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DG ISPR hinting at something ?? Tweets about surpise

I am not contesting, whatever he is doing. My question is, should HE do that ? Look at the Indians. How do they do this propaganda. They unleash politicians, writers, singers, cricketers to assert their narrative. When info flows from multiple channels, it gets sort of credibility. When it flows from Army General it is apparently termed as propaganda.
For a change many Pakistani people from various spheres of life has started using social media to push Kashmir narrative (Javed Miandad etc.).

You are looking at things though your prospective of India. Indeed, it may look so alien to you but the fact remains as DG did it well alone and then comes the change where people followed the right strategy. Speaking of pushing narrative; I am not sure if ISI can afford NYT, WP or any other world wide media source to do as such. Though, I fear that Indian Journalists exposing Indian lies about Indian Occupied Kashmir, are soon to be called traitors and may be advised to leave India. But the question is; are they pushing the same narrative of Pakistanis or in-fact that is the reality about IoK. Don't think that this is some kind of FB chatroom and you can continue with whatever you want.

What is the point man, i mean, lets be clear, lets be fair with ourselves as a nation, at least.

The enemy will not be deterred by just protests, the stone pelting, the intifada right..., neither did Israel, nor will it be India. I am not saying, go and attack India, there are many ways other than all out war to bleed India, until the dead bodies of Indian soldiers start going into mainland India in big numbers, the situation will remain the same, we just have to force India to be an aggressor.

We as a nation are facing an ideology, that is Hindu Rashtra, Akhand Bharat is jut a part of it. This ideology will not be and can not be contained inside Indian borders, it will eventually spill over their boundaries.

AJK is a buffer, Kashmiris are fighting our war. As soon as enemy finishes in IOK, the next natural step is IWT, AJK and Gilgit Baltistan, and the enemy is not hiding its intentions.

This enemy only understands the language of power, it has no value for our peace virtues and will not be deterred by diplomacy. Lets make Kashmir an Afghanistan for India, and why only Kashmir, why not Khalistan, Mizoram, Nagaland etc.

Let China handle UNO with Veto plus FATF too, just like Russia did for India for decades.
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Bhai scene ye hai kay ye achieve krnay kay liay you have to be true believers first..
our emman level not even equal to stage 1 from what have seen the current situation in kashimi and our GOV responses.
If we too late to response then it will create hate against Pak Army among people , if they are not willing to fight and have no al-Tawakkul in Allah. theresno difference left between Pak Army and Indian Army. both nation state fighting only for their interest.
It has been narrated from Nafi' from Ibne 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah (S) said, “A servant's faith in Allah will never become complete until he possesses five traits: complete reliance (al-Tawakkul) in Allah, complete dependence (al-Tafwid) on Allah (what He has decreed), complete submission (al-Taslim) to all of the commandments of Allah, complete contentment (al-Rida) upon what Allah has decreed, and complete patience (al-Sabr) for the calamities that Allah brings forth; because verily that person who loves for the sake of Allah and hates for the sake of Allah and gives (to others) for the (sake of) Allah and holds back (giving to others) for the (sake of) Allah is one whose faith is complete.”
Without India creating an opportunity, there's not much that can be done on the ground.
What is an opportunity. It depends on ones interpretation.
For me annexing IOK is an opportunity. For some even annexing Azad Kashmir might not be an opportunity.
One has plenty of excuses to avoid a fight. Just invent one after the other.
Salaam all.

I am one of those sitting in my home in western country. Here I am safe, without any worries about my job, earnings, house - shortly speaking without any big problems in life (and i thank Allah every day for this).

For me its very important to live with dignity, integrity, with in the high principles of human rights (And if you study the Quran you will find all of them there....).
I have been following the Kashmir issue since the early nineties. The people of Kashmir has been suppressed, the abuse of human rights has been the norm and criminal behavior by the occupational force has been well documented. Still Pakistan and the world did nothing.

