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Did Saudi and UAE Offer Military Wares - - - - -?

The nature of the relationship between Pakistan and Saudia Arabia and UAE is slowly and progressively changing over time, where it is increasingly economically led for both Saudia Arabia, UAE ( and other GCC countries ). The level of support will dimish as will Pakistans influence.

You only have to look at how Pakistan couldnot stop the OIC from inviting India to their forum to understand that.

Relationships are based on strategic interests and the country where Pakistan has aligment on that is China. China is the foundation of a stable relationship because we have the same strategic goals. The containment of India...

Sad but True. If Pakistan was economically stable enough to take stance based on their integral grounds without considering external support like Turkey. But may be not today or tomorrow or upcoming years. Insha Allah one day Pakistan will emerge as great economical hub. I fear before reaching to that point.Pakistan must have to drop some teeth out of Indian Jaws ,who are spending so much maligning using Cold War Doctrine.
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Bhai plz use common sense how is it even possible ....??

As we know both UAE and KSA have arms from foreign countries (mostly from western countries) and in the presence of END USER CERTIFICATES these sort of transfers are near to impossible

Secondly I need to know what COMMON defence systems are in use in UAE and Pakistan or in KSA and Pakistan which we could put in operational use without any training of manpower.
So its nothing but RUMOUR
Hint: Baklawa isn't the only things C17's carry.

They both played there roles in background

Alhumdullilah, those in power in Pakistan have realized, its not all about money, and when push came to shove, who did what. This is all that matters.

I have been saying this for a long time on PDF, wait for things to change, and it is happening, slowly but surely, hardwork is paying off.

Park mein verify karle @Khafee :D

I did, this guy believes in 4 in one go :enjoy:
Naive Pakistanies .

IF RAFALE were???
Moment of Silence.
THEN we Crack a Joke Again
No No not it wasn't 17 it was 16
Perhaps it was 17 not 16

we kept you confused, we stole your sleep
we raided you in the morning day light
we didn't even bother to see barking dogs at night
cause how naive we are , we know how to give a Iron Blow on your Glass Chin.

Sorry for being naive
@Khafee bro.. please update all of us..
I would love too, but it would give people heart attacks, so best to leave things out of public knowledge, as long as the military establishment & govt. understand and appreciates us, that's all that matters.

IF RAFALE were???
Moment of Silence.
THEN we Crack a Joke Again
No No not it wasn't 17 it was 16

Sorry for being naive
They keep crying about Rafale, what happened to the SU30's, the M2k's ............? Nothing in the IAF to counter PAF?
I would love too, but it would give people heart attacks, so best to leave things out of public knowledge, as long as the military establishment & govt. understand and appreciates us, that's all that matters.

They keep crying about Rafale, what happened to the SU30's, the M2k's ............? Nothing in the IAF to counter PAF?

That's what southies ( South Indians ) are uttering in their election campaign

We have nutting , Modi G Stole everyTing from us.
Hint: Baklawa isn't the only things C17's carry.

Alhumdullilah, those in power in Pakistan have realized, its not all about money, and when push came to shove, who did what. This is all that matters.

I have been saying this for a long time on PDF, wait for things to change, and it is happening, slowly but surely, hardwork is paying off.

I did, this guy believes in 4 in one go :enjoy:
I ate alot of baklava last month lololol

Mtlb 5some @Signalian :D

Guys I would like to draw your attention towards the recent chit chat circulating in the power corridors of Pakistan - - - - - - -.

Is it true that both these countries offered military assets - - - - - - - - to Pakistan in the recent clashes with india besides pledging billions of dollars of investment? If it's legit then who is responsible for turning this offer down?

@MastanKhan @Tps43 @Dawood Ibrahim @Signalian @Path-Finder @Areesh @Max @Maxpane @fitpOsitive @B+ Dracula @I.R.A @I S I @Reichmarshal @BHarwana @IceCold @pakistanipower @PaklovesTurkiye @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Chakar The Great
even if it is true. it will never be acknowledged publically
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