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DG ISPR's tweet . Hinting about something ?

Yes Alhamdulillah a Muslim . I just thought that maybe it's kind of for a bilateral ties for the 2020 referendum .

I understand what you are saying but the 2020 referendum is a hoax. It is a few disgruntled Sikhs who were part of the Khalistan movement and now their children have started this new movement.

Our example is the prophet (PBUH). Did he capitulate under the kuffar? Did he ever make concessions and one-sided treaties? Right now I cannot think of one example because there is none. India is a kafir nation and until all the disputes have been settled, we cannot open these goodwill gestures. Diplomacy is a two-way street and Pakistan should not ask its people to lay in front of tanks and shells while making concessions at the table. All it takes is one nutjob government in India... Their framework their ideology is setup for extremism.

Pakistan cannot afford to keep making goodwill gestures for bilateral ties. Hindus and Sikhs are all from the same ideology and they are two leaves of the same tree. You cannot treat them differently. Pakistani lives are too cheap for military leadership and politicians.. Just look at the Indian sponsored terrorism in all of Pakistan. There isn't one province that is not affected by it. It is the responsibility of the state to protect its citizens and our responsibility is not to appease the Sikhs in India.
There are abroad. Who are moderate. My uncle lives abroad and just the other day he was telling me that his Indian friends don't like Modi and his policies and think that he is a extremist. They would like congress back at the very least.

There is not enough time to pick and choose or play good Indian or bad Indian. They are all Indians.

Who do you the no should lead Pakistan . Not Imran or Nawaz or Zardari. Whom do you think is best for now on ?

I think we have an issue that there is no person out there with a national following. As things stand we may have to turn back to Raheel Sharif since he was the last person to have seemingly gelled the Nation
They all say that in front of Pakistani's and behind closed doors they cheer Modi. I have seen it with my clients 1st hand after they realize I'm in the audience they switch topics and start talking business and then I surcharge their asses.
Hahaha good job surcharging them. Fact is Indians can be very toxic people especially the ones that have freshly abandoned India. I find the more well established second generations way more moderate. However, their good/bad views about Pakistan don't matter. We have to make sure that we don't stoop to their reptilian level. The difference between a Pakistani and a toxic Indian should be evident.
Hahaha good job surcharging them. Fact is Indians can be very toxic people especially the ones that have freshly abandoned India. I find the more well established second generations way more moderate. However, their good/bad views about Pakistan don't matter. We have to make sure that we don't stoop to their reptilian level. The difference between a Pakistani and a toxic Indian should be evident.

Always make money of them when you can - and grow your own investments and business.
Does anybody know when a new DG ISPR is due?

Getting sick of the clunky English, childish desperation to engage with random things and veiled references VS. just saying it.

(PS: can't wait for the fanboys who share an equally compromised intellect to accuse me of treason.)

Better than Shaukat Sultan ..His english was great btw
There is not enough time to pick and choose or play good Indian or bad Indian. They are all Indians.

I think we have an issue that there is no person out there with a national following. As things stand we may have to turn back to Raheel Sharif since he was the last person to have seemingly gelled the Nation
I agree .
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