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Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

So what is the evidence that China gave Pakistan the blueprints again? No one read the book yet or read an account that describes the evidence that led to Albright's conclusions?

I think I remember where that conclusion was drawn from - the warhead designs found from Libya were the Chicom-4 design, which led investigators to conclude that China had provided that particular blueprint to Pakistan - this is old news though.

Of course that does not conclusively show that China deliberately gave that design to Pakistan - AQ Khan may have acquired it from individuals involved in the Chinese program.

For Pakistan's foes, however, the following should be of more concern:

The design in question is for a relatively small and light warhead, apparently of Pakistani origin. Computer files containing the design were among the items seized by Swiss authorities from Swiss nationals Freidrich, Marco, and Urs Tinner in 2004, according to a report by David Albright, a former International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspector, made public on June 16.

The computer files were encrypted and difficult to decipher, according to Mr. Albright. At least one current IAEA official doubts that the Tinners, former associates of Khan's, were the only people in possession of the design.

The compact weapon would have been ideal for Iran and North Korea, notes Albright's report.

"They both faced struggles in building a nuclear weapon small enough to fit atop their ballistic missiles, and these designs were for a warhead that would fit," says the study.

US and UN investigators have long known that the Khan network sold to Libya a nearly complete set of blueprints and instruction manuals for a relatively basic nuclear warhead of Chinese design.

But it was apparently not until sometime last year that US intelligence was able to crack the Tinner family's codes and discover the hidden, second design. They were apparently not the only ones surprised by its existence in the hands of known nuclear smugglers.

The Pakistanis, too, were upset, according to the Albright study, because they recognized that the design was most likely their own. Although Pakistani warheads are also derived from Chinese originals, Pakistan has gone much further in developing the sophisticated electronics and triggering mechanisms necessary for smaller designs.

The Pakistanis "were genuinely shocked; Khan may have transferred his own country's most secret and dangerous information to foreign smugglers so that they could sell it for a profit," writes Albright.
Did rogue network leak nuclear bomb design? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
2. Sir U.S & Russia didnt proliferate nuclear technology , they only transferred their nuclear assets to strategic locations. Pakistan has been proliferating nuclear tech.

5. Sir I repeat, India could have attacked anytime in the 80's when she had a conventional and non conventional superiority over Pakistan. That wasnt the case goes to show India's tolerance.

6. Sir maybe you didnt read my post. I said Indian armed personnel never made such comments.

Very nice idea for U.S. to transfer their nuclear assets to strategic location like Israel! come on they are among the 5 UN members who decide the sake of every country, so it wasn't a problem if Russia suplied nuclear weapons to Iran bcz he's just transferring it's nuclear assests!:rolleyes:

yeah we know very well how much is indian tollerence towards Pakistan!:disagree:

Your last statement make me think that you never read the statements of your politicians and your armed forces generals when you done the nuclear tests back in 1998! just go and watch your own news channels reports and listen carefully what were the indians intentions just after their nuclear tests towards Pakistan and you will find your statement completly opposite!

At the last i would like to say that i'm getting really sick from these types of posts bcz we have discussed so many times on these matters and every time indians and all anti-pakistani forces are never satisfied and we really don't need to satisfy them bcz it's useless, they will always come up with another BS propaganda. So you people can offer thousands of solutions without any result bcz Pakistan is a sovreign country and we are the one who takes care of our nuclear assets, we are the one who decide what to do with them and we are the one who will decide if ever use them under extreme circumstances and no blody illitrate terrorist will ever be able to steel any thing from our nuclear facilties. I must point out one thing, why indians doesn't care abouty their nuclear assets? it was on your news channels that i watch a report about some terrorist Nexus or what ever they called robe some uranium from nuclear facility in their controlled area and sell them to someone who know's who! and that channel also stated that a nuclear scientist was disapeared and found dead after few days, rumors said that it was the raw who kidnaped him bcz they suspected that he was selling some really delicate informations or smugling and torchered him to death... all this is stated by your news channels just go on youtube and watch it, if you didn't done it already!:eek:

The only one who ever used a nuclear bomb in a war is U.S. and the most dangerous state for the peace of world which detains nuclear weopons illegally is Israel, why any body have concerns about their nuclear assets?

The main reason is bcz nobody really cares about this matter all these anti-Pakistan forces are doing this BS propaganda from past few years without any reasult bcz we will never compromise on our nuclear assets, remind it!:bounce:
After reading this thread

I think that even IF IF IF Pakistan Stole Nuclear Technology than still we should be Proud and Our Enemies should be Afraid.Running such a successful espionage network right under the nose of the west.

