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Despite being part of the Quad, India sustained pressure from the US and bought discounted Russian oil to provide relief to the masses: Imran Khan

India had a leverage which is based on two things that allowed it to sustain pressure:

a) China's ascendency in which India can play the role of a spoiler
b) 1.2 billion population which is an extremely large export market for the rest of the world and the West in particular

Neither of these factors are at play with Pakistan. So IK trying to compare India's FP stance with Pakistan is a non-starter. We don't have *any* such leverage.

We have to craft our own niche somehow, however thus far this has evaded all Pakistani governments including the PTI one. One hint is our overflowing yet massively underperforming human resource which, if astutely developed, could completely change the scenario for Pakistan.
Pakistan's best bet was to work with China in developing Pakistan's human resources.
The US has already bet everything on India and no matter what General Dollars do, the best US will offer would be to become sidekick to the regional hegemon i-e India.
Only Muhib ur Rahman praised India more in Pakistan's political history.
I think you will cut your tongue out and hack off both your hands before listening to any criticism of meen nawaj inviting what was its name sajjan jindal? for a secret meeting that got exposed on a visa for was it islamabad or lohar but ended up in murree with high level protocol

what about moohdhi and its henchman doogling doval attending a wedding in mordor(raiwind) without any input from state security!

with just these two historical facts why not jump off a high mountain in shame but one must possess a drop of it so it dont bother you anyhoot.
IK is playing politics just to fool the naive.
1)Why did he not restart the Iran pak gas pipeline project, it would have been the cheapest.


Can you please elaborate how will that be cheapest? What is the price of gas at delivery point and to end consumer through IP? How does it fare as compared to Qatar 2016 and 2021 Lng contracts? This is wrong assumption that gas through IP is cheapest, it is actually even costlier than lng supplied through Qatar 2016 contract. Unless Iran agrees to renegotiate the contract price formula agreed in GSPA signed by Zardari, no government in Pakistan will implement it.
We have to craft our own niche somehow, however thus far this has evaded all Pakistani governments including the PTI one. One hint is our overflowing yet massively underperforming human resource which, if astutely developed, could completely change the scenario for Pakistan

The US wont allow Pakistan to do that.
It want a Pakistan that is not economically strong enough to do independent policies, and in turn become a problem for India.
Thats the deal.

Its a evil circle thats very tough to come out of.
But Frankly you some day have to make calculated risk and start becoming more indepdendent. Risk short term pain for gaining long term growth.
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Khan can be stupid sometimes. Western worlds always threatened with imposed sanctions to weaken Pakistan and protects India to ensure to keep Pakistan at edge. India knows that hence they get away due to complimentary backing of Israel that controls USA.

Once Pakistan is sanctioned, then you have no money. How can you afford discounted prices for oil when you have no money?

Pakistan remittances come from Western Worlds and Arab worlds and none of them have anything to do with Russia who is struggling and surviving on oil reserves to trade on Russian currency.

Khan has nothing to lose while it is Pakistan that has everything to lose. I am starting to understand why Bajwa took drastic measures. You can’t reason with khan. 🤦‍♂️
I think you will cut your tongue out and hack off both your hands before listening to any criticism of meen nawaj inviting what was its name sajjan jindal? for a secret meeting that got exposed on a visa for was it islamabad or lohar but ended up in murree with high level protocol

what about moohdhi and its henchman doogling doval attending a wedding in mordor(raiwind) without any input from state security!

with just these two historical facts why not jump off a high mountain in shame but one must possess a drop of it so it dont bother you anyhoot.

Still the 3 time PM wouldn't praise India despite having business connections.
Still the 3 time PM wouldn't praise India despite having business connections.
are you sure? are you really that obtuse? you are that obtuse we all know that. so one person uses enemy countries foreign policy as an example! that is praising BUT the new chor traitor gov that comes and resumes trade and has other illicit business deals with enemy country is all above board.

do you get rewarded for this jamadari/istanjadari??

what are your views on what the outgoing diplomat Abdul Basit on meean nawaj and its handling of diplomatic relations with india?
are you sure? are you really that obtuse? you are that obtuse we all know that. so one person uses enemy countries foreign policy as an example! that is praising BUT the new chor traitor gov that comes and resumes trade and has other illicit business deals with enemy country is all above board.

do you get rewarded for this jamadari/istanjadari??

what are your views on what the outgoing diplomat Abdul Basit on meean nawaj and its handling of diplomatic relations with india?

So this fear of enemy's potent foreign policy mentally blocked Niazi for taking actions after A370 removal and quick return of Abhinondone?

What did Abdul Basit say? That establishment on whims of America wanted peaceful relations with India to take course?
So this fear of enemy's potent foreign policy mentally blocked Niazi for taking actions after A370 removal and quick return of Abhinondone?

What did Abdul Basit say? That establishment on whims of America wanted peaceful relations with India to take course?
is this the best nonsense you can come up with. If meean ji was at the helm then mark my words tooei wal. there would NEVER have been a operation Swift Retort!! The harami pig would never have allowed it! how would it have when it employs indians in its mills and factories and Not Pakistani's!!!

so take this giving abi anando back bull crap and shove it up your hind.

Abdul Basit has said this on record that He informed meean ji about the scrapping of Article 370 when the harami pig was parked in Pm house BUT being a greedy treacherous swine it ignored it!
One hint is our overflowing yet massively underperforming human resource which, if astutely developed, could completely change the scenario for Pakistan.

If Pakistan's human resource is developed, it will have unpleasant side effects like demanding performance from elected leaders. And demanding clean drinking water for their kids. And schools and hospitals.

An awakened population might not be fooled by 'jiay Bhutto' and 'sher aaya' slogans, and the two hukmraan khandaans can't allow that. PTI was too hamstrung with corrupt coalition partners to do any meaningful change.

Only solution is to bring Imran Khan with a majority government and hold his feet to the fire.

Still the 3 time PM wouldn't praise India despite having business connections.

Praising Indian government's foreign policies for sanding up for their self-interest is not the same thing as praising their domestic policies.

Most people understand the difference, except those who want to score cheap political points.
is this the best nonsense you can come up with. If meean ji was at the helm then mark my words tooei wal. there would NEVER have been a operation Swift Retort!! The harami pig would never have allowed it! how would it have when it employs indians in its mills and factories and Not Pakistani's!!!

so take this giving abi anando back bull crap and shove it up your hind.

Abdul Basit has said this on record that He informed meean ji about the scrapping of Article 370 when the harami pig was parked in Pm house BUT being a greedy treacherous swine it ignored it!

Abdul Basit was reporting to Mr. Sharif on August 05, 2019? He must really believe in PM of hearts then because on August 06, 2019, the then government made it look like the Indian move was sudden without any prior intelligence.
Abdul Basit was reporting to Mr. Sharif on August 05, 2019? He must really believe in PM of hearts then because on August 06, 2019, the then government made it look like the Indian move was sudden without any prior intelligence.

so being informed by the former ambassador about the malintent ahead of time and the pharand of our enemy does what??? Nothing. then after the event of the scrapping of 370 the tooei wal claim that IF the harami pig was in charge then it would NEVER have happened! tooei party would claim that moohdhi did it because of new gormint! as if meean had kept a tight screw on india which is not true. just look at the overwhelming support for tooei party from our sworn enemy after forming this chor gormint! why is that?

why doesn't tooei party demand 370 to be reimplemented now??

are you mentally deranged tooei wal? see no matter what your whole reason for existence is what? jamadari/istanjadari for amritsari kabaria's?
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