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Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

Well, I'm totally against nuclear proliferation and do not think any country outside the permanent UN security council should develop any WMD, and the 5 members themselves should take steps to reduce their stock piles (especially US and Russia, they have enough nuclear weapons to destroy this world several times over).

But I can't help but feel your post is smeared with hypocrisy -- so when India government possesses nuclear weapons it is safe and sound, but when Pakistani government possesses nuclear weapons it is bound to fall into "wrong hands"? May I ask why? Is it because Pakistani government is illegit and irresponsible and are ready prepared to support terrorists with nuclear weapons??

What a joke? What gives the right to those 5 to have the weapons? Why not have a international body take everyone's weapons and destroy them? They are already in the wrong hands of the one's who have already used them..ie US and also who are most likely to use it..ie China and Pakistan...and maybe Israel.
Well, its not the India, but AQ Khan himself admitted that China sent the Uranium to Pak and also the know how of a nuclear bomb.

Also AQ Khan's misadventure in Netherlands is quite famous now. So one cannot deny it. He has been charged and is facing the penalty too.

apna papa jagjitnatt sing jee i dont care if AQ khan admitted
the world will beileve only if the chinese will admit :pakistan:
1.Sir, just because a country steals nuclear technology, you are unable to generalize it as its inability to protect its assets.

2.Sir, USA proliferate its nuclear weapons during cold war, Russia proliferate its nuclear weapons during cold war, and they both have not drastically reduce their stockpiles, why can't Pakistan proliferate its nuclear stockpile?

3.Sir, India has a very strong conventional army in the region other than China, why would it need to nuke Pakistan? It has enough ammunition to sustain it in a long term war, so Pakistan is at the disadvantage here.

4.Sir and of course Pakistan has the right to brag. I am very sure that all Pakistani on this Forum are proud of Pakistan and about Pakistan acquiring nuclear weapon, and all Pakistanis should be proud cause its our best achievement after the Independence in 1947.

5.Nuclear weapons is our only sheer deterrence against India, and honestly, this is what keeping them at bay.

6.May I know which article you got that quote from?

7.If India has used nuke against Pakistan in the 1980s, it probably would not be standing where it is today, as the 2nd fastest growing economy in the world.

8.And with due respect sir, you know the consequences of a nuclear war, I do not have to explain to you, Both countries would probably be wiped out of the map if that happens, so claiming that India would win a nuclear war is a total big NO.

1. Sir you should read my first post on this thread. It clearly says that Pakistan's nukes are safe

2. Sir U.S & Russia didnt proliferate nuclear technology , they only transferred their nuclear assets to strategic locations. Pakistan has been proliferating nuclear tech.

3. Sir that would have given India even more of a prerogative to go nuclear with India in the early 80's.But still it didnt.

4.Sir I would have been happy if Pakistan would have made economic progress and you would have replaced nukes by progress, wealth, standard of living etc. WMD's are not something to be proud of mate.

5. Sir I repeat, India could have attacked anytime in the 80's when she had a conventional and non conventional superiority over Pakistan. That wasnt the case goes to show India's tolerance.

6. Sir maybe you didnt read my post. I said Indian armed personnel never made such comments.

7. Sir cant stipulate or validate that but rest assured the world would have been a very different place.

8. Sir I honestly dont think Pakistan has the capacity of MAD against India or if she can deploy it. Though a lot of destruction will be there , it wont be total.

Sir thank you sir. Glad to have an exchange with you sir.
same could be argued for vietnam...

Well, I'm totally against nuclear proliferation and do not think any country outside the permanent UN security council should develop any WMD, and the 5 members themselves should take steps to reduce their stock piles (especially US and Russia, they have enough nuclear weapons to destroy this world several times over).

But I can't help but feel your post is smeared with hypocrisy -- so when India government possesses nuclear weapons it is safe and sound, but when Pakistani government possesses nuclear weapons it is bound to fall into "wrong hands"? May I ask why? Is it because Pakistani government is illegit and irresponsible and are ready prepared to support terrorists with nuclear weapons??
Some users are under the misconception that a nuclear war would completely wipe out the aggressor. This is not true.

