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Desperate US wants to be part of India’s first manned space mission

They did for China also. Don't forgot the scientists who started your missile program in China, studied and worked in the USA for a long time. They took that knowledge and gave it to China. One of them was guiding China's missile development till he died. Russia has also helped China a great deal and continues to use Russian scientists who left the USSR after its fall. Its very easy to malign other countries accomplishments, you need to take a closer look before you preach!

The scientist, Qian Xuesen, was accused of being a spy and sent back to China. In the 1950s, China sided with Russia and US certainly won't trust China. Heck, Qian was rejected by the US because of racism against Chinese as China was in the communist camp back then. So its not correct to say that US assisted China in building up its space program. But its fair to say that the fear and racism in the US back in the 1950s help build up the Chinese missile and space program.
They did for China also. Don't forgot the scientists who started your missile program in China, studied and worked in the USA for a long time. They took that knowledge and gave it to China. One of them was guiding China's missile development till he died. Russia has also helped China a great deal and continues to use Russian scientists who left the USSR after its fall. Its very easy to malign other countries accomplishments, you need to take a closer look before you preach!

Maybe you want to check your source, he didn't exactly leave on free will. This is extracted from wiki

Soon after Qian applied for U.S. citizenship in 1949, allegations were made that he was a communist, and his security clearance was revoked in June 1950.[5] The Federal Bureau of Investigation located an American Communist Party document from 1938 with his name on it, and used it as justification for the revocation. Without clearance, Qian found himself unable to pursue his career, and within two weeks announced plans to return to mainland China, which had come under the government of Communist leader Mao Zedong. After Qian's plans became known, the U.S. government detained him at Terminal Island, an isolated U.S. Navy facility and federal prison offshore of the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The Undersecretary of the Navy at the time, Dan A. Kimball, tried to keep Qian in the U.S., commenting:
"It was the stupidest thing this country ever did. He was no more a Communist than I was, and we forced him to go."[3]
Qian became the subject of five years of secret diplomacy and negotiation between the U.S. and China. During this time he lived under constant surveillance in a state of near house arrest.[5] Qian found himself in conflict with both the FBI and the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, and at one point was arrested for allegedly smuggling secret documents out of the US; these ultimately turned out to be simple logarithmic tables. During his incarceration, Qian received support from his colleagues at Caltech, including the institute's president Lee DuBridge, who flew to Washington to argue Qian's case. Caltech appointed attorney Grant Cooper to defend Qian. Later, Cooper would say, "That the government permitted this genius, this scientific genius, to be sent to Communist China to pick his brains is one of the tragedies of this century."[12]

Qian Xuesen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think its agreed the US would like to work with India in furthering their manned space mission especially given the financial issues in their country. To call them desperate however is uncalled for, the title is something reserved for low class tabloids. Only housewives would take it seriously IMO

Exactly, the US isn't "desperate". They just know that ISRO can do it cheaper than anyone else can.
I WASNT REFERRING TO SPACE TECH. I WAS TALKING ABT STRATEGIC AFFAIRS. ITS A FACT US NEEDS INDIA MORE THEN INDIA NEEDS US. Its for no reason the americans are making all the right noises regarding india.
US need india to counter China, of course it tries to flatter india. Even though india is anti-china regardless of US, it is better to keep good relations with the enemy of your enemy. Plus, unlike China, india is nowhere close to challenge US in the world power play.
nice debate guys. and good to see many Indians questioning the self boasting title.

just one question though - whats the guarantee that if any success achieved out of this mission would be credited enough to India or ISRO ?? especially aftre the moon water discovery drama where the creadit was taken away by NASA inspite of it being discovered by ISRO.

however, I belive, no one needs no one here. If USA doesnt come, ISRO would stil do it and if India rejects USA's offer, nothing's gonna change for US.they have done it hundred of times. Its better if they work together.

I wopuld also like few Indians to be reminded that they just cant underestimate ISROs capabilities, just because NASA has had years of experince in this field.moon water discovery is an example. everyone is equally important.

The moon water discovery was a result of close scientific cooperation between ISRO and NASA. Two probes NASA LRO and ISRO's had to be precisely positioned to form a Bi-Static radar needed to detect the presence of ice on the lunar surface. I don't think NASA is in the business of credit stealing or that the US or NASA is 'desperate' for ISRO help.

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and India’s Chandrayaan-1 will team up on August 20 to perform a Bi-Static radar experiment to search for water ice in a crater on the Moon’s north pole.

