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Despite the loss of 85,000+ Pakistanis, why aren't we Iraq or Syria yet?

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In conventional warfare, 85,000+ loss of humans is probably nothing much as compared to the body count of World Wars. But in the covert wars, esp. since 9/11 2001, this loss actually translates into a sustained and a very effective war strategy of the enemies of Pakistan which pretty much means its being constantly defeated. How on earth the all-out civil war like Iraq or Syria has not broken out yet in Pakistan? Are Pakistanis more united than Syrians or Iraqis? Or is it the strategy of the Pakistani elites (civilian or military) of making sure 200 million Pakistanis remain linguistically, religiously, economically and politically divided?

What made us survive is the thirst to avenge our dead, to see the enemy pay with blood and tears one day.
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You should then offer your assessment.

come on... i would be saying such things for literally the hundreth time.

whats the right assessment ?does Pakistan need revolution too?:D

totally... their green flag needs more green.


We are very stubborn people, we simply refuse to give up, no matter what you throw at us we will take it head on & later will throw it back with double the intensity.
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ALHUMDULILLAH Its because of the Hope that we are not like them and the hope is Pak Army and ISI.If one Nation loses hope and faith in its Armed Forces then next phase is of civic disarray and that would never happen IN SHA ALLAH in Pakistan.And ofcourse this Nation MASHA ALLAH is one of the most resilient and bravest nations of the world as we have seen that their resolve has never been broken by any mishap.
naah,,,they dont have guts for that:D:D

they did have revolutionary direct-actions until the early 90's, i believe... member pak-marine had posted some years back a work by a westerner detailing socialist activism.

and there is still the music band, laal, which is keeping the struggle-flame alive ( Laal (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ).

what do you say, @ArsalanKhan21 ?? ready for some old-style revolutionary actions?? :D
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Because of ordinary people of Pakistan
While all these Army , Agencies, Adalat, America , Awainns have their fair share in creation of this monster
For 2 simple reasons
1 being the army as a strong institution &
2 the Shias & Barelvis have shown huge reserves of patience ( or perhaps indifference or apathy ) in the face of this wahabi deobandi onslaught.
In conventional warfare, 85,000+ loss of humans is probably nothing much as compared to the body count of World Wars. But in the covert wars, esp. since 9/11 2001, this loss actually translates into a sustained and a very effective war strategy of the enemies of Pakistan which pretty much means its being constantly defeated. How on earth the all-out civil war like Iraq or Syria has not broken out yet in Pakistan? Are Pakistanis more united than Syrians or Iraqis? Or is it the strategy of the Pakistani elites (civilian or military) of making sure 200 million Pakistanis remain linguistically, religiously, economically and politically divided?

Others have answered your question. I can't say if these answers are correct or not. But what I can say with a 100% conviction is that the worst is behind us. These inhuman atrocities, corruption and attacks from all sides have failed to divide us or make us give up. Its a cliche but it sums up my feelings accurately "what doesn't kill you, makes your stronger" and I believe this is the case for Pakistan.
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Difference is you yet to go into these stage . Civil war is not happening in Pakistan. Won't happen too . They are Arabs you are Indians(ancestors) . We don't believe in killing each other for fun . But they live to kill each other


In India riots happen on weekly basis, mob justice is rampant. In Pakistan its mostly terrorism and not ordinary people killing each other in the name of religion. So no chance of civil war.
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