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Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

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hi, could you identify the mark of the beast?

could you identify the mark of the beast? what, who is that?

It will be made known to all the Saints , when the end of days comes nigh.
No. Not in Palestinian lands which they stole and invaded!

Jerusalem is a city which is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. And Jerusalem is originally a city in Palestine until Israel was formed. Although now the city is shared between both Palestine and Israel but like always Israel controls everything now. Indeed, the land of Palestine belongs to Palestinians of course. Although if we go deep into the history, we will find that Jews were dominant among the population that inhibited the land of Palestine and Israel combined. But that was many, many centuries ago. For different reasons they were displaced from the land and inhibited different parts of the world.
But after the World War 2, Hertzel, father of Zionism, wanted to make a nation for the Jews in any place, so the Jews around the world can unite in it, before Palestine, he suggested several countries like Argentina, Cyprus, Mozambique, Uganda etc. But when that didn't work out, he suggested Palestine, since its a religious land to the Jews, so Jews would accept to immigrate to it, also because Britain was controlling a part of it, so that made it easier for them to create a nation for Jews in it. Since the greatest countries of the world were from the allies, so they all cooperated to help Israel to look like a fair and good country, when its a country based on lies and fraud. If Britain and USA weren't allies to the Jews, I bet they would never managed to make any nation for themselves. Israel is obviously has nothing to do with religions, its a political thing, its made by Zionism, made by political interests. Israelis, are the Jews around the world, including Germans, Russians.. Etc. they agreed to move because they believed the lies of the Zionism, that it's religious, but in fact its not. They invited all the Jews around the World to move to Palestine, in a very easy way; it's having a free home in a religious land, so of course they agreed to move. And the fact still remains, is that all Jews are Zionists but not all Jews are Israelis...

Hertzel (or whatever his name) crammed the idea of their virtual "home land" in Palestine and they wanted to live as respected human beings, they thought that if they had a country they could live in peace so they stole Palestine, killed it's people and established their "country" on the bodies ash of the Palestinians' homes and ever since they've been bullshitting the world about how it was their "home land" some 10000000000000000000000000000000 years ago. The USA supported them financially and supplied them with weapons. Of course, they did that not because they loved them, but rather because they are using them as a pawn to watch over the Middle East.

It's all about power, greed, politics, mind games and dystopia; my friends.
could you identify the mark of the beast? what, who is that?

The devil is always foiled. Nothing in the universe, nothing in all of time, can ever separate us from God—unless we give our fear away to the beast. We are one with God, with Christ, with the All-Holy, and Good, and Life-Creating Spirit.

Scholars look for signs to interpret many events in light of Revelations 13. But Orthodox Christians add something: Faith. We see these warnings as truly from God, but not referring to a computer-chip, or a credit card, or a fingerprint password, or a bar code, but referring to misdirected faith, to misdirected fear. We are warned to keep our fear, hope, faith, and love for God.

The True Faith finds that union with Christ happens by giving food and love to one another, by reaching out for the heavenly alternative, by remembering Satan’s defeat in the Heavenly Kingdom. We take in a deep breath and spit on the beast. We use every means to feed one another without regard for cash, regarding instead only the need to care for each other.

And, like Theodore and all the Saints, we also look to heavenly foods—to prayer, fasting, and faith, to the wisdom of saints and martyrs—confidently to preserve our unity with God. We need to have the Name of the Father written on our visage.
As a (non-religious) Roman-Catholic, the state of Israel has my full support.

At my home-church, every Sunday they sing "Shalom Chaverim" in support of the Jewish people. The oldest son of our Pastor converted even to Judaism & is studying In Israel to be a Rabbi. Says that Christians are just confused Jews
and those who try to use Islam as a weapon against Israel
My friend I disagree with u here, yes we have Muslims whom are enemies of Humanity like ISIS and who do not represent Islam, but the Fighters like Hamas and the Mujahedines against Bashar Assad are not terrorists, they r freedom fighters, Christians r sadly doomed to be misguided n that partially is due to the Jews or should I say the Zionists bc even in the Quran Allah SWT is being just to some Jews, but the Majority r his enemies, killed his messengers n caused many wars n bloodshed on earth using deception and manipulation ... the very Quran that u quoted is prophesying the destruction of Israel

Jerusalem is a city which is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims
the Jews do not have the right to live in Jerusalem says sayiduna Omar RA in his famous Pact of Umar .