Both spacecraft are equipped with a NASA Miniature Radio Frequency (RF) instrument that functions as a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), known as Mini-SAR on Chandrayaan 1 and Mini-RF on LRO.

“The advantage of a Bi-Static experiment is that you’re looking at echoes that are being reflected off the Moon at an angle other than zero,” said Paul Spudis,principal investigator for Chandrayaan-1′s Mini-SAR,discussing the mission on The Space Show. “Mono-static radar sends a pulse, and you are looking in the same phase or incident angle. But with Bi-Static, you can look at it from a different angle. The significance of that is ice has a very unique bi-static response.”

LRO, Chandrayaan-1 Team Up For Unique Search for Water Ice
US is desperate for Cash..not for ISRO....and they want india to put sanctions on Iran..thats alll and they want us to buy Mrca..
but its not gonna happen...

USA can never Replace Russia as our trustworthy and close friend.....
Here the MIP mission
India launched the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft using a modified version of the PSLV C11[11][12] on 22 October 2008 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh at 06:22 IST (00:52 UTC).[13]

The lunar probe separated from Chandrayaaan-1, in a 102 km circular polar orbit around the Moon, at 20:06 IST on 14 November 2008.[1] After separation, it first fired its spin up rockets and then its retro rocket to lower itself to an orbit intersecting the lunar surface.[14] While descending, the MIP continuously sent information back to the Chandrayaan-1 orbiter which in turn beamed the information back to earth. After a 25 minute controlled descent, it struck the Moon at 20:31 IST, 14 November 2008 at a speed of 1.69 kilometers per second (approximately 6100 km/h or 3800 miles per hour).[14] The crash destroyed the probe. It crashed into Shackleton Crater, at the lunar south pole, 89°S 30°W / 89°S 30°W / -89; -30

[15], at 20:31 on 14 November 2008 releasing underground material that could be analyzed by the orbiter for the presence of water ice.[1]
Then you better tell ISRO and get them to retract their press release.

Welcome To ISRO :: Press Release :: March 02, 2010

Mini-SAR on Chandrayaan-1 finds ice deposits at moon's North pole
Analysis of data obtained by the Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar (Mini-SAR) onboard Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft has provided evidence for the presence of ice deposits near the moon's North pole. The Mini-SAR instrument found more than 40 small craters (2-15 km in diameter) with sub-surface water ice located at their base. The interior of these craters is in permanent sun shadow.

Prof. Paul Spudis, Principal Investigator of the Mini-SAR experiment said "The new discoveries by Chandrayaan-1 and other lunar missions show that the moon is an even more interesting and attractive scientific, exploration and operational destination than people had previously thought."

The Mini-SAR mapped the moon's permanently shadowed polar craters that are not visible from Earth. The radar uses the polarisation properties of reflected radio waves to characterise surface properties. Results from the mapping showed deposits having radar characteristics similar to ice. The emerging picture from the multiple measurements and resulting data of the instruments, Moon Mineralogy Mapper and Mini-SAR on Chandrayaan-1 and NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), indicates that water creation, migration, deposition and retention are occurring on the moon.

The Mini-SAR's findings have just been published in the journal, Geophysical Research Letters authored by scientists from 13 agencies from USA and India, including Prof. J. N. Goswami, Principal Scientist, Chandrayaan-1 from Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad and Dr M. Chakrabarty of Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. The new findings add to the growing scientific understanding of the multiple forms of water on the moon.

Mini-SAR and Moon Mineralogy Mapper are two of the 11 instruments on Chandrayaan-1, which was launched on October 22, 2008, and began orbiting the moon on November 8, 2008. The Applied Physics Laboratory, USA performed the final integration and testing on Mini-SAR. It was developed and built by the Naval Air Warfare Center and several other commercial and government agencies in USA.

its a press release on march 2,2010
The website is not updated....
Many lot things have not been updated

So the ISRO is brilliant but too lazy to update their own website, I am particularly impressed by the use of a quadrupole mass analyzer to detect the presence of ice on the surface of the moon. :coffee:
It was not on the surface but during its journey through Moon's thin atmosphere. Observations from the Hubble Space Telescope have confirmed the discovery of the water and hydroxyl atmosphere in the lunar environment made by the CHACE payload in Chandrayaan-1/MIP mission. The analysis of CHACE data revealed the presence of H20 and 0H molecules in significant amount at all the latitudes maximising .
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