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‘Diaspora Tamils should be part of UN referendum on Eelam’

Its long history so it’s difficult to explain in tis forum. Precisely Sonia took revenge on tamils people for her husband death. India supplied all types of weapons including Vijayantha tanks and deployed regiments contains 250 engineers in SL to dispose land mines and one of our engineer died during mines disposal this incident had been accepted in our parliament. And India blocked the Indian Ocean thereby it stopped the weapon supply and their escape. India indirectly involved in Tamil genocide in SL.

During Vajpayee(great man) regime SL asked that same kind of help but he refused and he told you want kill our own blood relations with our weapons? . Geroge Fernandes helped a lot for LTTE.

DMK can’t do anything in this regard even he pulled out support that time, SP and BSP ready to give the support the central govt. I am not the supporter of DMK.
Note: Read my previous thread

I grew up in TN for 27 years and I am a tamilian myself. I do understand the history of SL. So we need not go to the background. My opinion has evolved over years tempered by my understanding of what is practical considering the situation vs opinion formed out of emotions.
Anyone can make a film. C4 is showing 2 clips killings of Tamil Tigers but not civilians, anyone can ask isn't it a war crime if they killed captured terrorists. But it looks like our intelligence units has hunted the top heads of terrorist structure, I don't see any wrong with it and know the Sri Lanka isn't the first, hunting the top heads is the correct way to eliminate a terrorist outfit!

oh ya killing a 12 year old is a war act right?
Ur own LLRC report points out to 8000 deaths in starting phase of war!!
Then think about the last phase?
The issue is y cant u guys implement those same LLRC report!!
Anyone can make a film. C4 is showing 2 clips killings of Tamil Tigers but not civilians, anyone can ask isn't it a war crime if they killed captured terrorists. But it looks like our intelligence units has hunted the top heads of terrorist structure, I don't see any wrong with it and know the Sri Lanka isn't the first, hunting the top heads is the correct way to eliminate a terrorist outfit!

Mate - I do not disagree that hunting the top heads is the correct way to eliminate any organization. Callum Macrae's documentary is a compilation of not only 2 clips of killings of tamil tigers but also bombing of the hospital and the neutral zone. (this is no different from what happened in Nanking Massacre) But do you think US has vested interest against SL to bring up the issue to UN - US is one of the countries which had banned LTTE and have designated it as a terrorist organization.




1981/2001 census

And u do realise that large amount of moors are Tamil muslims who consider themselves as tamils(they had adopted tamil language in the past) !!
The moor classification is to show reduced percentage of tamils in lanka!!
I cannot see what the fuss is all about.

To me its simple, those living in SL are Sri Lankans first , always and every time. I am against dividing nations on ethnic grounds. The whole fiasco the Tamils did in SL was to me simply a game of trying to carve a nation for themselves. I am glad it has not worked out.

Hard decisions need to be taken to solve complex and festering problems. The sooner all parties move on the better.
And u do realise that large amount of moors are Tamil muslims who consider themselves as tamils(they had adopted tamil language in the past) !!
The moor classification is to show reduced percentage of tamils in lanka!!

lol Moors are Tamils? what a joke! Tamils are darker skin tone and short. Moors aren't like that!
Neither these areas belongs to Tamils or Moors, still ancient archaeological sites exists. Tamils in Eastern province around 36-37%

I just show the main 2 minority groups but there are other minority groups too.
I cannot see what the fuss is all about.

To me its simple, those living in SL are Sri Lankans first , always and every time. I am against dividing nations on ethnic grounds. The whole fiasco the Tamils did in SL was to me simply a game of trying to carve a nation for themselves. I am glad it has not worked out.

Hard decisions need to be taken to solve complex and festering problems. The sooner all parties move on the better.

If u cannot see the fuss around, i suggest u read the history of sinhalese-tamil problems created by sinhalese chauvnism after independence!!
Politicians did tamil bashing as a matter of policy, they tried to deport tamils from their own to country to india?
Did u know about them?
Pls before u post, understand about the issue, or else no need to troll!!
If u cannot see the fuss around, i suggest u read the history of sinhalese-tamil problems created by sinhalese chauvnism after independence!!
Politicians did tamil bashing as a matter of policy, they tried to deport tamils from their own to country to india?
Did u know about them?
Pls before u post, understand about the issue, or else no need to troll!!

