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DG ISPR hinting at something ?? Tweets about surpise

Is DG ISPR hinting at something?? I hope the plan he is talking about exists and it really work as surprise.

This is how a hybrid war is fought. A man of his word, DG ISPR has hinted at the culmination of preparations since Feb27th and what shall come to pass in the near future.

I would be extremely worried if I were India. There nervous shelling on loc shows they are worried about infiltration at best.

They may have a clue or two but no idea about the surprise the good DG is talking about. We all know how the good DG has always kept his word.

This (red font line) is where the difference lies.
People are thinking that India has won it and has slammed the door shut.....I am saying India has given made the blunder of the century and opened the door for us - the game has just started. Give it 12-months.

No - just wait 12-months. You will have everything clear to you by August 2020

By August 2020 we would have another issue to discuss.
His job is to confuse the enemy...sadly our own also behave like the enemy and get equally confused
That job is more suited for junior ranking ISPR Capt or person like fawad Chaudhry.

White household press secretary does all the talking, even all the nonsense. but never observe a Pentagon official attached to White House sending out warnings shots or hawaii fire.
Not sure what he said at the end, Urdu translation seems to be wrong but I do know, Gen Kyani and Gen Pasha were the two worst General PA had.

Audio quality is poor. I could not gather, what he is saying?
Audio quality is poor. I could not gather, what he is saying?
He is saying ... "we believe the freedom struggle in Kashmir is a freedom struggle, but if you get nobody's support, we will have to adjust accordingly. I don't mean to say we abandon (Kashmir) because there is our national interest ..."
He is saying ... "we believe the freedom struggle in Kashmir is a freedom struggle, but if you get nobody's support, we will have to adjust accordingly. I don't mean to say we abandon (Kashmir) because there is our national interest ..."

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Time is the decider .
More we wait more we lose . Right decision wrong time you lose .
Protests doesnt work . Heat things up .
7 million kashmiris scattered in valley and surroundings , not a big deal to kick most of them and to turn them in minority by hindu settlement needs couple of months . Example is syrian 6 million refugees in 3 years .
Rumors are they are trying to get Haji Pir Pass which is under Pakistan control.

If shelling is intense. It means two things, they have more ammo to expend. Pakistan doesnot have the luxury nor the resources to reply in the same coin. i.e Counter intense shelling
I don't agree with that.
They would want every strategic area and post from Pakistan.
But they don't have capability.
Pakistan army is not militia.
Does anyone know whats going on? Yesterday Mystic Intel on twitter reported cross border raids and today Waleed.C posted about some sort of cold suprise? Plus talks of tests? Someone reply to this
Exactly. Play slow but steady. Try to get max support from countries where you are confident enough of not getting blacklisted in FATF. Wait for US-Talibans "successful" deal. Once done these both, prepare freedom fighters for real jihad in Kashmir. If you want to become an aggressor than you are losing.
Kashmiri children crying for food since 3-4 weeks is already declaration of war and aggression.
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