نص العهدة
"بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين نص العهدة العمرية; هذا ما أعطى عبد الله، عمر، أمير المؤمنين، أهل إيلياء من الأمان.. أعطاهم أماناً لأنفسهم وأموالهم ولكنائسهم وصلبانهم وسقمها وبريئها وسائر ملتها... أنه لا تسكن كنائسهم ولا تهدم، ولا ينقص منها ولا من حيِّزها ولا من صليبهم ولا من شيء من أموالهم، ولا يُكرهون على دينهم، ولا يضارّ أحد منهم، ولا يسكن بإيلياء معهم أحد من اليهود
what do u think ? why would he allow the Christians n not the Jews into Jerusalem ?
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As a (non-religious) Roman-Catholic, the state of Israel has my full support.

At my home-church, every Sunday they sing "Shalom Chaverim" in support of the Jewish people. The oldest son of our Pastor converted even to Judaism & is studying In Israel to be a Rabbi. Says that Christians are just confused Jews

I am of the Orthodox Christian faith, and in our teachings, Israel is the Divine gift that God promised Abraham. The Eternal promise of God to Abraham cannot be ignored.

Your pastor's son is now studying to become a Rabbi? Wow, amazing ! G-d Bless him!
I am of the Orthodox Christian faith, and in our teachings, Israel is the Divine gift that God promised Abraham. The Eternal promise of God to Abraham cannot be ignored.

Your pastor's son is now studying to become a Rabbi? Wow, amazing ! G-d Bless him!

I am a protestant. There is a conspiracy of Muslim elite of silence, while the Muslim people are uninform. How can Israel a carpark size country bring so much harm to entire Islamic world that everyone want Israel dead?

Occasionally some good Muslims tell the truth. Israel is demonize by Islam because Islamic leaders are using Israel as boogey man to divert attention from their own cruelty, wickedness, and debasement.

Hi @Lux de Veritas , I didn't know you are Christian. I thought you were Buddhist or Taoist. But good to know.

For me, I do not think the pure Islam antagonizes or is against Israel. It is when Islam is politicized by anti-israeli clerics.

Blessings and Peace!

A Brother in Christ,
My friend I disagree with u here, yes we have Muslims whom are enemies of Humanity like ISIS and who do not represent Islam, but the Fighters like Hamas and the Mujahedines against Bashar Assad are not terrorists, they r freedom fighters, Christians r sadly doomed to be misguided n that partially is due to the Jews or should I say the Zionists bc even in the Quran Allah SWT is being just to some Jews, but the Majority r his enemies, killed his messengers n caused many wars n bloodshed on earth using deception and manipulation ... the very Quran that u quoted is prophesying the destruction of Israel

the Jews do not have the right to live in Jerusalem says sayiduna Omar RA in his famous Pact of Umar .

نص العهدة
"بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين نص العهدة العمرية; هذا ما أعطى عبد الله، عمر، أمير المؤمنين، أهل إيلياء من الأمان.. أعطاهم أماناً لأنفسهم وأموالهم ولكنائسهم وصلبانهم وسقمها وبريئها وسائر ملتها... أنه لا تسكن كنائسهم ولا تهدم، ولا ينقص منها ولا من حيِّزها ولا من صليبهم ولا من شيء من أموالهم، ولا يُكرهون على دينهم، ولا يضارّ أحد منهم، ولا يسكن بإيلياء معهم أحد من اليهود
what do u think ? why would he allow the Christians n not the Jews into Jerusalem ?

Jews were allowed into Jerusalem, but not the areas where Christians settled. They viewed themselves as enemies so they were separated. Most Christians at the time in that region were monotheist. This was the first paragraph of exact treaty:

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. This is the assurance of safety which the servant of God, Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, has given to the people of Jerusalem. He has given them an assurance of safety for themselves for their property, their churches, their crosses, the sick and healthy of the city and for all the rituals which belong to their religion. Their churches will not be inhabited by Muslims and will not be destroyed. Neither they, nor the land on which they stand, nor their cross, nor their property will be damaged. They will not be forcibly converted. No Jew will live with them in Jerusalem.

