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DG ISPR hinting at something ?? Tweets about surpise

“My beard doesn’t know what’s inside my head” - Faith Sultan Mehmet Han (RA), the Conquerer of Constantanipol to fulfill the commandments in a Hadis-i Sherif

India is using Kashmir as a bait for war.
If Pakistan takes the bait, we derail our strategy - it is as simple as that.

These are very difficult and complex issues.
To not enter into a war at this stage is actually undoing both India and Israel.

Just look at Iran....how smart they really are.
They can’t get into a war unless they get a clearance from Iblis, who is afraid of the “surprises” from Allah-u Azimushshan
All the bafoons calling for the war or attack on India are exactly what I called them ..... baboons.

You attack India now when they want us, are prepared for it and want to show the world who the aggressor is then we will loose on day one.

This is not going to be a quick swift operation to liberate Kashmir. We need to think with cool head and strategize long term goal. The local population is the key. They are ready to fight and India knows that. That’s why their strategy is to starve them and destroy their will to fight. However they are dealing with Muslims . With every hardship we get harder and more willing to fight not less.

India is dying for to catch or kill someone from Pakistan in one of the attacks on their bases and then parade in front of the world for their randi Rona ....after all being a randi nation they are naturally good in their Rona .

We need cool heads to prevail. We need to fight by arming local population. World mood is against infiltrators going across and doing massive damage. We cannot go against world opinion and get sanctioned or worse full scale attack from India .

Let India bleed by thousand cuts and arm civilians by shopping weapons to Kashmir and khalistanis.

Keep that in mind, TTP is making a comeback in Buner. India is looking for a similar strategy. To keep PA busy on eastern front and let them dedicate more resources here. So Western front gets weak and TTP can make a comeback in N.Waziristan. Balochistan and Waziristan will become hot once again with the help of ANA/RAW. PTM is rearing it's head once again in Waziristan. Pashteen guy is really itching for a fight.

We need proper resource management. Whoever pour more economic resources in this conflict will win
All the bafoons calling for the war or attack on India are exactly what I called them ..... baboons.

You attack India now when they want us, are prepared for it and want to show the world who the aggressor is then we will loose on day one.

This is not going to be a quick swift operation to liberate Kashmir. We need to think with cool head and strategize long term goal. The local population is the key. They are ready to fight and India knows that. That’s why their strategy is to starve them and destroy their will to fight. However they are dealing with Muslims . With every hardship we get harder and more willing to fight not less.

India is dying for to catch or kill someone from Pakistan in one of the attacks on their bases and then parade in front of the world for their randi Rona ....after all being a randi nation they are naturally good in their Rona .

We need cool heads to prevail. We need to fight by arming local population. World mood is against infiltrators going across and doing massive damage. We cannot go against world opinion and get sanctioned or worse full scale attack from India .

Let India bleed by thousand cuts and arm civilians by shopping weapons to Kashmir and khalistanis.

Whose is asking to initiate the war?? By all means keep the moral high ground or what not.

This is the era of 5th generation warfare, where you must play with the minds of enemy nations. Incite them, demoralise them, burn them with anger and frustration against you so they take the bait and run towards you in anger, just like bull running towards red flag. And then you kill them.

Release all the information about op swift retort, targets hit, videos of builtin camers in the bombs hitting their targets, just like yanks do, in a proper briefing by PAF officials. it will cause absolute shitstorm in India and the world. And if you really want to send tremors around, release the footage of Isreali pilot (can be saved for Netanyahu trip to India).

We need to up our game.
Not correct
27 feb and Waziristan campaign show PakArmy can achieve success if it sets it's mind on it.
Idk but I am getting feeling of, "Jo garajty hain barasty nhi". Too much talking and too little action. Maj. Gen Asif Ghafoor mujay lagta hy, sirf hawaii fire hi ker sakty hain.
“My beard doesn’t know what’s inside my head” - Faith Sultan Mehmet Han (RA), the Conquerer of Constantanipol to fulfill the commandments in a Hadis-i Sherif

They can’t get into a war unless they get a clearance from Iblis, who is afraid of the “surprises” from Allah-u Azimushshan

In my humble opinion, even if there was a chance for India to attack Pakistan - it is now gone after 5th August.
They have already declared themselves to the world as War Mongers.
They will lose their grip further if they attack Pakistan.

Keep that in mind, TTP is making a comeback in Buner. India is looking for a similar strategy. To keep PA busy on eastern front and let them dedicate more resources here. So Western front gets weak and TTP can make a comeback in N.Waziristan. Balochistan and Waziristan will become hot once again with the help of ANA/RAW. PTM is rearing it's head once again in Waziristan. Pashteen guy is really itching for a fight.

We need proper resource management. Whoever pour more economic resources in this conflict will win

This is some news.....How? and under whose leadership this time?
Idk but I am getting feeling of, "Jo garajty hain barasty nhi". Too much talking and too little action. Maj. Gen Asif Ghafoor mujay lagta hy, sirf hawaii fire hi ker sakty hain.

Indians are even scared of this tweets. Imagine if Pakistani actually retaliate, they will $hit in their dhotis.
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Whose is asking to initiate the war?? By all means keep the moral high ground or what not.

This is the era of 5th generation warfare, where you must play with the minds of enemy nations. Incite them, demoralise them, burn them with anger and frustration against you so they take the bait and run towards you in anger, just like bull running towards red flag. And then you kill them.

