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DG ISPR hinting at something ?? Tweets about surpise

You are kid who lives on his father's earning in America and play too much COD, go back to your game kid .
You are kid who lives on his father's earning in America and play too much COD, go back to your game kid .

Only thing I can tell you, that I have a NATO ribbon. So not everyone here is a Keyboard warrior.
Imran also hinted in his speech, "We will go to the end"
Hinduoon ki "G" pehly hi phaty huey thy ab aur phat gye gi

India is using Kashmir as a bait for war.
If Pakistan takes the bait, we derail our strategy - it is as simple as that.

These are very difficult and complex issues.
To not enter into a war at this stage is actually undoing both India and Israel.

Just look at Iran....how smart they really are.

cowards have no place in this world
Fair play. And do not think that overseas Pakistanis won't join that fight at the very tip of the spear.

No they won't, Pakistanis will fight the war for their homeland most of these Dual Nationals don't even want to be called Pakistani' Origin , If India Attack AJK it will be a purely Pakistan's fight . I am not saying War wont happen All i am saying that just because Army is not attacking India because of what is happening in Kashmir doesn't make them coward or bad. And We are not USA/Russia/China/UK/France or even have a economy like that or Global standing among the world who will back us up on any offensive against India . Let them make a move, and we will respond let them be the aggressor this time, let the Kashmiri people join this fight .
All the bafoons calling for the war or attack on India are exactly what I called them ..... baboons.

You attack India now when they want us, are prepared for it and want to show the world who the aggressor is then we will loose on day one.

Exactly. Play slow but steady. Try to get max support from countries where you are confident enough of not getting blacklisted in FATF. Wait for US-Talibans "successful" deal. Once done these both, prepare freedom fighters for real jihad in Kashmir. If you want to become an aggressor than you are losing.
But Mr starlord, there is one important thing you and others who still place value on the importance of international "legal justification" for Pakistani actions need to realise.

The west will come to accept the Indian narrative that IoK is an integral part of Hindustan. But they have not altered their position on what They call "Pakistani administered Kashmir". IoK is no longer disputed territory but azad Kashmir is.

To put it another way, nobody is going to jump in and "legally" support Pakistan when Pakistan defends AK. They will simply call it a bilateral matter. Therefore, nothing is going to be any different to how it is now. If you and other Pakistanis feel more legitimized to fight India only when it crosses into AK, fair enough, but please don't expect the western world to care. This is the warning Genghis and I and others are trying to sound here.

The west will support the "Indian right to defend itself against terrorism originating in Pakistani administered Kashmir against Indian sovereign territory and if this includes IA occupying and annexing AK to achieve this goal, so be it".

India is everybody's buddy.

Russia, a paraiah state who is opposed by NATO, was still able to annex Crimea without any western nation doing anything despite the illegality of it. Now what makes you think the west will stop India - their Bollywood buddy - annexing AK when they didn't stop Russia (who is the West's enemy)??
No they won't, Pakistanis will fight the war for their homeland most of these Dual Nationals don't even want to be called Pakistani' Origin , If India Attack AJK it will be a purely Pakistan's fight . I am not saying War wont happen All i am saying that just because Army is not attacking India because of what is happening in Kashmir doesn't make them coward or bad. And We are not USA/Russia/China/UK/France or even have a economy like that or Global standing among the world who will back us up on any offensive against India . Let them make a move, and we will respond let them be the aggressor this time, let the Kashmiri people join this fight .
You're just plain wrong here.
fools rush in where angels fear to tread, no matter how hard the injuns, injun or iranis masquerading as Pakistanis on the web, the internet patwaris, jialaas, keyboard warriors and their allies try, Gen. Bajwa is no fool who can be coerced into an invasion. he will DEFEND (and eventually attack) from Pakistan side of the border by any means available to him
This is the fallacy of the entire situation.. we can not attack but yet have to wait for that and then respond . Only then the world will not call us aggressors .
Heck even in the nuclear war we have to use tactical nuke on our own territory to justify using it at all.
Such is our weak position in the world..
I will leave a few words, go figure it out: Chicken Neck, Hotan, Khalsa, Bias, Choke points and Arabian delights.
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This is the fallacy of the entire situation.. we can not attack but yet have to wait for that and then respond . Only then the world will not call us aggressors .
Heck even in the nuclear war we have to use tactical nuke on our own territory to justify using it at all.
Such is our weak position in the world..
They will still call us aggressors. Indian narrative will be that we harbour terrorists in AK who strike at Indian sovereign territory and thus we will be bringing the surgical strikes and invasion of AK onto ourselves. I can't stress this ground reality enough. Do not expect anything from the western govts or agencies. Whether we attack today or counterattack against Indian invasion next month, we will always be the "terrorist aggressors".

Have you forgotten balakot so soon?

Have we not bothered learning anything from balakot apart from jingoism over abhinandan??

The world supported, openly encouraged Indian AGGRESSION ON OUR SOVEREIGN TERRITORY. I.e. India was told to attack us and we were told "India is defending itself and has every right to do so".

If holding out for an Indian invasion is intended to gain support or at least neutrality for our retaliatory actions, it won't work.

The only way to gain international support against India is to show how hard we can hit the btrds, which is exactly what happened in February. The world soon changed its rhetoric from "India defending itself righteously" to "everyone just calm the f down" only because of the sharp edges of the sword displayed by PAF.
They will still call us aggressors. Indian narrative will be that we harbour terrorists in AK who strike at Indian sovereign territory and thus we will be bringing the surgical strikes and invasion of AK onto ourselves. I can't stress this ground reality enough. Do not expect anything from the western govts or agencies. Whether we attack today or counterattack against Indian invasion next month, we will always be the "terrorist aggressors".

Have you forgotten balakot so soon?

Have we not bothered learning anything from balakot apart from jingoism over abhinandan??

The world supported, openly encouraged Indian AGGRESSION ON OUR SOVEREIGN TERRITORY. I.e. India was told to attack us and we were told "India is defending itself and has every right to do so".

If holding out for an Indian invasion is intended to gain support or at least neutrality for our retaliatory actions, it won't work.

The only way to gain international support against India is to show how hard we can hit the btrds, which is exactly what happened in February. The world soon changed its rhetoric from "India defending itself righteously" to "everyone just calm the f down" only because of the sharp edges of the sword displayed by PAF.

True ..... now consider this paradox and then listen to chest thumping morons who want us to attack immediately .
That's the same idiotic reply, so call comeback, an average mind has in Pakistan. I been to LOC, even uploaded picture on PDF. People who live on LOC, don't have your mind set. They want solution, everyday is war for them. You siting inside a city, sipping on tea are worried about your tea prices going up. You have no clue about suffering of people on LOC.

Really! And you think pakistani's & muslims willing to risk there lives and sending there Fathers, Husbands , Brothers , Sons dont actually understand the suffering of their fellow kashmiris & are saying it for fun.
If you haven't noticed being Directorate of the Inter–Services Public Relations it's his job to do that.And he is mighty good at it too.Common people of Pakistan needs this hope and messages , as frustration is building up among people.Enemy can exploit it.If you haven't seen lately alot of propaganda has already started that a deal has been done whatsoever.

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