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Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

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Don't bring religion into this thread,the Israel has or doesn't has the right to exist has nothing to do with religion,but has everything to do with international law and humanity
You're a fascist and an deliberate one. It's you Christians who slaughtered Jews for thousands of years. We hate injustice. Israel is disliked mostly by non-Muslims. Most Arab nations have peace treaties/trade/diplomatic relations with Israel. The people of the world don't need your blind rhetoric. They won't support injustice.

You support it due to your scripture and yet at the same time telling us we are being fooled by our leaders. He He...you are one funny guy. If anything our 'cruel' leaders are your favorite enforcers of Western order/oil interests in the ME.

Get a life you clown.

Unfortunately, you bark the wrong tree. Chinese Christians have been opposite to European Christians. We protect Jews and everyone knows it. KMT Genmo Chiang the supreme leader is Christian and KMT help Jews.

History of the Jews in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy is Israel Chief Navy, was a descendant of Chinese mama when Jews holed up in China.

Unfortunately, you bark the wrong tree. Chinese Christians have been opposite to European Christians. We protect Jews and everyone knows it. KMT Genmo Chiang the supreme leader is Christian and KMT help Jews.

History of the Jews in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy is Israel Chief Navy, was a descendant of Chinese mama when Jews holed up in China.


Interesting. I also know that there is actually a significant Jewish population in China. They are the Kaifeng Jews. I believe many of them are now claiming The Right of Return (Hok Ha Schvut) and coming to Israel in large waves.



@Lux de Veritas

Wasn't bringing up anything about China.

Please refer a Biblical Scriptural verse that states that claim.


"Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 21:43)"
Interesting. I also know that there is actually a significant Jewish population in China. They are the Kaifeng Jews. I believe many of them are now claiming The Right of Return (Hok Ha Schvut) and coming to Israel in large waves.



I did not know that. That is interesting. As far as I know, Kaifeng Jews are so assimilated that they lost all their Jewish identity. Are they now now resurrecting their Jewishness, can you help confirm that?
I did not know that. That is interesting. As far as I know, Kaifeng Jews are so assimilated that they lost all their Jewish identity. Are they now now resurrecting their Jewishness, can you help confirm that?

They are descendents of their Jewish forefathers who came to China following the Silk Road over a millenia ago. What is interesting is that they did adapt into the local culture. As you know that Judaism is matrilineal. The Kaifeng Jews trace their Jewish decent through patrilineal decent, as they adapted into the local Chinese culture.

The Kaifeng Jews have retained the Mosaic Laws , the Mitzvots. It is really interesting how they retained their religious identity.

Many of them now are making Aliyah to Israel:
Chinese descendants of ancient Jewish community make aliyah - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
I did not know that. That is interesting. As far as I know, Kaifeng Jews are so assimilated that they lost all their Jewish identity. Are they now now resurrecting their Jewishness, can you help confirm that?
The Kaifeng Jews assimilated into Chinese society after mid-1800s
Many of them became Huis,because Chinese call the Kaifeng Jews as 蓝帽回回blue hated Huihui,because the Judaism and Islam is very similar in Chinese views,so Chinese called both as Huis,and they live in China,so they also think themselves as Huis,the intermarry between the Jews and Muslims also common,that's an interesting thing
Accord to the records,there are some Jews in Ningxia too(with the surname Jin,which is also common in Huis),and today there are no Jews in Ningxia,so most likely they assimilated into muslims.
Still,there are some keep Jewish identity,and with the help of some Jews organization,they move to Israel
Still,there are some keep Jewish identity,and with the help of some Jews organization,they move to Israel

Yes, in the Hebrew Faith, they refer to this as right of all Jews. It is known in the Hebrew tongue as Hok Ha Schvut.

The Right of Return.

@LeveragedBuyout , @sahaliyan ,

This is the reason why I said in my previous posts here that Israel is a model Nation State. They have surpassed the notion of Ethnic identity, and now of National Identity.

Israelis come from many colors, sizes, backgrounds. One could be of Chinese ethnic, Arab ethnic, Slavic ethnic, Iberian ethnic, African ethnic, and can be a citizen of Israel.


Chinese Israeli reading from Torah
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Thread starter----,


Your question is extremely deceptive---. As I do not know that if it was intentional or otherwise----so---I will reserve my judgement on that for now---.

A question to consider is that why did Christian nations support the formation of a jewish nation in Palestine---what is the historical significant of that----and what do the bible prophecies say about the jews coming back to the roost to form a nation and what will happen afterward----.

From personal experience I had known that good old American white boys hated the jews with a passion---but now you see the born again Christian church favoring Israel----. What has happened and what has changed in the born again Christian movement----.