I mean our Intelligence was Previously only known to create Jihadi's but now it seems we also have considerable capabilities of Industrial and Military Espionage.

I am Proud of my country Pakistan and it's abilities to get what ever is necessary for the defence.
Sir it seems like you havent heard of the Manhattan project

Manhattan Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry dude but you are grossly misinformed.

Enrico the Fermi an Italian scientist started the Physics work and formed the original theories back when Mussollini was in power in Italy and he was standing with the Hitler's Germany, later in USA after the world II end they used Enrico, Albert Einstein and the informations from Captured Nazi scientist to conclude what they demosntrated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Atleast this is what i've studied in History books at college and what my history professor explained to me.

When i mention world war II end, i'm reffering to the german deafeat in Europe!
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After reading this thread

I think that even IF IF IF Pakistan Stole Nuclear Technology than still we should be Proud and Our Enemies should be Afraid.Running such a successful espionage network right under the nose of the west.

I mean our Intelligence was Previously only known to create Jihadi's but now it seems we also have considerable capabilities of Industrial and Military Espionage.

I am Proud of my country Pakistan and it's abilities to get what ever is necessary for the defence.

Didn't the west already know about this ? They were simply ignoring it IIRC.

This isn't something to be proud of. Only kills credibility and makes it harder to trust Pakistani's with sensitive data.

If your so called "Espionage ability" was so good, then we would never have learnt of this.
There are always other stories doing the rounds but some get more publicity than others.

Islamabad—In a major development, some eight Indian nuclear scientists, reported to be highly active members of Prasad-Chaudhary Nuclear Proliferation Network (PCNPN) have reacted very strongly to Indo-US nuclear deal, saying that the deal will bring a great interference of the US in India’s “Sensitive Nuclear” affairs.
In a letter The scientists, who include three former chiefs of the Atomic Energy Commission, India’s top atomic agency, led by Dr YSR Prasad, currently facing sanctions by the US State Department owing to his Nuclear Proliferation activities to help Iran and North Korea, in an open letter , sent to Indian parliament, urged that India should not agree to a deal that placed a perpetual restraint on its nuclear options. “We have built our capabilities in many sensitive technological areas, which need not and should not be subjected to external control,” they said in a joint statement, drafted and forwarded by Dr. Prasad, head of Prasad-Chaudhary Nuclear Proliferation Netwrok, a network, termed by various world agencies and media organization to be far bigger than Khan network.
While welcoming the broad thrust of the deal, they expressed concern over changes suggested as it has made its way through the U.S. legislature.
“We find that this deal with the US, in the form approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, infringes on our independence for carrying out indigenous research and development,” they wrote.
“If the U.S. Congress, in its wisdom, passes the bill in its present form, the ‘product’ will become unacceptable to India.”
The deal, under which India will get access to nuclear fuel and equipment in return for international inspections and the separation of civilian and military programmes, received initial approval by the U.S. House of Representatives last month.
The scientists also appealed to Indian lawmakers to debate the suggested amendments and ensure they “do not inhibit our future ability to develop and pursue nuclear technologies.
However, it is surprising and interesting as well that Dr. C Surrender Chaudhary, the prime accomplice of Dr. Prasad in Proliferation activities and was put under sanctions by the US State Department along with Dr. Prasad on 29th September 2004 when the State Department took the action under Nonproliferation Act 200 through Public Notice No-4845, notified it in the Federal Register as 69FR 58212 Notice, has not signed the said later. It is pertinent to mention here the Surrender Chaudhary’s name was deleted from the US State department’s list of under sanctioned nuclear proliferation accused, earlier this year and is currently just under watch.
When contacted, , highly reliable sources at the IAEA in Vienna expressed their utmost surprise over such a belated yet, strong reaction on part of some Indian nuclear scientist, to merely mildest restriction by the US was highly surprising and to anybody’s dismay.
The analysts, concerned, when contacted by The Daily Mail, were of the view that keeping in view the past record of Indian nuclear scientist regarding the proliferation activities that had been taking place with all the blessings of New Delhi, it can easily be ascertained that they were feeling perturbed the deal with the US as they must be fearing that under the deal, the US access to India’s nuclear affairs would expose the proliferation activities of the past as well as the present. “ I ask why they are so disturbed about the sensitivity of their nuclear programme since the said deal is limited to civilian nuclear infrastructure and not the military one? Well! The answer is that all the nuclear proliferation activities, carried out by Dr Prasad and his network took place mainly in the civilian side and that’s what is making them more fearsome”, asserted professor Ali Ahmed, a seasoned analyst and researcher. He was also of the opinion that Dr. Prasad, who has left no grace after being exposed as the main player of India’s nuclear underworld trade, and is still facing US sanctions for such acts, also wants to negotiate some barter deal with the Americans by forming a strong group to oppose the deal. “ See why Surrender Chaudhary did not sign the said letter ? just because he made a big gain by getting his name removed from the sanctions list and thus he did not want to annoy the Americans anymore whereas Prasad is still facing the charges so he also must be looking forward to some relief from Washington”, observed Professor Ahmad.

