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Disgraceful l Indian Extremists are Celebrating Christchurch Attack, on Social Media

My dear Indian fellows, after muslims, it will be Indians and Asians. Gora bhara baitha hai marnay k liay tamam outsiders ko, chahy USA ho, Australia ho ya Europe ho. And that day, muslims might not be there to defend. So, better watch your mouth and acts.
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Indian Supreme Court is independent institution. Modi is cleared from courts . How can we blame without any evidence even cleared from courts. I don't think 1.4 billion can vote to terrorist . They voted him after record development programs in gujrat. Modi organised investors summit many times in gujrat for jobs & development.
Chutiye, indian SC hanged Afzal guru on “public pressure”.
It hasn’t punished anyone from gujrat,orissa,muzafarnagar,IOK massacres.

And modi a mass murderer was elected by indians.

If tomorrow Pakistani people elect someone like Ajmal Kasab, who would you blame?
Indian hindus are the worst terrorists in this world their end is near and soon we will wipe out them from earth
72 virgins cr@p that hindu terrorists are too fond of


As per this hindu terrorist this attack is a conspiracy by muslims against Christians


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