Hi @Lux de Veritas , I didn't know you are Christian. I thought you were Buddhist or Taoist. But good to know.

For me, I do not think the pure Islam antagonizes or is against Israel. It is when Islam is politicized by anti-israeli clerics.

Blessings and Peace!

A Brother in Christ,

I do perceive a large, in reality the majority of Muslims are against Israel and they got their hate from their cleric, We cannot say these cleric are niche. They are mainstream.

Singapore is surrounded by Muslims and I have Muslim friends. I know they hate Israel. When I was younger, I ask my Malay teacher why they hate Israel. I asked my friends.

They soon become suspicious of me. Then they get irritated. If I go further, they make it clear that what I am doing hurts relationship.

I am totally unconvinced why Malay having nothing to do with Israel must hate them. And not only they hate Israel, they hate their own Shia and Ahmadya. They hate Chinese and Indians.
I am of the Orthodox Christian faith, and in our teachings, Israel is the Divine gift that God promised Abraham. The Eternal promise of God to Abraham cannot be ignored.

Your pastor's son is now studying to become a Rabbi? Wow, amazing ! G-d Bless him!

Well then you don't even read your scripture. Jewish people broke the covenant with God. Jesus even told them that God will have gentiles take the land soon.

I do perceive a large, in reality the majority of Muslims are against Israel and they got their hate from their cleric, We cannot say these cleric are niche. They are mainstream.

Singapore is surrounded by Muslims and I have Muslim friends. I know they hate Israel. When I was younger, I ask my Malay teacher why they hate Israel. I asked my friends.

They soon become suspicious of me. Then they get irritated. If I go further, they make it clear that what I am doing hurts relationship.

I am totally unconvinced why Malay having nothing to do with Israel must hate them. And not only they hate Israel, they hate their own Shia and Ahmadya. They hate Chinese and Indians.

Sure you did. Ha Ha Ha!

You never talked to a Muslim face to face. You hate Muslims as evident by your rhetoric.
Well then you don't even read your scripture. Jewish people broke the covenant with God. Jesus even told them that God will have gentiles take the land soon.

Sure you did. Ha Ha Ha!

You never talked to a Muslim face to face. You hate Muslims as evident by your rhetoric.

FYI, I was a school teacher to Malay students and my students love me. I do not hate Islam or Malay per se. I hate Islamofascism, a toxic to people's mind.

I just posted a write up on my admiration of PKK, PYD and YPG and they are Muslims.
FYI, I was a school teacher to Malay students and my students love me. I do not hate Islam or Malay per se. I hate Islamofascism, a toxic to people's mind.

I just posted a write up on my admiration of PKK, PYD and YPG.

You're a fascist and an deliberate one. It's you Christians who slaughtered Jews for thousands of years. We hate injustice. Israel is disliked mostly by non-Muslims. Most Arab nations have peace treaties/trade/diplomatic relations with Israel. The people of the world don't need your blind rhetoric. They won't support injustice.

You support it due to your scripture and yet at the same time telling us we are being fooled by our leaders. He He...you are one funny guy. If anything our 'cruel' leaders are your favorite enforcers of Western order/oil interests in the ME.

Get a life you clown.
Well then you don't even read your scripture. Jewish people broke the covenant with God. Jesus even told them that God will have gentiles take the land soon.

Please refer a Biblical Scriptural verse that states that claim.

You're a fascist and an deliberate one. It's you Christians who slaughtered Jews for thousands of years. We hate injustice. Israel is disliked mostly by non-Muslims. Most Arab nations have peace treaties/trade/diplomatic relations with Israel. The people of the world don't need your blind rhetoric. They won't support injustice.

You support it due to your scripture and yet at the same time telling us we are being fooled by our leaders. He He...you are one funny guy. If anything our 'cruel' leaders are your favorite enforcers of Western order/oil interests in the ME.

Get a life you clown.

This is true. The major persecutions of Jews throughout history have been at the hands of European Christians.

In fact the Nazis referred to the Jews as "Christ killers", a common sentiment throughout Europe at that time.
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