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Deteriorating situation in Nagorno-Karabakh

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Jun 22, 2013
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The ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan is being violated with increasing frequency. Azerbaijan tanks are now deployed close to the border. There are skirmish and casualties.

There are Russian military bases in Armenia who in addition is a member of the CSTO. Technically, Russia must interfere upon aggression against Armenia.

Турецкие СМИ: Азербайджан стягивает к фронту танки

Russia concerned about deteriorating situation in Nagorno-Karabakh - AzerNews

Russia is concerned about the deteriorating situation in Nagorno-Karabakh and has called Armenia and Azerbaijan to take additional measures to stabilize the situation.

"We call the parties of the conflict to take additional measures to stabilize the situation, including the initiation of mechanisms under the Agreement on strengthening the ceasefire on February 4, 1995," the Russian Foreign Ministry's Information and Press Department said in a statement.

"As a result of the recent violations of the ceasefire on the contact line and the border there are casualties among military personnel. Reports say about wounded civilians," the statement added.

Russia supposes that in case of further escalation of the intensity negative consequences are inventible for the resolving process of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "The implementation of the agreements reached at the Azerbaijani-Armenian summit in Vienna on November 19, 2013 can seriously complicate".

Armenia occupied over 20 percent of Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions, after laying territorial claims against its South Caucasus neighbor that caused a brutal war in the early 1990s.

The UN Security Council's four resolutions on Armenian withdrawal have not been enforced to this day.

Peace talks, mediated by Russia, France and the US and the OSCE Minsk Group are underway on the basis of a peaceful outline -called Madrid Principle -proposed by the Minsk Group co-chairs. The negotiations have been largely fruitless so far.

Armenia constantly violates the ceasefire on the contact line of Azerbaijani and Armenian troops, and these violations have intensified recently, reaching more than 200 times a day.

The Armenian troops shot dead Captain Elnur Jafarov, an Azerbaijani officer, and Lieutenant Sabuhi Azizov, an officer of the Azerbaijani armed forces, amid the growing tension along the contact line between the Armenian and Azerbaijan troops.
Best of Luck to Armenia. Anyway Russia & Iran will do the job for them.
Get lost troll. Do not comment on a subject when you have not even a slightest idea.
More than 1/4 of Iranians are Azerbaijani descendent, and they do love Azerbaijan republic, and therefore, even the islamic regime is not retarded enough to interfere directly in favor of Armenia. Russia is increasing trade with Azerbaijan, and Turkey, and do not need Armenia anymore, and I think even we don't need to compare the current economy and military of Azerbaijan, and Armenia.
Having said that then I would like to hear what is going on since Caucasus is an interesting area.

All I know is that Russia supports Armenia while Turkey supports Azerbaijan. Iran apparently supports Armenia despite the areas that border South Caucasus from the Iranian side are mainly inhabited by Azeri Iranians.

The diversity in terms of languages is quite amazing in Caucasus. From North to South and from West to East. There are so many small ethnic groups with totally distinct languages, cultures etc. It is as diverse in terms of languages as parts of Africa which is otherwise the by far most diverse area in the world. Often with a distinct warrior like culture. It reminds me of the mountainous areas of Hijaz and Yemen that are also inhabited by people of a similar culture of what I call "mountain warriors". Same can be said about many other people of the region and the world. Funny and interesting to observe those similarities.

I have always wondered how come many Caucasians show great affinity with the people of ME, often Semitic speaking (Arabs, Assyrians, Jews etc.) in terms of paternal lineage (Human Y-chromosme DNA haplogroup).

We actually have quite a few Armenians in the Arab world. Mainly in the Levant and especially in Lebanon.

Not sure about the accuracy of this short video. I am about to watch it.

This conflict is not much spoken about, Maybe gets 1/1000 of the coverage that the Israeli-Palestinain conflict gets. Really strange.
I hear that Armenians are really poor. There is quite a big community of Armenians in France and Paris and I met a few. Nice people overall. They have many funny sounding names but so do many Caucasians.

The Georgian alphabet is also something to behold. Very cool looking and totally different from others that I have seen.
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Get lost troll. Do not comment on a subject when you have not even a slightest idea.
More than 1/4 of Iranians are Azerbaijani descendent, and they do love Azerbaijan republic, and therefore, even the islamic regime is not retarded enough to interfere directly. Russia is increasing trade with Azerbaijan, and Turkey, and do not need Armenia anymore, and I think even we we don't need to compare the current economy and military of Azerbaijan, and Armenia.[/quoteA

What do native Iranians and the Iranian government feel about Azerbaijans alliance with Israel considering Israel wants to bomb Iran.
Best of Luck to Armenia. Anyway Russia & Iran will do the job for them.

bro , iranians normally dont comment on this matter .

we have deep relations with both armenian and azerbaijani nation .

although we have hell lot of problems with azerbaijan , but we'll never take any step against them because of reasons said earlier .

armenians also have an awesome relations with iran , there are tens of thousands of armenians living in iran and we count them as irani .

anyhow azeribaijani govt is shitty thats the truth
Get lost troll. Do not comment on a subject when you have not even a slightest idea.
More than 1/4 of Iranians are Azerbaijani descendent, and they do love Azerbaijan republic, and therefore, even the islamic regime is not retarded enough to interfere directly in favor of Armenia. Russia is increasing trade with Azerbaijan, and Turkey, and do not need Armenia anymore, and I think even we don't need to compare the current economy and military of Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

Shut up. You have no right to give troll Fatwa just because you disagree with me.
What do native Iranians and the Iranian government feel about Azerbaijans alliance with Israel considering Israel wants to bomb Iran.

very bad !

if there was enough democracy in shiite dominated azerbaijan , we would be the best friends anyone can imagine
best of luck to Armenia.:pakistan:
You cannot be a Pakistani.
Pakistan does not recognize the 1915 Genocide and maintains that during the war a large number of Armenians and Muslims were killed. Being only the second country after Turkey to recognize Azerbaijan, Pakistan has close relations with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan supports Pakistan's stand on Kashmir issue. Armenia has friendly relations with India, and recognises Kashmir as part of India. Armenia's close relations with India have severely hindered its relations with Pakistan.
Armenia–Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BTW, Pakistan is the only country that does not recognize Armenia. :pakistan::cheers:
Now, go and show your true flag.
very bad !

if there was enough democracy in shiite dominated azerbaijan , we would be the best friends anyone can imagine
Exactly, Azerbaijani government is a Zionist puppet regime, they were even going to allow Israel to use military bases in Azerbaijan to bomb Iran .
Exactly, Azerbaijani government is a Zionist puppet regime, they were even going to allow Israel to use military bases in Azerbaijan to bomb Iran .

thats right , but as someone said earlier our people are so close that taking an step against azerbaijan would be like taking step against turkemenistan or afghanistan for iran .

never gonna happen
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