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Disappointment at Saarc as Pakistan blocks 3 key connectivity agreements

Its good all Nawaz false dreams about relations with are India have shattered like this. This gives clear cut message to other dumb Pakistani politicians who thing any issue with India can be solved through talks.

The pen is mightier than the sword. The only way to solve a issue is via talks Mr. Zarvan
SAARC is meant for South Asia to become closer to a functional single cohesive economic block. Pakistan however wants to block that and as a net result denying itself and everybody else the massive potential benefits.

Pakistan dosent want to progress and wants to make sure nobody else makes any progress either.
what a stupid post. Single economic block is not possible in south Asia at the moment unless all border issues are resolved. Wallah, who has the most of them? India!
Not stopping export of terror across its borders should be a point you can start at and go from there.
India should stop using Afghanistan as a bases as well.

We will pay back in kind and where it hurts.

Recent LOC tensions are a clear example of that. India thought it could get away with it by putting the usual blame on Pakistan. Unfortunately it's strategy failed miserably.

If Pakistan wanted to do any of that, it would still do. We only respond when Indians like you get a bit adventurous. We know how to put likes of you in their right place.
what a stupid post. Single economic block is not possible in south Asia at the moment unless all border issues are resolved. Wallah, who has the most of them? India!

Incorrect. We do not have border issues with our client states. We will simply incorporate them if deemed necessary

Only certain parts of J&K have foreign military presence and certain parts of Arunachal has foreign military presence.
Every south asian country is now blaming Pakistan for lack of progress....disaster for Pakistan foreign policy... good played Modi !!!

We have every right to protect our markets, Indians were using Pakistan sri lanka free trade agreement to dump auto parts into pakistani market. WTf do you think our foreign policy should be to please India. Get a life.
Incorrect. We do not have border issues with our client states. We will simply incorporate them if deemed necessary

Only certain parts of J&K have foreign military presence and certain parts of Arunachal has foreign military presence.
Which will remain as such, because India got no balls to do anything other than fire some shots across LOC and then end up receiving some as well.
I recommend this sane and level headed person for a moderator.I have seen his mature posts,he should be considered.

On topic----Nawaz is just trying to blunt the effect of imran khan's popularity here,the real culprit are the dharnas that have weakened him a lot so he has no other option left but to play jingoistic politics:coffee:
Thanks, but iam fine.
Which will remain as such, because India got no balls to do anything other than fire some shots across LOC and then end up receiving some as well.

And you have the balls to further your encroachment? I think not.

Additionaly shots are only fired on western border.

Eastern border only has tent parties and tent evictions with stragglers handed over at the end.
India should stop using Afghanistan as a bases as well.

We will pay back in kind and where it hurts.

Recent LOC tensions are a clear example of that. India thought it could get away with it by putting the usual blame on Pakistan. Unfortunately it's strategy failed miserably.

If Pakistan wanted to do any of that, it would still do. We only respond when Indians like you get a bit adventurous. We know how to put likes of you in their right place.

Listen to yourself, your post sounds like a rant more than anything of substance.

The insurgency was started by ZH, if we are helping BLA or whatever it came much after that. So we are paying you back not you.

You do not know the situation at LoC, your media is controlled by your PA. When they can spin the media to cut your civil leadership to size, fair dissemination of Information about the events at LoC is just a dream for you guys.

Yeah we know what you can do to put us in our place :lol:, run to every other summit and cry.
whilst the agreements seem to be a good idea for people-to-people movement, it seems (as usual) that the PK side did not complete their home-work, thus they had no other choice but to vote no at this juncture. it has nothing to do with 'military approvals' as some one has put forth. i work for an MNC whose HO is mumbai but we dont get visas in-time to attend/visit meetings etc (from IHC in PK) but our indian colleagues get their visas fine/intime from (PHC in IN).....so the point is, dont lay the blame at our doorstep, you are as much to blame....we are aware indians are on a Modi 'high" which is fine but lets be realistic...there is 65 years of angst here.
Forget modi vs nawaz and india vs pakistan.

Whats the reason for blocking any move that tries to connect the saarc countries in a better manner,please answer this?
The mutual trade will benefit all and not just india,its a fact.

Considering the poverty of our nations this step can best be considerd jingoistic and retrograde and only people to suffer will be common folk like us.

Listen to yourself, your post sounds like a rant more than anything of substance.

The insurgency was started by ZH, if we are helping BLA or whatever it came much after that. So we are paying you back not you.

You do not know the situation at LoC, your media is controlled by your PA. When they can spin the media to cut your civil leadership to size, fair dissemination of Information about the events at LoC is just a dream for you guys.

Yeah we know what you can do to put us in our place :lol:, run to every other summit and cry.

Yea just like your Army claims to kill terrorists, but ends up killing innocent school boys? What an example.
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