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Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?

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You can't just expect them to submit to the very occupational force which has cornered them into a small strip of land
What strip are u talking about? There are Arabs all over Israel.

restricts their movement, controls their food and water supply (cutting them off whenever it pleases), and treats them like inmates of a concentration camp. Eventually the Palestinians will snap under all of this pressure and restriction of their freedom as any other group of people would, including Jews.
You mix up reason and cause.

FIRST there were rocket and tunnel attacks from Gaza.
THEN Israel made restrictions to limit their attacks.

We dont need anything from them and last thing we need is controlling them.
You make some valid points however you have to look at the situation from the point of view of the Palestinians. I'm sure they didn't just wake up one day and decide they wanted to attack the israelis, neither do they possess such capabilities. You can't just expect them to submit to the very occupational force which has cornered them into a small strip of land, restricts their movement, controls their food and water supply (cutting them off whenever it pleases), and treats them like inmates of a concentration camp. Eventually the Palestinians will snap under all of this pressure and restriction of their freedom as any other group of people would, including Jews.

However, i do agree that the victors write history, hiding their own misdeeds while exaggerating or even inventing the misdeeds of the defeated. The Arab world itself is to blame for their failure in remaining impotent in the face of the Zionist occupation. The 400 million Arabs with all their wealth, influence, and expensive military hardware can't assist their own brethren in Gaza but on the contrary condemn them.


Israel did employ ethnic cleansing. He talks about the economy while we all know Israel's occupation and other measures taken in occupied territory are strictly there to prevent economic progress. Without sovereignty you can't have commerce. It is largely Israeli regulated. You also need approvals from Israel to build factories in the territory. If anything, Israeli's don't want a sovereign Palestine since it would compete with them economically.

Btw, if you need information on the recent events in Gaza while debating anyone here just tag me.
What strip are u talking about? There are Arabs all over Israel.

Gaza. You know, the place where Palestinians aren't worthy of even clean water under Zionist blockade and control over their resources:

Gaza warned of looming water crisis | Environment | theguardian.com

The health risks posed by water pollution in the Gaza Strip

Gaza’s Contaminated Water Worsens Health for Palestinians - Bloomberg

You mix up reason and cause.

FIRST there were rocket and tunnel attacks from Gaza.
THEN Israel made restrictions to limit their attacks.

We dont need anything from them and last thing we need is controlling them.
I don't think there would have been any rocket attacks on European/Russian Jews if there wasn't a Zionist occupation of Palestinian land and restriction of the Palestinian people's freedom.

Azhkenazi Jews claiming and occupying Palestinian land would be like Mexicans and Central Americans claiming Mongolia because thousands of years ago their ancestors inhabited that land.

Israel did employ ethnic cleansing. He talks about the economy while we all know Israel's occupation and other measures taken in occupied territory are strictly there to prevent economic progress. Without sovereignty you can't have commerce. It is largely Israeli regulated. You also need approvals from Israel to build factories in the territory. If anything, Israeli's don't want a sovereign Palestine since it would compete with them economically.

Btw, if you need information on the recent events in Gaza while debating anyone here just tag me.
Yeah, definitely! Thanks.
@Desert Fox

Keep in mind, they were also counting calories for each resident in Gaza to be consumed.


Also, any retaliatory projectile fire from Gaza came as a response to Israeli attacks. Tunnels were never used except weeks into the Israeli assault. All times were targeting military outposts. I tagged you in one of the videos you saw it yourself.

If they suggest otherwise just ask for sources. They won't be able to cite any supporting their assertions. That's what you do since I'm going to be a little busy lately. :)
Palestinians live not only in Gaza. They live in Israel, West Bank, Jordan and so on.

As for water, they just exaggerate situation to ask more money. Without clean water they would have mortality levels like in Chad, but in real their mortality levels are much better than in most of third world countries including Pakistan.

I don't think there would have been any rocket attacks on European/Russian Jews if there wasn't a Zionist occupation of Palestinian land and restriction of the Palestinian people's freedom.
Azhkenazi Jews claiming and occupying Palestinian land would be like Mexicans and Central Americans claiming Mongolia because thousands of years ago their ancestors inhabited that land.
No sweetie. Claiming that Palestinians have right to fire rockets at Israeli towns because they are from Europe is same as claiming that Native Americans have right to fire rockets at New York because there live people from Europe.

Its nonsense.
Shut up - Its our land, we were here way before you were even conceived.

Muslim conquests on the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and mister follower of politico religion ! everyone knows the truth ! islam and christianity is not divine and its political opium !

In this world, it is not about right, but about power.

America, Canada, Australia, etc. all their native populations were displaced by European descendants.

Now nobody even cares, they just accept that these are now white-majority countries. And everyone knows that Native Americans have no chance of regaining their sovereignty over their ancestral lands.

That's the truth of this world. Either you have the power to protect your sovereignty, or you don't.

And if you lose your sovereignty, it doesn't matter how many liberals across the world cry for your benefit, nothing will happen unless you have power on the ground.
like how islamic elites have wiped all ancient religion and culture from the gulf religion just because of there religion dominance ! you must that its not china its religious think !

