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‘Diaspora Tamils should be part of UN referendum on Eelam’

Ofcourse they should be. It is foolishness to think otherwise. Because even according to the Sl's claim they are Sri Lankans andd hence must be part of any procedure that determines the fate of their homeland and themselves.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

On 15 November 1505 a Portuguese fleet commanded by Lourenço de Almeida, having been driven by a storm to the shores of Sri Lanka, landed in Colombo. With permission of the king of Kotte, Dharma Parakramabahu IX, Alimeida erected a trade station and a small chapel in Colombo.

The chapel was dedicated to St Lawrence. Franciscan Friar Vicente, the chaplain of the fleet, celebrated Mass. This is the first record of a Catholic mass on Sri Lankan soil. Over the next few centuries, Portuguese, Dutch, and Irish missionaries spread the religion in Sri Lanka, most notably in the western and northwestern coast, where in some places Catholics are half the population.

Roman Catholicism in Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:hitwall: i think i must be the one hitting the wall !!
Just cant imagine u r a journo!!
so if a portuguese missionery comes, there are no tamil christians?
What are u trying to prove in ur very very dumb post?

Ofcourse they should be. It is foolishness to think otherwise. Because even according to the Sl's claim they are Sri Lankans andd hence must be part of any procedure that determines the fate of their homeland and themselves.
can u be bit elaborate ?
konjam full ah explain panriya thozhare?
He was in Baticola

:rofl::rofl:, Baticola is located in Eastern Province, displaced people's camps were on Northern province.:lol:
btw terrorist problem ended in Eastern province before the Northern province too. :lol:
:hitwall: i think i must be the one hitting the wall !!
Just cant imagine u r a journo!!
so if a portuguese missionery comes, there are no tamil christians?
What are u trying to prove in ur very very dumb post?

There are tamil christians.......

Sri Lankan Tamils already elected there leaders by elections…

Following the end of the war, general and Presidential elections as well as local government elections have been conducted in the North.

Sri Lanka : Elections for Sri Lanka\'s Northern Provincial Council to be held this year
:rofl::rofl:, Baticola is located in Eastern Province, displaced people's camps were on Northern province.:lol:
btw terrorist problem ended in Eastern province before the Northern province too. :lol:
The SL campain started against in the North, but ended in the East.
So u have no right to complain, if we or the world countries, say that the SL govt have cheated the GoI and SL tamils as well

no special rights based on ethnic! This is 21st century and no space for racists and separatists who are trying to their "race" tag for in front of everything!

You guys will never feel the feeling of living in a country coz of block system in India. I don't want to argue about it it's unique to India, just keep it with it with you and try to enjoy the "whole country". I don't know any Indian can actually can feel it, they will never, but that is "India".
no special rights based on ethnic! This is 21st century and no space for racists and separatists who are trying to their "race" tag for in front of everything!

You guys will never feel the feeling of living in a country coz of block system in India. I don't want to argue about it it's unique to India, just keep it with it with you and try to enjoy the "whole country". I don't know any Indian can actually can feel it, they will never, but that is "India".

No need for special rights
Give the rights as promised by ur leadership , nothing more, nothing less !!
no special rights based on ethnic! This is 21st century and no space for racists and separatists who are trying to their "race" tag for in front of everything!

You guys will never feel the feeling of living in a country coz of block system in India. I don't want to argue about it it's unique to India, just keep it with it with you and try to enjoy the "whole country". I don't know any Indian can actually can feel it, they will never, but that is "India".
Kill the rest of the Tamils with out any remorse as you have done in the past for about 50 years and put a media curfew and say that nothing happened, You guys are good at killing others just for the reason that they are from a different ethinic back ground
:hitwall: There is no use in talking to you guys, and don't tell the world that you were brave to have killed the LTTE, because with out the help of INDIA and 9 other nations you people would have sucked before the LTTE.
The SL campain started against in the North, but ended in the East.

WTF, :lol: :lol:
@Indian Tamils, give some support to this guy to find the correct details.

No need for special rights
Give the rights as promised by ur leadership , nothing more, nothing less !!

so then no issue now, no special rights to any ethnic in our constitution!
WTF, :lol: :lol:
@Indian Tamils, give some support to this guy to find the correct details.

so then no issue now, no special rights to any ethnic in our constitution!

what ur leadership promised?
13 amendment?
Ring something in ur head?
Kill the rest of the Tamils with out any remorse as you have done in the past for about 50 years and put a media curfew and say that nothing happened, You guys are good at killing others just for the reason that they are from a different ethinic back ground
:hitwall: There is no use in talking to you guys, and don't tell the world that you were brave to have killed the LTTE, because with out the help of INDIA and 9 other nations you people would have sucked before the LTTE.

Go to Sri Lanka elections website, then check the results, Tamils are voted for both former General and Current president.

We Sri Lankans know who helped us, and who trained this terrorist group.

what ur leadership promised?
13 amendment?
Ring something in ur head?

No police and land powers for provinces, all other things are possible.
Go to Sri Lanka elections website, then check the results, Tamils are voted for both former General and Current president.

We Sri Lankans know who helped us, and who trained this terrorist group.

No police and land powers for provinces, all other things are possible.

We indians know, who made us to train ur so called terrorist!!!
No police powers?
So now i know how sinhalelse treats tamils specially?
WTF, :lol: :lol:
@Indian Tamils, give some support to this guy to find the correct details.

so then no issue now, no special rights to any ethnic in our constitution!

Even i am curious to know as to haw you people plan to resolve your differences with Srilankan tamils if you reject federal structure.Federalism worked fine for India,Britain,US,Canada.It devolves power away from a centre and make people feel empowered thus strenghtning the union.

PS.I an not a tamil so you cannot brush aside my questions as partisan.

No police and land powers for provinces, all other things are possible.


These powers have always been vested in states rather than centre in every model of federal structure.
Indian system is unique to India, it's not matching to Sri Lanka.
simple question, why should we give special rights to a ethnic group who live in specific area while their rest of percentage is enjoying the life rest of provinces?

#2 name the rights that majority Sinhalese have but Tamils or other ethnic do not have?

Divulsion of powers. This is one concession which SL need to make as they committed to in the 1987 Rajiv-Jayarwardene accord or the 13th amendment

I would have said yes, the tamils have equal rights as others if the situation was immediately after independence.

Lots of incidents had happened and lots of blood and hate has followed since then and Tamilians had to fight through for each one of the rights. The last one was the granting of citizenship to estate tamilians in 2004(or 2003 I am not sure) when SL was at the peak of the civil war and there are articles in internet which suggest that it was granted to prevent these people from joining the civil war.

But I could not find anything on the rights of the estate tamilians which India agreed to repartriate to India as per Shastri-Sirimavo Accord but later India reneged and SL is holding the line that they are Indian citizens. If you know it, let me know.

I would like to point a few incidents as examples of various incidents which time and again led to serious split the various SL population.

Univerisities act - 1971

burning of Jaffna library - 1981

1983 SL tamil riots

So it is natural you need to honor the 1987 accord or the 13th amendment.
The Tamils in exile still have not given up the dream of Eelam and wanting LTTE to be brought back, if another war happens then the Tamils Again will be the biggest losers.

WTF, :lol: :lol:
@Indian Tamils, give some support to this guy to find the correct details.

so then no issue now, no special rights to any ethnic in our constitution!

Correct no special rights . :coffee: :coffee:

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