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Differences between Bengali Hindu and Bengali Muslim

there is a huge demand for virgin test kits in the biggest brothel of the world.

good for economy i say
Who cares for virgin kits in a brothel, you want a virgin sex slave? They’ll sell you kids... I’m not kidding
Grandmas can understand if a girl virgin or nah,
And although I don’t excuse misogyny, I’ve to be hypocrite when it comes to marriage, don’t need a whore in my life
My mom can tell too apparently but I’m skeptical xD

Have been ? You're married bro ?
Are you talking trying to talk smack about a country who you folks walk 2000kms to come?

i wouldn't do that you know. You one point has been deducted.

Can you even read English, or just deliberately misinterpreting what I write?

You said you won't visit even if they sew latex over your skin when he asked you to visit your country.
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