A spotlight on Indian Nuclear Scientists’ proliferation history.
The Daily Mail’s investigation indicate that Dr Prasad and Dr Surendar remained hectically engaged in proliferation activities and kept supplying with atomic know-how and nuke tech to different countries with Iran being on top of list. Though the Indian nuke bigwigs took part in the global proliferation activities via the underworld nuclear network, established by Dr Prasad (details below) but their proliferation activities regarding Tehran’s ambitious nuke infrastructure had all the blessings of Delhi and Iranian government was assured full back up support including the provision of a variety of parts and material by the Indian government. In fact Dr Prasad and Dr Surendar were all out create a state-of-the-art nuke infrastructure for the Iranians that could have enabled Tehran to establish a huge arsenal of Thermonuclear Weaponry and even the Hydrogen Bomb as Indian never wanted to have presence of such a facility at its soil due to certain objections of Israel and the US, however it was decided by Delhi to create such a facility at Iran for subsequent use by India eliminating all the risks on its part. Under this plan, the Indian nuke Scientists, tasked to assist Iranian nuke programme chalked out a special three-stage nuke project for Iranians, identical to the one that was earlier prepared for India’s own usage.
In the first stage of this programme, power reactors, that were to be provided to Tehran by Delhi were to utilize Natural Uranium. At the 2nd stage, fast breeder reactors were to be employed at Iranian nuke sites that were to use Plutonium from the first stage while at the 3rd stage reactors were to be run with Thorium and this Thorium was to be supplied to Iran by the Indian government from the sand beaches of Kerala and Orrisa where Indians have huge Thorium reserves. It is pertinent to mention here that the reactors that were proposed for Tehran are the ones where Indian Nuke Scientists developed a marvellous skill developing Tritium. However, this plan was immediately shelved after Delhi developed a hunch that Israeli Spy agency had scented this development and everything was being monitored.
Findings of The Daily Mail reveal that India’s nuclear cooperation with Iran also has a long history. In 1994 police in the West Khasi Hills District of Indian State of Meghalaya near Uranium mining site, accidentally arrested four persons trying to smuggle large quantity of Uranium. Police sources initially claimed that a former employee of Indian Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) then working in a Persian Gulf (probably Iran) was also registered by the Meghalaya Police Station against the said former official. However, the case was immediately hushed up so as not to expose the linkup of Indian nuclear establishment with nuclear underworld via Dubai, serving aspirant countries having cover nuclear programme for heavy sums of money.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that in 1991 Tehran and delhi were negotiating the sale of a 10 megawatt research reactor for installation at Iranian facility at Kalaye Electric Company (KEC) and the possibility of sale of a research power reactor. US applied pressure on Indian not to undertake these contracts. Although under pressure India initially seemed to comply with the US demand, however, credible reports indicated that India, after all secretly carried through the deal by March 1992 despite US pressure. Interestingly it was at the KEC from where traces of LEU and HEU were discovered by the IAEA during environment sampling, which led to admittance by Tehran in October 2003 that it carried out centrifuge testing over there using UF6. It also admitted extraction of small amounts of Plutonium.
These disclosures were coupled with a sensational discovery that a leading Indian nuclear scientist and former Chairman and Managing Director of Nuclear Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) Dr Y S R Prasad has been employed by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) after his retirement in 2000. The revelation came as a part of Iran’s efforts to fulfil its promise to the IAEA to make complete declaration of its past and present activities in a bid to clear its name from allegations of developing nuclear weapons. However, India managed to partially blackout the news with an amazing speed. The news item was got removed from the website of Hindustan Times within hours of its appearance under special instructions of Indian Ministry of Media and Information. Indian also send special emissary to Tehran urging it not to make any further disclosures about the extent of involvement in the Iranian nuclear programme of other officials of its Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and NPCIL. Indian External affairs Minister Yashwant Sinha also later paid a visit to Tehran on 13 December 2003 pleading with Iranians to mute on their nuclear engagements with the Indians. He reiterated India’s support to Iran on peaceful uses of nuclear energy and reiterated promise as bait to buy Iranian gas by laying a gas pipeline.
The Daily Mail’s research indicates that Dr Y S R Prasad, who worked a lifelong with the Indian nuclear establishment has had quite a history of questionable practices. During his frequent visits to the former Soviet Union in connection with nuclear collaboration programme between India and USSR subsequently Russia, Prasad developed an extensive network with the lowly paid off Soviet break-up owning to inflation and devaluation. Prasad soon developed a network of nuclear inventories of Russia and other breakaway Republics. At many of these facilities guards and even scientist remained without salaries for months.
Even back home, Prasad’s activities had started raising eyebrows. NPCIL, which Prasad headed, had become a breading ground for nepotism and sycophancy degenerating to a dangerous cover-up culture. Prasad was the linchpin of an unholy nexus between unscrupulous business establishments, corrupt officials of NPCIL and the sacred cow DAE, India. Serious irregularities were discovered by audit in the procurement by NPCIL for Kakrapara Atomic Power Station. Fraudulent practices were also reported in procurement for Kaiga I and II Power Stations in Karnatka and RAPP III and IV Power Stations at Rawatbhata near Kota, Rajasthan. Prasad meanwhile managed to get an extension in his service through his networking within the Indian nuclear establishment particularly with the blessings of Chairman AEC and Secretary DAE Dr Chidambaram, despite having reached the age of superannuation in 1998. Nonetheless, Prasad realized that it would be difficult for him to clinch to the Indian nuclear network for long and started looking for other venues. His contracts with Iran in connection with clandestine nuclear cooperation with Indian proved handy and landed him a job in Tehran., Prasad left NPCIL on 30 April 2003 but before he managed to manipulate putting his close confidant Chaudary Surender in his shoes even though Chaudary was also on a two years extension due to expire in August 2000.