Bare with me guys for taking you down the memory lane - but to understand why we are at this point we need to have some background information. After the breakup of Pakistan we where in no situation to fight for any rights for anyone. Bhutto in power with all that followed with nationalization, India testing its Nuclear capability in 1974 and national uncertainty. The Military coup in 1978 by Zia-ul-Haq followed by the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union put Pakistan in a situation where the focus where holding our western front - Everyone was sure that if the Soviet got hold of Afghanistan their next target would be Balochistan so they could get hold og Ghawardar. After the defeat of the Soviet union and the C-130 plane crash with Zia-ul-Haq the so called democracy was re-instated in Pakistan. Then came in my opinion the decade of the lost opportunities. In late 80ies and most of the 90ies the PPP and PML where at power and they had turns (funny how history have a tendency to repeat it self - look at post Musharraf period) where the governments didn´t get full term because election where held every 3-4 year. The assemblies was dissolved always because of allegation (which where correct) of corruption. May 1998 India performed Nuclear tests and Pakistan followed suit - again the economy was in shatter (Anyone remember the freezing of the foreign accounts by Nawaz Sharif´s government!!!). July 1998 Kargil. Then Musharraf overthrew the "elected" government (elected in inverted commas because there has always been allegations of rigging of the elections) later that year. When Musharraf sieged the power again the truth about the economy came out. Pakistan struggled to economically survive post nuclear tests with the sanctions from our "friend and ally" the mighty US. The 9th September 2001 changed everything. Musharraf bowed down to US and the war on Terror threw Pakistan into a war with our neighbor Afghanistan. This war was a disgrace on the leadership of our Pakistan Army - we fought our own people! To those who say that we did not have a choice I´ll reply you always have a choice....
Coming back to Kashmir Musharraf brought the Kashmir issue to table but was not able to bring any solution either. And i would say this was the second time of lost opportunities. Post Musharraf we have had two governments whose only agenda has been to loot the country. We had a president Zardari that was not even elected for the assembly but was the de facto leader of the government. We had a criminal Nawaz Sharif as a prime minister (and before anyone gets into the discussion of me using the word criminal for Nawaz Sharif then remember he is convicted by the Pakistani courts and hence he is a criminal). NONE of these two persons did ANYTHING for Kashmir. So with this political mess no wonder that no one from the Pakistan government did anything significant to get a solution for the people of Kashmir.
With this short crash run of history one can understand the lack of political will / situation to do anything for Kashmir. Through out the 80ies the official stand from the Pakistan governments was that they supported the Kashmir fight morally but not militarily. But in reality we where probably both giving military training and supplying the Kashmiri freedom movement with weapons. There has been a large military presence of Indian Army in Kashmir at least since the start of the 80ies. Indian Army occupied the Siachen glacier in 1984. In the 90ies Benazir Bhutto handed over all the names for Khalistan movement to India - But i can´t remember if it was so also with the Kashmir movement. During this conflict there has been a deadlock on the official standing: India has claimed infiltration from Pakistan side (true) and Pakistan has adhered to the UN resolutions demanding a plebiscite for the Kashmir people (true).

If anyone dare to stop up a bit and try to understand why India is doing what she is doing then it makes sense. India cannot give up Kashmir because if they do then that will be the first step of breaking up all India because so many other states will be in line to have independency from the central government. With that in mind the abrogation of article 370 and 35A makes sense. So India will NEVER hold and plebicite unless they are sure that it will go in their favor. Hence the need for changing the demographics.

We in Pakistan has not been able (for whatever reasons) to bring justice for the people of Kashmir. Pakistan has not been able to stop oppression of the Kashmiri people and the atrocities done on them. And sometimes (sorry to say) it seems that we (both the ledership and ordinary pakistani people to some extent) didn´t even cared. So why care now? In my opinion there are two reasons: 1) The leadership in Pakistan is of a different caliber - They mean business in bringing better conditions for ordinary people. They want justice for everyone. And when you want that you cannot in any way just stand and watch what is happening i Kashmir and do nothing. 2) The strategic implication for Pakistan. The move of abrogation of 370 means that Kashmir demographics will be changed. This will on the long run means that Pakistans water supply for its agriculture as at stake. So Pakistan needs to take a step - We have no options.