Israel just simply does not exist because it wants to or it has a right to----what is the significance o Christian churches in its formation and existence.
Unfortunately, you bark the wrong tree. Chinese Christians have been opposite to European Christians. We protect Jews and everyone knows it. KMT Genmo Chiang the supreme leader is Christian and KMT help Jews.

History of the Jews in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This guy is Israel Chief Navy, was a descendant of Chinese mama when Jews holed up in China.

Now,Lux,can you translate this into English?The Chinese muslims of Jewish ancestry,the history of Chinese muslims are very interesting,1/4-1/3 of their paternal side came from central asia(Jews,muslims and even the Lolis),others are local converts.
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Yes, in the Hebrew Faith, they refer to this as right of all Jews. It is known in the Hebrew tongue as Hok Ha Schvut.

The Right of Return.

@LeveragedBuyout , @sahaliyan ,

This is the reason why I said in my previous posts here that Israel is a model Nation State. They have surpassed the notion of Ethnic identity, and now of National Identity.

For that reason I have always stated---make peace with Israel at all costs----if you want to get rid of them---. Israelis will never make peace happen---it will destroy they unity.

Israelis come from many colors, sizes, backgrounds. One could be of Chinese ethnic, Arab ethnic, Slavic ethnic, Iberian ethnic, African ethnic, and can be a citizen of Israel.


Chinese Israeli reading from Torah


No they have not----the Israelis are an extremely rascist society---it openly discriminates against darker jews----the original jews---the most rascist are the russian jews---the german jews would be some of the nicest that you would come across.

The problem with Palestine is that it does not have anyone with the caliber of Jinnah or Gandhi---they don't have a politician to represent them.

One major problem of the palestinians is their accent---their accents are hated by the americans---they are the accents of the terrorists as portrayed in the movies produced by the jewish producers---otoh---the Israelis have learnt to speak English---American English like an American----their representative dress and talk like the americans---so basically the americans are in a manner listening to their own.

The Palestinians will get nowhere with their accents.

Thread starter----,


Your question is extremely deceptive---. As I do not know that if it was intentional or otherwise----so---I will reserve my judgement on that for now---.

A question to consider is that why did Christian nations support the formation of a jewish nation in Palestine---what is the historical significant of that----and what do the bible prophecies say about the jews coming back to the roost to form a nation and what will happen afterward----.

From personal experience I had known that good old American white boys hated the jews with a passion---but now you see the born again Christian church favoring Israel----. What has happened and what has changed in the born again Christian movement----.

Israel just simply does not exist because it wants to or it has a right to----what is the significance o Christian churches in its formation and existence.

Hi @MastanKhan ,

I did not design the question to be deceptive , I merely wanted to know who supports Israel's right to exist as a nation. One could have picked "no" or "yes".

And to address your statement about anti-semitism in the United States, i'm sure that still exists in some segments. I'm sure this anti-semitism even exists in Europe to this day as well.

I do agree with you that many of the European nations , who were also Christian, persecuted Jewish communities in Europe throughout history. It is very unfortunate, and sad! Discrimination of any form is wrong, in my honest opinion.

To be frank, I think Israel is wrong to come and occupied Palestine. But if we take a deeper look, we will find that there is "no such thing as Palestinian". We know that Palestine is Egypt and Jordan land. There is no such thing as Palestinian independence in the form we see today. There is no hatred of Jordan and Egypt when they occupied Palestine.

When Arabs lost the war in 1967, they created the Palestinian people to get even.

Base on this logic, is it possible that Palestinian cooperate with Israel, and let Israel educate them into Israeli Arabs version 2?

Is is possible that living under Sunni majority PA is worse than living under Jews?

Why Arab Druze Muslims, Arab Bedouin Muslims, Circassian Muslims are willing to die for Israel, do they have Sunni phobia or whether Sunni ever shitt on them? Have they figure out it is better to live as 2nd class citizens under Jews?

Hi @MastanKhan ,

I did not design the question to be deceptive , I merely wanted to know who supports Israel's right to exist as a nation. One could have picked "no" or "yes".

And to address your statement about anti-semitism in the United States, i'm sure that still exists in some segments. I'm sure this anti-semitism even exists in Europe to this day as well.

I do agree with you that many of the European nations , who were also Christian, persecuted Jewish communities in Europe throughout history. It is very unfortunate, and sad! Discrimination of any form is wrong, in my honest opinion.


You---sir did not understand my post----in the past good old American whites would hate the jews---I am not talking about simple anti Semitism---it was more than that----but then with the invent of born again Christian movement---the support of Israel got picked up by a thousand time.
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