Palestinians live not only in Gaza. They live in Israel, West Bank, Jordan and so on.

As for water, they just exaggerate situation to ask more money. Without clean water they would have mortality levels like in Chad, but in real their mortality levels are much better than in most of third world countries including Pakistan.

No sweetie. Claiming that Palestinians have right to fire rockets at Israeli towns because they are from Europe is same as claiming that Native Americans have right to fire rockets at New York because there live people from Europe.

Its nonsense.
I personally feel that muslims have no regards for jews from statrting thats why are there eternal enemy !

Israel did employ ethnic cleansing. He talks about the economy while we all know Israel's occupation and other measures taken in occupied territory are strictly there to prevent economic progress. Without sovereignty you can't have commerce. It is largely Israeli regulated. You also need approvals from Israel to build factories in the territory. If anything, Israeli's don't want a sovereign Palestine since it would compete with them economically.

Btw, if you need information on the recent events in Gaza while debating anyone here just tag me.
you all people are hypocrites first you conquer and clean the land of ethnicity then you say you are saints ! shame on you !
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Where were the Pakistanis before Islam?
Most Pakistanis are converts who rejected Budhism, Jainism and Hinduism to adop Islam as a way of life, becaus it offered values based on social equity rather than an enslaving caste system.

The numbers of C.Asian, Persian and Arab migrants are little in Pakistani society. Baloch, Pakhtuns, Sindhis, Punjabis and Others are all native people who rejected their way of life to adopt a better way of life.

Unlike what Hindutvadasi deluded folk choose to believe, it took 5 centuries for ancient Pakistan to become a Muslim majority land. Our people converted not out of fear as goes the Hindutva myth, but because Hinduism and other pagan codes were outdated, obsolete and weren't offering a level of social mobility our people aspired to have.
Yes the have a right to exist as a nation state. We don't live in a static world, we are in a constant state of change but many people fail to accept that. I think it'll be good for everyone concerned to come to the table with realistic charters and learn to co-exist. Just my POV.
Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist? Let's discuss the view points.
i think it is not a question of right but the requirement & the promise god had made with their forefathers as revealed in the bible that the nation israel must exist before the return of the messiah.
i think it is not a question of right but the requirement & the promise god had made with their forefathers as revealed in the bible that the nation israel must exist before the return of the messiah.

You have a strong point there.
i think it is not a question of right but the requirement & the promise god had made with their forefathers as revealed in the bible that the nation israel must exist before the return of the messiah.

I read somewhere that many Orthodox Jews are opposed to the state of Israel.

Because apparently, according to Jewish Eschatology, the Jews will only be returned to Israel at the end times.

And it's not the end times yet.
In order to answer this question, you must ask yourself: "Which side proven to be more useful for the overall betterment of the humankind?"
In order to answer this question, you must ask yourself: "Which side proven to be more useful for the overall betterment of the humankind?"

- Nobel Prizes: Medicine, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, Literature
- Medical Research: biological pacemaker; DNA nana-computer detects cancer cells – then releases combating drugs; stem-cell technology to regenerate heart tissue; pill-camera, tiny, examines small intestine; first full computerized diagnostic instrument for breast cancer detection; development of heart pump synchronization device
- Pharmaceutical Research: treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease
- Microsoft and Cisco companies – only R&D facilities outside the US are in Israel
- Microsoft-Windows operating system - designed in Israel
- Pentium Microprocessor -designed and produced in Israel
- Voice mail – developed in Israel
- Aircraft Security System – developed in Israel
- University degrees, highest % of workers, per capita
- Museums, zoos, orchestras, home computers – highest %, per capita
- Only country in the world – more trees at start of 21st Century than at the 20th

This is only a partial list and was achieved in its short 61 years of life, while defending itself in four major wars resisting combined Arab armies plus unrelenting attacks by terrorists upon Israeli civilians throughout its existence. Amazing!
- Nobel Prizes: Medicine, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, Literature
- Medical Research: biological pacemaker; DNA nana-computer detects cancer cells – then releases combating drugs; stem-cell technology to regenerate heart tissue; pill-camera, tiny, examines small intestine; first full computerized diagnostic instrument for breast cancer detection; development of heart pump synchronization device
- Pharmaceutical Research: treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease
- Microsoft and Cisco companies – only R&D facilities outside the US are in Israel
- Microsoft-Windows operating system - designed in Israel
- Pentium Microprocessor -designed and produced in Israel
- Voice mail – developed in Israel
- Aircraft Security System – developed in Israel
- University degrees, highest % of workers, per capita
- Museums, zoos, orchestras, home computers – highest %, per capita
- Only country in the world – more trees at start of 21st Century than at the 20th

This is only a partial list and was achieved in its short 61 years of life, while defending itself in four major wars resisting combined Arab armies plus unrelenting attacks by terrorists upon Israeli civilians throughout its existence. Amazing!

Well, there you go my friend, you got your answer there.

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