So with this in mind I´m sorry to say but the only solution for Pakistan is war. I´m not looking forward to it because there is nothing glamour about a war - NOTHING. War only brings death and destruction. But sometimes its the only way forward. And we should be prepared to do this on our own. No one will come to our help. Not the Arabs (who have back-stabbed the Palestinians for so many years) nor China. And they shouldn´t. Its our fight and we should fight it on our own. And in this connection we should not care about the world, what they think, what they do and what their reaction will be. Why? No one care about nations that can not take care of them selves. Pakistan has every right to initiate a war when it comes to defending its existence. And what can the world do against us? Sanctions? Arial attacks? And will that have a serious effect on the Pakistan society and cities. Yes it will. But can those effects be handled with? Yes they can. Do we as Pakistanis want to live like the Muslims in India?

Some will say: "Hey its easy for you - you are not the one with uncertainty in your life, with out a job, economical constraint even if you have a job, you do not struggle the way people are struggling in Pakistan. Its not your home that will be destroyed, and god forbid if this war escalate into a nuclear one then its the people living in Pakistan that will suffer the most (and India of course)". And my reply is: Yes you are right - in every single word you are saying. What you need to think about and take a decision about is the alternative. What is the alternative? The alternative is that Pakistan will be strangled to death slowly. As I wrote earlier you always have a choice - always.
India is using Kashmir as a bait for war.
If Pakistan takes the bait, we derail our strategy - it is as simple as that.

These are very difficult and complex issues.
To not enter into a war at this stage is actually undoing both India and Israel.

Just look at Iran....how smart they really are.
Yea nice wait 70 more years and be happy tht, we out smart some alien forces, while it brings india a massive opportunity to kill kashmirs at its will to next 70 years, and we can keep tweeting about our strategy to not fight and sit like a duck?
India has out smart or out played u in kashmir, and now u r stuck between a rock and a fall?
It's simple no issues like kashmir or Palestine can be resolved by any dam dialoges cause the Occupied forces think and show thier occupation power in which whole world supports them?
No matter how many press conferences ur minsters or ur PMs sermons been sent on TV or in UN , world is fine young along with a economic rising power, thy don't give dam, whts goung on where?
Thts wht just proved UAE giving award to the butcher?
Time has come to lessen these dam tweets, and media sermons and bring something on the grounds of kashmir?
India and world powers won't be giving any dam to these sermons and media gimickery, bt once thy feel hurt on the ground thn u ill see, everyone running to get some dialoge started and Thts the only visible option covert stratigical strikes in IOK , how u do it its up to u?
India is using Kashmir as a bait for war.
If Pakistan takes the bait, we derail our strategy - it is as simple as that.

These are very difficult and complex issues.
To not enter into a war at this stage is actually undoing both India and Israel.

Just look at Iran....how smart they really are.

And what is our strategy? Wait another 70 years.
Pakistan is being forced to engage india. While Russia is being engaged in Syria and Crimea before that. China is tied up in Hong Kong.
Is it all happening by coincidence? Why did Modi decide to make this move now all of a sudden of all the time? Why are the Zionist bread and controlled elite amongst Arabs awarding modi and igniting more anger among Pakistanis on purpose to involve ourselves in a war?

The little israel wants to expand and needs no opposition while doing so. It's already started its shit in Lebanon and they have already cleansed themselves by sacrificing a heifer which is the initiation for building the third temple.
Trump is proclaiming to be the chosen one who is sent to pave the way for the "Messiah".

And our so called librated monkeys are smoking delusion and sensory deprivation, all thanks to the pursuit of the world and its deceptions.


