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Disgraceful l Indian Extremists are Celebrating Christchurch Attack, on Social Media

I would say brothers and sisters to cast your minds back to the mid-90's when we first start seeing the emergence of message boards. Back then I can recall a substantial amount of Indians from a Hindu background spewing bile towards Islam and Muslims. Do remember there had been no 9/11 no major terrorist assaults by deranged Muslims, but yet these guys were in the zone.
Pakistanis have to remember for many of these sanghis they do not differentiate between faith and politics, for them it is one and the same. The angst of Pakistan also plays on their minds, hence the hate towards anything related to Muslims and Islam.
Now this also brings up another question, as in other groups are equally capable of such hate in the numbers we find sanghis in. But I'm sorry I haven't found this among other groups. Take for example the Jewish community here in the UK. Having grown up with them I can tell you that they do seperate faith from politics. Yes they love Israel but more often then not they run to the defence of Muslims and are the first to be present in the event of anti Muslim attacks e.g. on a mosque, on a person. Rabbis speak of the Muslim faith in fond terms.
Examples from the Jewish community;

Rabbi Shmuely from the USA, probably the most famous rabbi there;


Cheif rabbi of the UK;

There can be few acts of greater evil than the massacre of peaceful people at prayer. The attacks in New Zealand were terrorism of the most despicable kind, callously planned & motivated by the scourge of islamophobia. The victims & their families are in our hearts & our prayers.


Anyway back to topic, take a glance at the many anti-Islam message boards around and just see how badly Sanghis or those Indian Hindus sympathetic to them outnumber other groups. They are way over represented than what their online presence.
Over the years their numbers have exploded to a point they were able to elect a vile bigot such as Modi into power. You only need to look at the numbers who voted for him. As for those who say but it's only the middle class Indian Hindus who have this problem that's not true. The middle and upper classes are the driving force monetary and planning wise for the saffron revolution, the lower class i.e. the Dalits are the enforcers. In actual fact they are the ones who carry out the atrocities on Muslims during riots, case point the Gujarat riots where the men of 'Chara' tribe called themselves the proud rapists of Muslim females.

What can we learn from this? Our enemy has grown and is continuing to, the rational voices are dying out and Pakistanis must be prepared to face them down at any time, show no sympathy to such vermin ever.

A big thanks to @Areesh in pointing these things out.

Yes you are right, I am Muslim and when I work in London I met many orthodox Jew. They never once treated me rudely or spoke about Islam negatively, they even spend much time explaining to me Kosher & Halal.

These Indian Hindu extremist are in category of their own, they seem to bring politics into everything from getting up in morning, breakfast is politics/religion.
Yes you are right, I am Muslim and when I work in London I met many orthodox Jew. They never once treated me rudely or spoke about Islam negatively, they even spend much time explaining to me Kosher & Halal.

These Indian Hindu extremist are in category of their own, they seem to bring politics into everything from getting up in morning, breakfast is politics/religion.

I can tell you brother even greater evidence of this. Search up or better still even visit the neighbourhood in London called Stamford Hill which is home to Europe's largest community of Hassidic Jews. Right among them is a large community of Muslims and they embrace each other like brothers.


Stamford Hill is home to Europe's largest community of Hassidic Jews—some 20,000—and a similar number of Muslims. Kosher cash-and-carries jostle with halal malls around the neighbourhood's aptly-named West Bank. The sounds of cantors from a hundred synagogues mingle with calls to prayer from mosques.

By the way brother are you Hausa or Yoruba?
Yes you are right, I am Muslim and when I work in London I met many orthodox Jew. They never once treated me rudely or spoke about Islam negatively, they even spend much time explaining to me Kosher & Halal.

These Indian Hindu extremist are in category of their own, they seem to bring politics into everything from getting up in morning, breakfast is politics/religion.

You cant blame them!!

Indians actually hate Indians!!!

Do you know about Makarand Paranjape?
JNU prof.
The list is long.
Muslims and ex hindus have a higher presence in JNU.
You are right. Indians are not the problem.
Hindus are.
No I don't know Makarand Paranjape. I once heard Kaniya Kumar. Saw news about that school. It takes courage to come out for many of the causes they come out for.
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