Iberian Jews or also known as Sephardim , the North African or Middle Eastern Jews known as the Mizrahim.

Israel, truly, is an example of how the notion of a Nation State has trumped any ethnic, or tribal origin. Israeli citizens may be of Russian, Hungarian, German , Moroccan, Saudi, Iranian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Jordanian, Chinese (Kaifeng Jews), Indian (Goan Jews), Ethiopian, Somali origin. It is actually very impressive how the loyalty of Israelis , who come from a very diverse ethnic background, is proven time and time again.

In fact, I would even say that Israel is a perfect example of how a nation that is composed of multiple ethnicities, races can work together -- nationally.
I think this is because Israel is the only Jewish state so they largely HAVE to get over their differences in order to survive. A divided house cannot stand. But don't be fooled, there is still some subtle animosity between certain types of Israelis, such as Orthodox and secular, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern (Mizrahim), and European (Ashkenazim), and other groups.
I think this is because Israel is the only Jewish state so they largely HAVE to get over their differences in order to survive. A divided house cannot stand. But don't be fooled, there is still some subtle animosity between certain types of Israelis, such as Orthodox and secular, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern (Mizrahim), and European (Ashkenazim), and other groups.

I agree, there are subtle differences.

Addendum: I notice that quite a few of Middle Eastern (Persian or Arab) posters have voiced that Israelis have no right to The Land because they are "European". This is utter nonsense. In Israel alone, there are over 2.8 Million Mizrahi Jews. Over half of Israel's population are Middle Eastern in origin (Arab, Persian). The rest are Sephardim (Iberian) , which accounts for around 1.4 million Israelis. Ashkenazim account for less than half of the population of Israel. In fact, to be objective, Israelis are more "Middle Eastern" than they are "European".

Let's illustrate this shall we?





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Israel has a right not only to exist but also to kick a$$ of all the Muslim countries who thy to dominate them..long live Israel....:bunny:




Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich and the late Pope John Paul II,

Israel has a right not only to exist but also to kick a$$ of all the Muslim countries who thy to dominate them..long live Israel....:bunny:

Of course it has every right to exist. And She will continue to exist.
Israel has a right not only to exist but also to kick a$$ of all the Muslim countries who thy to dominate them..long live Israel....:bunny:
You are a serious shithole. Israel is of very little importance to me.
Then do ISIS has the right to exist? If not then why?
u are doing stupid comparison...
do pakistan hv right to exist.. do i uv right to live.. etc etc..

everything has right to do everything... ur or my justification will not change it...
if we feel threaten towards other we coerce other either to change or eliminate it... and vice versa....
when civilization/country are found and eliminated, blood shed is always there and will continue in future... its the logic/philosophy of the powerful that, world respect...

be peaceful but powerful... thats the mantra... to survive...
Then do ISIS has the right to exist? If not then why?

you are mixing individual organizations with organized population. Both are different having different dimensions.

ISIS type things are individual organizations which are used as tools for propagating own agenda by all sides. In this process of usage all sides even support "terror" at one point or the other. SUch organizations are not judged through this scale of whether these have any right to exist or not but these orgs are judged by scale of whether these are a liability or an asset and for how long. this determines their fate.
My friend , go and read pages of history, when Israel declared itself as state it was a zoinist state , made by a zoinist group . State of Israel was formed for Jews where Jews can live peacefully. Now IS is formed by a well organized Muslim group , where Muslims can live according to ISLAMIC jurisprudence . What's difference , when Arabs declare war on israel or US declares war on IS. Maybe you are scared enough by IS TO BELEIVE THAT ISLAMIC KHILAFAT WILL TERMINATE YOUR BELEOVED's monoply over this region .
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