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Disappointment at Saarc as Pakistan blocks 3 key connectivity agreements


Apr 28, 2011
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Nepalese PM Sushil Koirala (2R), Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (R) and Maldives President Abdulla Yameen at the Saarc summit. (PTI Photo)

KATHMANDU: Pakistan on Wednesday stalled the inking of Saarc connectivity agreements, including the motor vehicle pact, saying it was yet to complete its "internal process", notwithstanding other countries, including India and Sri Lanka, who have been strongly pitching for strengthening the people-to-people contact and movement of goods in the region.

While Pakistan's blocking has created "disappointment" in the Indian side, which had initiated these proposals, sources maintain that India has already initiated bilateral connectivity pacts with countries within Saarc and Tuesday's Motor Vehicle Agreement with Nepal was an example of that.

Stressing the need for better connectivity in the region, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his speech at the 18th Saarc summit said, "Our relations become stronger when we connect the lives of the ordinary citizens of our countries. That is why connectivity and services by rail and road are so important. We should also connect ourselves more by air."

READ ALSO: India to give business visa for 3-5 years for Saarc countries, PM Modi says

He further said that, "for India, our vision for the region rests on five pillars — trade, investment, assistance, cooperation in every area, contacts between our people — and, all through seamless connectivity."

Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa said better connectivity will help economic integration and will boost people-to-people contact in the region.

In her speech at the summit, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said her country was in favour of early signing of the regional motor vehicle and railway agreements and said the pacts will help trade.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with other Saarc nations' leaders at the summit. (PTI Photo)

On the connectivity pacts, external affairs ministry spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin said these agreements were discussed at various senior levels and there was no objection from any country but one state has indicated that they need approvals of their internal processes.

However, he did not divulge the name of the county.

Noting that Saarc works on the consensus which was smart and efficient way of working, Akbaruddin said India hopes some "tangible" outcomes as the eight-member bloc has often being accused of not moving fast.

READ ALSO: PM seeks concerted efforts to combat terrorism at Saarc summit

Ahead of the visit by Prime Minister Modi to attend the summit, the cabinet had cleared the signing and ratifying of the Saarc Motor Vehicles Agreement and Saarc Regional Railways Agreement by India, as a member state of Saarc.

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Disappointment at Saarc as Pakistan blocks 3 key connectivity agreements - The Times of India
Its good all Nawaz false dreams about relations with India have shattered like this. This gives clear cut message to other dumb Pakistani politicians who thing any issue with India can be solved through talks.
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Its good all Nawaz false dreams about relations with are India have shattered like this. This gives clear cut message to other dumb Pakistani politicians who thing any issue with India can be solved through talks.

What are the other ways--War? Terrorism? What else? You tried all earlier. Anything new-out of the box? like nuclear options ? :)
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Its good all Nawaz false dreams about relations with are India have shattered like this. This gives clear cut message to other dumb Pakistani politicians who thing any issue with India can be solved through talks.
People like you don't represent real Pakistan. I think these agreements are better for Pakistans economy and trade too. I hope these agreements soon take place when we are ready.

Shame on you.
People like you don't represent real Pakistan. I think these agreements are better for Pakistans economy and trade too. I hope these agreements soon take place when we are ready.

Shame on you.

I recommend this sane and level headed person for a moderator.I have seen his mature posts,he should be considered.

On topic----Nawaz is just trying to blunt the effect of imran khan's popularity here,the real culprit are the dharnas that have weakened him a lot so he has no other option left but to play jingoistic politics:coffee:
Thankfully the motor vehicle pact have initiated with rest of the interesting parties including Nepal, BD, Lanka, Bhutan..

Pakistan opted out stating having issues with "internal process".....whatever that is.

What is this Motor Vehicle pact?

If it is something like the EU, forget it. Unless you have free borders and FTA with all members.

We really don't want random vehicles from India or Afghanistan plying in Pakistan.
Sorry no lift...until or unless India stop funding the so called separatists along the pak afghan border, hope ganja won't sign that. We all know the reasons of these desperations by India.

You are free to promulgate trade agreements with everyone on a one-one basis. If Pakistan doesn't want to be part of that, fine.

SAARC is meant for South Asia to become closer to a functional single cohesive economic block. Pakistan however wants to block that and as a net result denying itself and everybody else the massive potential benefits.

Pakistan dosent want to progress and wants to make sure nobody else makes any progress either.

You are free to promulgate trade agreements with everyone on a one-one basis. If Pakistan doesn't want to be part of that, fine.

Not stopping export of terror across its borders should be a point you can start at and go from there.
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