Iran’s nuclear programme received a major boost with joining of Prasad. Owing to his resourceful network within the Indian and Russian nuclear circles, pieces of nuclear puzzle started to fall in place at a amazing pace. Alarm bells were raised and US put pressure on IAEA to very certain violations of Treaty obligations by Iran, supplying it some information from its own intelligence, which finally resulted in IAEA inspections in Iran. Thus Prasad unwittingly proved to be a precipitating factor in the disclosure of Iran’s secret nuclear programme.
The Daily Mail’s research suggests that nuclear cooperation between India and Iraq started in 1974 under the direct supervision of Saddam Hussain himself on the Iraqi side when he was still the Vice president. Saddam flew to India, especially to sign a Nuclear Cooperation Treaty with the then Indian Prime Minister late Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The little known Treaty involved the exchange of scientists, training and technology. To cover up this secret Treaty, India and Iraq signed an overt “Agreement between the Government of India and the Government of Republic of Iraq relating to the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy on 28 March 1974 at New Delhi. The then Indian Foreign Secretary Mr Kewal Singh and the Head of Iraqi Economic Bureau Mr Fakhri Y Kaddori signed the agreement, in the presence of Mrs Gandhi and Saddam. India tested it first nuclear explosive device on 18 May 1974, in less then two months time from signing of these agreements, thanks to the massive infusion of Iraqi petro-dollars to the programme. It sis a further irony that the 12 kilo-tons nuclear explosion was code name as ‘Smiling Buddha’ by the Indians and obvious to insult the peaceful teachings of Buddha and reflective of the grudge that the Hindu extremists carry against Buddhism from having spread across the world from India rather than Hinduism.
Incidentally India had itself used the CANDU reactors, supplied to it by the Government of Canada to extract Plutonium for this test. In addition the technical assistance and reactor designs supplied by Canada to India enabled it to develop a capacity to produce over 300 kilograms of plutonium annually. Only 5 to 8 Kg Plutonium is required to produce a nuclear bomb. Canada again included India into CANDU discuss consultative information exchange Group in 1980s despite glaring abuse by it in the past. In 1995 Canadian Atomic Energy staff visited India to discuss another sale of CANDU reactors to India. It was at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre that India developed tritium a heavy water isotope using the Canadian design power reactors. The same tritium was used by it in the 1998 nuclear explosions.
Coming back to the Indo-Iraqi nexus, the Iraqi researchers were allowed access to work with Indian scientists in the Plutonium separation labs that were used to extract Plutonium for India’s first nuclear explosion. Saddam later managed to obtain a nuclear fuel-reprocessing unit from CNEN of Italy. India also leased numerous scientists to Iraq under the garb of Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreement over the years. One such scientist spent a year, training Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission’s scientists on use of nuclear computer codes to carry out computer simulated cold nuclear tests, including how easy it was to hide a nuclear weapons programme under the cover of peaceful use.
In the words of a former Iraqi nuclear scientists Khidhir Abdul Abas Hamza who managed to defect in 1994, Iraq’s Nuclear weapons programme was personally directed byt Saddam, which was abetted by a host of Western countries and India over a period of several decades. According to Hamza it was surprising how easy it was to negotiate peaceful nuclear cooperation agreements with Soviet Union, India, Brazil, France, Germany and other European countries to cover obtaining technology for weapons programme. “We were astonished that companies were actually helping us find cover stories for equipment needed by us”, Hamza was quoted in an interview. Hamza’s disclosures had detailed information about how some Indian companies and German companies, including Degussa AG Leybol etc, helped Iraq in establishing its nuclear programme.
The Daily Mail’s findings reveal that Iraq and India continued nuclear cooperation under the patronage of two governments and later extended this co-op to other Iraqi WMD programmes like Chemical and Biological Weapons. India had an extensive covert chemical weapons programme and its helped Iraq tremendously in this field. India itself lied to the international community when it signed the Chemical Weapons Treaty in 1997 as a non Chemical Weapons State but later admitted it CWs programme under threat of challenge inspection. In 1986 Iraq had procured 160,000 aluminium tubes from European suppliers and made additional purchases in 2000-1. These CIA presumed to be a proof of an Iraqi centrifuge program. Iraq turned to Indian company NEC and Dubai Branch of Indian Company TT S,A when other source failed to provide it with more tubes. A Dubai based Iraqi businessman Muntasir Awni acted as conduit between the two Indian companies and Iraqi company Rasheed for supply of these aluminium tubes. NEC Engineers India Private Ltd also supplied al-Mamoon Company in Iraq a new plant to produce ammonium per-chlorate a key ingredient in the production of solid fuel propellant rocket motors. NEC also supplied technology for Fallujah 2 chlorine plant. According to an Iraqi independent paper al’ Mada Saddam also used oil as bribes to Indian Congress Party’s top officials with the aim to create political support inside of India for such sensitive transfers.
It is evident that if the international community is serious about stoppage of WMDs’ production and nuclear proliferation, it has got to place emphasis on India and West rather than peripheries, for its here that the buck starts and stops.
If the question is objective...then the answer is "YES"....:devil:

other than Pakistani and Chinese can raise their concerns....;)
1. Sir you should read my first post on this thread. It clearly says that Pakistan's nukes are safe

As long as you can agree with me Pakistan's nuclear assets are safe, then I have no problem with it

2. Sir U.S & Russia didnt proliferate nuclear technology , they only transferred their nuclear assets to strategic locations. Pakistan has been proliferating nuclear tech.

Sir, you are gravely mistaken. Where did Israel got its nuclear technology from?Where did India got its nuclear technology help from? Both USA and Russia right?Isn't that proliferating?

3. Sir that would have given India even more of a prerogative to go nuclear with India in the early 80's.But still it didnt.

I don't understand what you are trying to point out, may you repeat this statement again?

4.Sir I would have been happy if Pakistan would have made economic progress and you would have replaced nukes by progress, wealth, standard of living etc. WMD's are not something to be proud of mate.

Sir, I could say the same thing to about India, that they should also increase the standard of living, insteading of increasing its military defence.

But Sir, its nothing to be proud of ,agreed, But we Pakistanis are proud, cos it out greatest achievement since Independent sir, like I explained in my first post.
5. Sir I repeat, India could have attacked anytime in the 80's when she had a conventional and non conventional superiority over Pakistan. That wasnt the case goes to show India's tolerance.
Sir you forgot that China was there for us, like one of the member here said, that China helping us to acquire a nuke, shows how deep our ties is with China, and USA was still our allies, after we helped them in the Soviet-Afghan war,and also the middle east, when we helped them during the 1967 war, but I don't want to go on further as it will derail this topic

6. Sir maybe you didnt read my post. I said Indian armed personnel never made such comments.

Yes Sir, but could you provide me a link to show that the COAS of Pakistan made such a claim boasting of its nuclear capabilities?