Firstly, India has a no-first-use policy. Which means India will not be the first one to use a nuclear bomb, only retaliate.

Now, in a nuclear exchange India has the advantage of size. You simply cannot bomb the entire land mass of India before India bombs out entire Pakistan. India is also equipped with THIRD STRIKE capability, which I hope is never utilized.

Lastly, it is a global belief that India's stockpile exceeds that of Pakistan. India has the resource potential to become the third most powerful nuclear nation, third only to Russia and USA. 6 nuclear power plants are NOT included in the N.Deal.

Conclusion: India will be damaged and might also suffer heavy losses, but Pakistan will be wiped out entirely.
why are you guys fighting over this .....just watch this
..this and it will explain everything
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@ asim,

Joking? From where could US steal/borrow Nuclear Tech when they were first to invent it.

He is not Joking but you are being Blind and stupid.

US got nuke technology from kidnapped or captured Nazi scientists after WWII
So did russians.

so germans were the inventers.
Some users are under the misconception that a nuclear war would completely wipe out the aggressor. This is not true.

Firstly, India has a no-first-use policy. Which means India will not be the first one to use a nuclear bomb, only retaliate.

Now, in a nuclear exchange India has the advantage of size. You simply cannot bomb the entire land mass of India before India bombs out entire Pakistan. India is also equipped with THIRD STRIKE capability, which I hope is never utilized.

Lastly, it is a global belief that India's stockpile exceeds that of Pakistan. India has the resource potential to become the third most powerful nuclear nation, third only to Russia and USA. 6 nuclear power plants are NOT included in the N.Deal.

Conclusion: India will be damaged and might also suffer heavy losses, but Pakistan will be wiped out entirely.

It's you my friend who is under the misconception and a very dangerous misconception that not all of India will be wiped out in a nuclear exchange.

Maybe with present stockpile level you maybe right but you do know that survivors will be living a life much more miserable than the dead.

They will be like a living dead and every moment they would wish for death.
He is not Joking but you are being Blind and stupid.

US got nuke technology from kidnapped or captured Nazi scientists after WWII
So did russians.

so germans were the inventers.

Thanks for calling names but i will reply u ONLY with Facts :

Well, In the case Germans had the Bomb we should have seen Hitler using The Bomb.

Its True Hitler has Ambitions but he never had a Real Bomb.

Have you heard of this very very famous statement ( Regarding Nazi Bomb ) :

"Child never born... Mother never pregnant." ?

If NOT, You Dont Deserve to Call me "Stupid" as You Dont even Know who is Stupid.
So what is the evidence that China gave Pakistan the blueprints again? No one read the book yet or read an account that describes the evidence that led to Albright's conclusions?
If accusations of proliferation are going to be leveled at Pakistan because of the actions of an individual, also recognize that Western nations (some details of which were provided earlier by Peregrine) also then engaged in proliferation by virtue of their citizens and companies selling technology that allowed Pakistan to develop the bomb.

1. A West German Business man Albrecht Migule was convicted in 1985 for supplying a 6 million Nuclear plant to Pakistan in 62 truck loads & he had provided a team of engineers to supervise its construction. that facility is a key installation for processing natural uranium into uranium hexa flouride so that it can be enriched for use in nuclear arms. This was regarded as a critical building block of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, In the words of One German official " it was yeast for cake"

2. In 1976 to 77 the Dutch automobile transmission manufacturer Van Dornee Transmissie exported 6,500 tubes of specially hardened steel to Pakistan, the tubes were intended to encase high speed centrifuges- one method of the isotope separation must for enrichment

3. Two more prosecutions in Netherlands also resulted in acquittals and one was convicted who Dutch officials believed was helping Pakistan's Nuclear program

4. In 1981 Albert Goldberg in USA while trying to smuggle 5,000 pounds of zirconium metal to Pakistan and he was never prosecuted.

Look at that list above - I don't think even AQ Khan was able to sell an entire Nuclear plant and engineers to supervise construction.
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