Yea nice wait 70 more years and be happy tht, we out smart some alien forces, while it brings india a massive opportunity to kill kashmirs at its will to next 70 years, and we can keep tweeting about our strategy to not fight and sit like a duck?
India has out smart or out played u in kashmir, and now u r stuck between a rock and a fall?
It's simple no issues like kashmir or Palestine can be resolved by any dam dialoges cause the Occupied forces think and show thier occupation power in which whole world supports them?
No matter how many press conferences ur minsters or ur PMs sermons been sent on TV or in UN , world is fine young along with a economic rising power, thy don't give dam, whts goung on where?
Thts wht just proved UAE giving award to the butcher?
Time has come to lessen these dam tweets, and media sermons and bring something on the grounds of kashmir?
India and world powers won't be giving any dam to these sermons and media gimickery, bt once thy feel hurt on the ground thn u ill see, everyone running to get some dialoge started and Thts the only visible option covert stratigical strikes in IOK , how u do it its up to u?

This (red font line) is where the difference lies.
People are thinking that India has won it and has slammed the door shut.....I am saying India has given made the blunder of the century and opened the door for us - the game has just started. Give it 12-months.

And what is our strategy? Wait another 70 years.

No - just wait 12-months. You will have everything clear to you by August 2020
Pakistan is being forced to engage india. While Russia is being engaged in Syria and Crimea before that. China is tied up in Hong Kong.
Is it all happening by coincidence? Why did Modi decide to make this move now all of a sudden of all the time? Why are the Zionist bread and controlled elite amongst Arabs awarding modi and igniting more anger among Pakistanis on purpose to involve ourselves in a war?

The little israel wants to expand and needs no opposition while doing so. It's already started its shit in Lebanon and they have already cleansed themselves by sacrificing a heifer which is the initiation for building the third temple.
Trump is proclaiming to be the chosen one who is sent to pave the way for the "Messiah".

And our so called librated monkeys are smoking delusion and sensory deprivation, all thanks to the pursuit of the world and its deceptions.

The bold and red, when did it happen? I know they manage to "create" a red heifer, but was not aware that is already sacrificed! MAJOR MAJOR sign of things to come.

You got senior members on this vary forum who are still in disbelief/denial that there is no significant Israeli role between Pakistan and India conflict over Kashmir.

World powers are ruled by the "mullahs" of their own religion. Our right wing get crushed in media and through narrative for no reason.
Asif Sahab, aapky her bayan pe India main hal chal mach jati hai.
Jeety rahain.
Sir Almighty knows better, one should hope that after effective and aggressive stance of Moody, Pakistan is able to adopt counter strategy as many even on media are confused about strategy of our Govt & Military leadership.

As till near past Pakistan's leaderships have shown their inability to act in time.
Sir Almighty knows better, one should hope that after effective and aggressive stance of Moody, Pakistan is able to adopt counter strategy as many even on media are confused about strategy of our Govt & Military leadership.

As till near past Pakistan's leaderships have shown their inability to act in time.
Hope this time too.
DG(ISPR) tweet is enigmatic and its import is not very clear. May be, with time, would be revealed, what is hidden.
I don't know why you people forget the term "informational warfare".
Who cares about a bollywood monkey? It's more about sowing a seed of a "thought" in the minds of people who are listening. That thought ignites a spark and sparks often start fires that can consume even the Amazon...
I don't know why you don't understand that someone in a prestigious position like DG ISPR is not on the same level as a bollywood monkey, the title of DG ISPR is a much higher than any celebrity IMO (its another story if you disagree with this), informational warfare can be done by other people, a Hamza Abbasi or Mehwish Hayat Ali Zafar or any other celeb is enough to respond to a bollywood idiot and sow whatever seed needed. The equivalance of a DG ISPR replying to bollywood idiot is that of a Xi Jinping replying to someone like Lady Gaga , or a Donald Trump replying to someone like Amir Liaquat, have you ever seen them doing that sort of "informational warfare" before?
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