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Desperate US wants to be part of India’s first manned space mission

It was not on the surface but during its journey through Moon's thin atmosphere. Observations from the Hubble Space Telescope have confirmed the discovery of the water and hydroxyl atmosphere in the lunar environment made by the CHACE payload in Chandrayaan-1/MIP mission. The analysis of CHACE data revealed the presence of H20 and 0H molecules in significant amount at all the latitudes maximising .

Thats right but then I suppose you better break the news to your comrades. The discovery of water vapor in the thin lunar atmosphere isn't the discovery they're celebrating.
Thats right but then I suppose you better break the news to your comrades. The discovery of water vapor in the thin lunar atmosphere isn't the discovery they're celebrating.

Water is a general term used in media. hydroxyl molecules or water it doesnt matter. If its in the atmosphere that means it came from the surface
Water is a general term used in media. hydroxyl molecules or water it doesnt matter. If its in the atmosphere that means it came from the surface

The detection of water vapor in the moons atmosphere using a mass spectrometer was first achieved in 1971.
Indian Jatt et al, are accusing NASA of taking credit for a ISRO discovery, still unclear to me which specific discovery their accusation relates to?
The discovery of ice on the surface of the moon OR the discovery of water vapor in the moons atmosphere.
DBC...you have to see where Indians come from. They have several news media that have issued and continue to issue "news" with an anti-american flavor. So, there is going to be some amount of exhibition of superiority by Indians living in India. While just about anything these days happens by collaboration, there is a tendency to garner full credit by Indian agencies. They are not very good at acknowledging the history of science or contributions of others that have LED to this pivotal moment.
While we have space telescopes named after Indian scientists (Chandra X-ray), Indians wont name even a single asset of theirs after a pivotal foreign scientist yet continue to expect one way acknowledgment of their efforts. This expectation is built into the Indian psyche, I think.
DBC...you have to see where Indians come from. They have several news media that have issued and continue to issue "news" with an anti-american flavor. So, there is going to be some amount of exhibition of superiority by Indians living in India. While just about anything these days happens by collaboration, there is a tendency to garner full credit by Indian agencies. They are not very good at acknowledging the history of science or contributions of others that have LED to this pivotal moment.

You'll be hard pressed to find anti-American flavour in Indian media today, especially after Obama's visit. Although it's not like you guys get good press anywhere anyway.
While we have space telescopes named after Indian scientists (Chandra X-ray), Indians wont name even a single asset of theirs after a pivotal foreign scientist yet continue to expect one way acknowledgment of their efforts. This expectation is built into the Indian psyche, I think.

Ummm Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was an American of Indian origin
DBC...you have to see where Indians come from. They have several news media that have issued and continue to issue "news" with an anti-american flavor. So, there is going to be some amount of exhibition of superiority by Indians living in India. While just about anything these days happens by collaboration, there is a tendency to garner full credit by Indian agencies. They are not very good at acknowledging the history of science or contributions of others that have LED to this pivotal moment.
While we have space telescopes named after Indian scientists (Chandra X-ray), Indians wont name even a single asset of theirs after a pivotal foreign scientist yet continue to expect one way acknowledgment of their efforts. This expectation is built into the Indian psyche, I think.

well, u had kalpana chawla born in bihar,sunita williams and many more...
did we ever taken credit of it...?
And they are americans and no more indians..
we take credit for wat we have done...

And anti-american in india :lol:
Even when u arm our enemy we don't shout Anti-American slogan.....
The detection of water vapor in the moons atmosphere using a mass spectrometer was first achieved in 1971.
Indian Jatt et al, are accusing NASA of taking credit for a ISRO discovery, still unclear to me which specific discovery their accusation relates to?
The discovery of ice on the surface of the moon OR the discovery of water vapor in the moons atmosphere.

Well,buddy, u r more brilliant than NASA scientists....
Enjoy this video..

We didn't force NASA to give credits and NASA are not dumb to give credits for free....
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The detection of water vapor in the moons atmosphere using a mass spectrometer was first achieved in 1971.
Indian Jatt et al, are accusing NASA of taking credit for a ISRO discovery, still unclear to me which specific discovery their accusation relates to?
The discovery of ice on the surface of the moon OR the discovery of water vapor in the moons atmosphere.

Buddy,we send the best of the best scientist and engineers in India to work there...
Ex:Kalpana Chawla...
How many Indians are there in Obama administration who ur advises ur president..?

Who is the that manages US aid to countries like pakistan...?
Have u ever acknowledge it??

We also have some brains...
We are independent from just 64 years...
Now these time we are having good money so we r investing in R&D here...
But u don't like,we can't do anything...
U still have the feeling that any explorations is made by only Americans....
@Death by chocolate and Rolling stones
check this out..

List of Indian Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Count how many professors,mathematicians engineers medicals guys....etc etc etc have contributed to ur science and technology.....

Yet u say that we don't have good brains in our country....:lol:

Wrong...nowhere did either of us say there arent good brains in India. At least I was only talking about who gets acknowledged and for what. We have bosons in quantum physics as well named after Bose. We actually acknowledge your contributions and there are people in the National Academy of Engineers. It is not a question of how many Indian names are there in our roster. It is a question of how many American names are in your roster. None, I think.
I am for ISRO JV with Russia not USA...

Its a little late for that. NASA's association with ISRO can be traced all the way back to the very origins of ISRO. India's very first rocket launch station was developed with NASA assistance, this included equipment such as Doppler Velocity and Position stations for trajectory measurements, launch vehicle (Nike-Apache ) and MPS-19 radar. NASA also trained Indian scientist and engineers at Thumba, NASA's Assistant Chief of Flight Test Robert T. Duffy was stationed in Thumba as advisor to INCOSPAR (Indian National Commission for Space Research) now ISRO.

Buddy,we send the best of the best scientist and engineers in India to work there...
Ex:Kalpana Chawla...

Kalpana Chawla wasn't sent to the US - she came here off her own accord and for the same reason this country continues to attract the best and brightest from around the world. Had she remained in India she'd probably still be alive, struggling to fulfill her dreams while constantly being reminded what a five foot tall petite women from a respectable family can and cannot do.
They all flee your country because the society is not modern enough. India's traditions and values can be seen in a positive way but it is also holding it down. You don;t have proper research analysis on crimes, abuses, etc. The statistics that India does have are questionable. The police are corrupt and inefficient. Its due to negligence by the government and corrupt/idiotic civil servants. You know why the world looks down on India is because her own people don;t lift a finger to change and help the current situation. Everyone is out to make a buck. Look how clean Thailand is, how come you dirty bastards cant clean the streets? Why can't you understand the concept of sanitation and its importance and its benefits? THe first thing a tourist notices when they land is the cleanness of a place. All my friends who visits india think great things about India, but are horrified by the utter nastiness. Stop making excuses and clean up the F-ing Ganges river......its the bloody holiest river for Hindus. You greedy bastards can;t donate 1 Rupee each. You can't have one engineer donate his time and services, corrupt free of course! India, India, India...tsk tsk tsk
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