Release all the information about op swift retort, targets hit, videos of builtin camers in the bombs hitting their targets, just like yanks do, in a proper briefing by PAF officials. it will cause absolute shitstorm in India and the world. And if you really want to send tremors around, release the footage of Isreali pilot (can be saved for Netanyahu trip to India).

We need to up our game.

Wrong ...: we have no Israeli pilot... stop this nonsense and you will be able to see the real picture more clearly. If your fifth generation is based on non existent premises then you have no point to make .

Look at the source bro ... come on
Is DG ISPR hinting at something?? I hope the plan he is talking about exists and it really work as surprise.

Baten he krwa lo bs. Twitter account he bnd kr do ghafoor chacha ka

that is correct
the word I am getting from the people along LoC is that India might be preparing an assault. their shelling across LoC is very intense and regular and they are deliberately destroying all homes on our side.

their morale is very high after abolition of 370 they feel as if they have conquered Pakistan
Then we have all the reason for a response. What kind of attack or how many does India need to kill before it qualifies for a war?

Baten he krwa lo bs. Twitter account he bnd kr do ghafoor chacha ka

Then we have all the reason for a response. What kind of attack or how many does India need to kill before it qualifies for a war?
that is correct
the word I am getting from the people along LoC is that India might be preparing an assault. their shelling across LoC is very intense and regular and they are deliberately destroying all homes on our side.

their morale is very high after abolition of 370 they feel as if they have conquered Pakistan

Rumors are they are trying to get Haji Pir Pass which is under Pakistan control.

If shelling is intense. It means two things, they have more ammo to expend. Pakistan doesnot have the luxury nor the resources to reply in the same coin. i.e Counter intense shelling
For fook's sake, cut the man some slack ! He's messing with their heads and it seems to be working all the time looking at the rxn of the road shitters. The man has single-handedly captured the psyche of 1.4bil gangoos and in today's era really qualifies as a war hero already. The impatience of most of the members on this forum makes me sick to my stomach. This is not a 20-20 this is a test match and whoever has the mental strength to last the full 5 days wins-by an innings margin ! Strategic patience !
Rumors are they are trying to get Haji Pir Pass which is under Pakistan control.

If shelling is intense. It means two things, they have more ammo to expend. Pakistan doesnot have the luxury nor the resources to reply in the same coin. i.e Counter intense shelling
If India attacks then all hell should loose on them....

For fook's sake, cut the man some slack ! He's messing with their heads and it seems to be working all the time looking at the rxn of the road shitters. The man has single-handedly captured the psyche of 1.4bil gangoos and in today's era really qualifies as a war hero already. The impatience of most of the members on this forum makes me sick to my stomach. This is not a 20-20 this is a test match and whoever has the mental strength to last the full 5 days wins-by an innings margin ! Strategic patience !
It has taken 40 years of relentless war with millions of casualties to get Afganistan conundrum to reach a reasonably equilibrium condition!!! Human beings, by definition, are so impatient....
For fook's sake, cut the man some slack ! He's messing with their heads and it seems to be working all the time looking at the rxn of the road shitters. The man has single-handedly captured the psyche of 1.4bil gangoos and in today's era really qualifies as a war hero already. The impatience of most of the members on this forum makes me sick to my stomach. This is not a 20-20 this is a test match and whoever has the mental strength to last the full 5 days wins-by an innings margin ! Strategic patience !

Well said :tup:

If India attacks then all hell should loose on them....

It has taken 40 years of relentless war with millions of casualties to get Afganistan conundrum to reach a reasonably equilibrium condition!!! Human beings, by definition, are so impatient....

YES! ... I think this is the strategy and the plan PA has.....in this scenario there is no blame on us.


Idk but I am getting feeling of, "Jo garajty hain barasty nhi". Too much talking and too little action. Maj. Gen Asif Ghafoor mujay lagta hy, sirf hawaii fire hi ker sakty hain.
You want to start the 3rd world war ? I think you have lost your head. Whole world has seen, as late as 27 Feb, what Pakistan is capable of doing to it's enemies
most of the PDF itching for war are either living in UK or somewhere other than Pakistan , they want action from the AC rooms in UK or US , while the people of Kashmir sits in Home, and Pakistani's and its sons die on LoC, War is like a game to these stupid brats like when and if the war breaks out we will surely win , oh Allah is sending us 3000 Angels to fight as we have Nabi SAW in our mists to fight along side us ? Look what we have done to his faith and Allah and yet we believe his help will come ? Oh Come on .. People like me and other who live in Pakistan will suffer if the war escalate to nuclear , Just Karachi will face Millions dead and in a inhospitable land for next 1000 years but hey we want ISPR to wage Jihad and start a war why ? because it sounds cool and its like a Call of duty game for us, if we are losing we will just Press "Esc" and restart the mission .

People provoking Pakistan army to do something , first provoke your own Govts to do something about it , all of these Govts were very aggressive when Pakistan do something with its minorities , and yet no one is utterly a word over this but hey we want Pakistan army to go in and fight while Once again Kashmiri's will betray us and hand over our soldiers to India ? and we face the humiliation and later Sanctions ?

War is inevitable between the two countries, they are been on a war course since Modi took power and his people want to see a War, lose or win they want a war and see Muslims of Pakistan dead . They are rich and have huge economy with most of the world backing them , they will recover within a decade while for us ? it will be another 50 years of struggle , corrupt leadership and thousands of dead, sanctions , and worse reputation across the world . But nobody is looking into it because all we want is War cause it looks and sounds cool to hear two modern Armies unleashing weapons on each other .
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