One is aware of the past.

The bottom line remains that the ballot not bullet is the answer. Decades of fighting achieved nothing.
In Kosava , South Sudan and East Timor genocide doesn't happened like in SL but still UN brought referendum in those countries . So why not in SL ? why double standard? UN should bring the referendum at any cost. Separate Eelam is only solution for SL tamils.

So if we follow your logic, Kashmir also needs UN intervention. Mere mention of this will set your bottoms on fire! So dont apply the rules which you dont want to follow.
One is aware of the past.

The bottom line remains that the ballot not bullet is the answer. Decades of fighting achieved nothing.

Ok but where is the ballot?
Where is the promise made by rajapakse on 13th amendment to indian leaders?
where is devolution of powers as promised?
U better answer
Mate - I do not disagree that hunting the top heads is the correct way to eliminate any organization. Callum Macrae's documentary is a compilation of not only 2 clips of killings of tamil tigers but also bombing of the hospital and the neutral zone. (this is no different from what happened in Nanking Massacre) But do you think US has vested interest against SL to bring up the issue to UN - US is one of the countries which had banned LTTE and have designated it as a terrorist organization.

yep, it shows a story about a "hospital", if you already watched that documentary do u feel it as a hospital? It is just a building converted by them temporary as a "hospital". Some incident has happened and I think they mentioned around 28 deaths.
May I ask a question from you if Army targeted civilians and thousands and thousands died then what is the number of wounded civilians?

Than a human rights issue this is a political matter, India trying to keep away China from Sri Lanka, China trying to be closer to Sri Lanka and gain the control over ocean around Sri Lanka, US is trying to hold there position on Sri Lanka. This just a game, we all are players in this game.
So if we follow your logic, Kashmir also needs UN intervention. Mere mention of this will set your bottoms on fire! So dont apply the rules which you dont want to follow.
In kashmir security forces havent massacred 40k peoples like in lanka!!

lol Moors are Tamils? what a joke! Tamils are darker skin tone and short. Moors aren't like that!
Neither these areas belongs to Tamils or Moors, still ancient archaeological sites exists. Tamils in Eastern province around 36-37%

I just show the main 2 minority groups but there are other minority groups too.
The moor are arabs who had settled in lanka, but who have adapted tamil as their language!!!
I know about the history of moors pretty well !!
And there are tamils who had converted to muslims too, but they are too considered as moors!!
yep, it shows a story about a "hospital", if you already watched that documentary do u feel it as a hospital? It is just a building converted by them temporary as a "hospital". Some incident has happened and I think they mentioned around 28 deaths.
May I ask a question from you if Army targeted civilians and thousands and thousands died then what is the number of wounded civilians?

Than a human rights issue this is a political matter, India trying to keep away China from Sri Lanka, China trying to be closer to Sri Lanka and gain the control over ocean around Sri Lanka, US is trying to hold there position on Sri Lanka. This just a game, we all are players in this game.

I think you are simplifying the civilian deaths to 28. Do you think you will have a full fledged hospital in a war front? Ofcourse they convert buildings into hospitals but was declared as the hospital but SL ignored it. I am asking the question back to you - how many of the civilians are wounded and can you provide links?

I do understand everyone is a player - for that matter even India is a player. Looks for my response to Third eye.
Ok but where is the ballot?
Where is the promise made by rajapakse on 13th amendment to indian leaders?
where is devolution of powers as promised?
U better answer

Elections held months ago, 37% of Tamils voted for Rajapaksha's Party. 3 other parties won rest of seats. Eastern province far head than Northern province, it's our booming tourism province!

why we care Indian leaders, this is our country, this is our citizens, all the matters are ours, we are the people who should seek solution if there any major issue, we don't need Indian solution based on ethnic.

Devolution of power should be based on districts but it should NOT be based on ethnic. I don't want to see another "Indian type" in my country who live in blocks ..blocks...
I grew up in TN for 27 years and I am a tamilian myself. I do understand the history of SL. So we need not go to the background. My opinion has evolved over years tempered by my understanding of what is practical considering the situation vs opinion formed out of emotions.
My uncle is a writer with Pasumai Vigadan and he happened to go to SL after the eelam war and after seeing the condition of the Tamils suffering for a squre meal a day, he stoped writing for 3 weeks.

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