7. Sir cant stipulate or validate that but rest assured the world would have been a very different place.

True, it would have been a very different place, but who started all this nuclear thingy?

8. Sir I honestly dont think Pakistan has the capacity of MAD against India or if she can deploy it. Though a lot of destruction will be there , it wont be total.

Sir, if there is a lot of destruction=MAD already. We don't have to bomb every single place of India, Pakistan would probably aim at the most important economic hubs and cities, which is already=MAD. And sir, that's just the bombing, you forgot the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

Sir thank you sir. Glad to have an exchange with you sir.

Same goes to you, glad to share your point of views
Yes, we got our nuke plans from China.

End of Story.



Punjabi jaldi ubbal painde ne.....

Now we can close the thread in favour of accuser?

Please take it in lighter mood....
Indian "news" sources = baseless lies and accusation and zero truth

Indian newspapers and websites just shouldnt be allowed to be cited as real news sources because they are not. Even Indians dont think they are news.
Didn't the west already know about this ? They were simply ignoring it IIRC.

Then our Foreign Policy is successful not only we stole but we also forced west to ignore.

This isn't something to be proud of. Only kills credibility and makes it harder to trust Pakistani's with sensitive data.

Hooooo.I agree with credibility thing but not with proud thing.Pakistan should be Proud of getting nukes by hook or by crook.

If your so called "Espionage ability" was so good, then we would never have learnt of this.

Well world didn't learn't about it until some traitor dictator did it.
What nonsense! Pakistan made the nukes through the great brilliance of our Nuclearn scientists and engineers!

Pakistani students were denied access into Western university faculities of nuclear engineer and science!

It was Pakistani scientists like Abdul Qadir Khan who worked day and night, long and hard to bring this great achievment to the Pakistani nation! Alhamdulillah!
China played a major role in the development of Pakistan's nuclear infrastructure, especially when increasingly stringent export controls in western countries made it difficult for Pakistan to acquire materials and technology elsewhere. According to a 2001 Department of Defense report, China has supplied Pakistan with nuclear materials and expertise and has provided critical assistance in the construction of Pakistan's nuclear facilities.

In the 1990s, China designed and supplied the heavy water Khusab reactor, which plays a key role in Pakistan's production of plutonium. A subsidiary of the China National Nuclear Corporation also contributed to Pakistan's efforts to expand its uranium enrichment capabilities by providing 5,000 custom made ring magnets, which are a key component of the bearings that facilitate the high-speed rotation of centrifuges.

According to Anthony Cordesman of CSIS, China is also reported to have provided Pakistan with the design of one of its warheads, which is relatively sophisticated in design and lighter than U.S. and Soviet designed first generation warheads.

China also provided technical and material support in the completion of the Chasma nuclear power reactor and plutonium reprocessing facility, which was built in the mid 1990s. The project had been initiated as a cooperative program with France, but Pakistan's failure to sign the NPT and unwillingness to accept IAEA safeguards on its entire nuclear program caused France to terminate assistance.

According to the Defense Department report cited above, Pakistan has also acquired nuclear related and dual-use and equipment and materials from the Former Soviet Union and Western Europe.
What nonsense! Pakistan made the nukes through the great brilliance of our Nuclearn scientists and engineers!

Pakistani students were denied access into Western university faculities of nuclear engineer and science!

It was Pakistani scientists like Abdul Qadir Khan who worked day and night, long and hard to bring this great achievment to the Pakistani nation! Alhamdulillah!

There is no doubt about Dr Khan’s expertise which he gained in Germany and Netherland... But it is known fact that Khan had stolen uranium enrichment technologies from Europe but it was not enough to transform it into a deliverable nuclear weapon....it was China who did it for Pakistan ..
And Russia did it for India. T90s TOT from Russia, Brhamos from Russia, nuclear sub from Russia, destroyers/ships from Russia, ISRO technology from the Russian space stations, so what is the big deal, if it happened, but Pakistan's nuclear program is home grown, but you do not have to believe it, it does not matter. I heard that Manmohan's beard was also made on Russian design, is that true?
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