I see many members including me engage in arguments and counter arguments over some news articles. I wonder sometimes for the reason.
People invests their time and energy to form arguments and collect facts and figures. Then they post in some thread . After 10-20 days, That thread become dead and new one comes up and we repeat the procedure.So what is the use of it ? Did our government policy makers really listen to us ?Do iota of difference we make after investing so much our time and energy?
Some body may call it it's for entertainment only. Then isn't it a sadist entertainment ? Dark entertainment ? Because many search for topic to make other people jealous even humiliating others.Is this type of interaction which is filled with malicious intent,humiliation,xenophobia beneficial for our development as human being ? Or do we do out of some compulsion or addiction ? If it's addiction then why is the addiction?
I am not suggesting anything , I am just asking those questions which I don't know answers.
@ranjeet @GURU DUTT @Imran Khan
For me although it is a time pass, but it allowed to understand about Pakistan more closely that what is it mentioned in Indian Media...It is a fact that we do not hear all the strories about Pakistan...It is always morped or biased so that it suits to Indian audiences ear postively..It allows me to hear the story from Pakistan side too...It gives me to prepare a general perspective about the India Pakistan issue...Now, at least i understand where so we stand in certain issues and contexts between 2 nations..
And apart from that, it allows me to share my point of view to other side too...It is far better than wasting time in facebook where all the men and women always boost with what are th gifts husband and wives shared with each other....