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Despite the loss of 85,000+ Pakistanis, why aren't we Iraq or Syria yet?

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New Recruit

Apr 2, 2011
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In conventional warfare, 85,000+ loss of humans is probably nothing much as compared to the body count of World Wars. But in the covert wars, esp. since 9/11 2001, this loss actually translates into a sustained and a very effective war strategy of the enemies of Pakistan which pretty much means its being constantly defeated. How on earth the all-out civil war like Iraq or Syria has not broken out yet in Pakistan? Are Pakistanis more united than Syrians or Iraqis? Or is it the strategy of the Pakistani elites (civilian or military) of making sure 200 million Pakistanis remain linguistically, religiously, economically and politically divided?
Although it's hard to accept but fact is we are very tolerant nations. Despite of targeted attacks to trigger a sectarian religious war we have managed to identify our true enemy as well as hands behind them. Syria and Iraq lack such qualities. .........
Although it's hard to accept but fact is we are very tolerant nations. Despite of targeted attacks to trigger a sectarian religious war we have managed to identify our true enemy as well as hands behind them. Syria and Iraq lack such qualities. .........

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iraq was invaded, syria faces full blown civil war because a minority rules over majority. In your case, you got institutions and structure which stops people from going crazy.
because ccivilians in lahore karachi islamabad are still IT professionals and not willing to go and shout on streets Allah ho Akbar and fire Ak47 onto eachother.

The civilian government is also not yet divided. And we are a nuclear power so.

India is another binding force :P
Because as of now , we have not fallen prey to 'let them kill each other' on the same scale and manner that some countries in the middle east have fallen to.

Losses have happened but somehow we have managed to keep it all together.
We have a strong army. Democratic government; free media; vibrant and huge educated middle class...

Despite our short comings we are not iraq or syria... we are a nuclear power for Gods sake
Because of the Army...
We saw in Swat how quickly the civilian institutions collapsed infront of the taliban onslaught !
That was a good question ..In my honest opinion its because of people of punjab and sindh ..If you remove any of two from pakistan then there is no gravity for the country ..
There are multiple reasons, we are kind of diverse nation having many ethnic groups, then we have rival nations around us which had fought many wars with us which created our army more stronger and experienced force. then lot of religious sects due to that non of them can be considered a clear majority, and the power is divided here , ethnic sections know that any of such clash will cause severe damage to both sides. No one can win so no one will try to cause long term disturbance and those who are causing terror are getting befitting reply and then their supporters are decreasing.
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