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Derogatory Terms Associated With Islam

The first case dates back in 13th April,1927, MujaffarNagar. The second case is of a lady named Anitha in Bantwal district, Karnataka where she was murdered by a serial killer named Mohan Kumar in 2009. In both the cases, Hindutva organizations created massive uproar about these incidents spewing venomous attack on Muslim as usual. These two are just tip of the iceberg. there are many such cases of lies and false rumors.

Can't help if it is not much convincing. These reports have been published in EPW in 2009. The bold part; It was a Hindu girl,abducted and killed by a Hindu but rumor spread by Hindutva organizations that she was abducted and forcefully converted to Islam. The point is often these allegations are found false and simple hate mongering from Rightist groups.

I am sure the issue being raised by Christian churches in kerala must be a Hindutva propaganda .

I am also sure the issue being raised by SNDP in kerala must be another Hindutva propaganda .

Heck even the grooming in UK must be another Hindutva propaganda .
Bingo! and @Spring Onion hits the nail on the head in terms of a major aspect of this whole discussion.

Actually this is only partially true.
You will be surprised at the number of calls the police and the VHP ( :devil: ) receive from girls, threatening suicide, crying for help etc for similar cases. Many are from Bengal and Karnataka (for some unknown reason). You just need to go out and try to get the info that you don't want to hear (normal human psychology). It's there, only it was not bracketed as an organized move. So it's not actually the patriarchial society that is to blame here. The girls chose their men and got married. It is only after they are forcefully converted and tortured, do they file FIRs risking everything. This is happening now only because women are challenging boundaries and not accepting male supremacy, not the other way around.

The reality is, everyone wants to be victims. Because victimhood gives a validity towards their grievances. But certain victims in the eyes of these Islamists are not equal.

I am sure those hundreds of Yazidiwomen sold into sexual slavery and 'reverted' to Islam get a say in who wants to be victims too.

My point still stands.

@nair looks like we have a troll on the horizon. Keep an eye out.

sounds a bit fantastic. Proof?
You are spot on. Secular fanatics take their fanaticism to such an extent that they end up defaming the very concept of secularism. This is very true for India.

i. This is not a Hindu vs Muslim issue.

ii. Gangs exist that aim to convert people by hook or crook. You can deny as much as you want. Try wishing them away.

iii. @scorpionx dada - pls mention the incidents where this happened :
'Hindu woman murdered by Hindu serial killer and then Muslim blamed' - (the serial killer must be Hindu), I can assure you, for every single such case (if any) I can provide 1000 cases where the women filed FIRs wven though she faced ortracization from conservative Hindu society( as a Muslim's wife). This has happened so many times in Kashmir, the people here proudly claim it is in their blood.

iv. Ravi - I go to Mosques sometimes :D :devil: Especially on the Fridays. I used to play cricket in one when I was a kid, especially when it rained outside. :P

@Spring Onion - Dee, forgot... here's your rakhi...If you find it offensive pls consider it a friendship band. *#=========*@@*==========#* :) May you stay well. God bless.

Aur trolling chalu? :azn:

"love jihad" is a term invented by insecure non-muslim men…
if non-muslims are worried about love jihad….they shouldn't give any muslim a chance to go with your girls..your should woo them so muslims don't even get a chance.
I am on it bro. :D Wish me luck :P
I am sure the issue being raised by Christian churches in kerala must be a Hindutva propaganda .

I am also sure the issue being raised by SNDP in kerala must be another Hindutva propaganda .

Heck even the grooming in UK must be another Hindutva propaganda .
Not necessarily, my friend. What I am saying is a lot of fantasies had been mixed with facts before by organizations like VHP. Their organized campaign is not against a few Muslims who actually are guilty of forced conversion, but against the whole community, awarding them derogatory adjectives. It creates further division and antagonizes a lot more bigger section.


I already gave the details to Ravi. It was published in EPW in 2009. I can't give the link from mobile.
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Not necessarily, my friend. What I am saying is a lot of fantasies had been mixed with facts before by organizations like VHP. Their organized campaign is not against a few Muslims who actually are guilty of forced conversion, but against the whole community by awarding them derogatory adjectives.
This is slander. If you have proof that the whole Muslim community from Arunachal to Gujarat and Kashmir to Kanyakumari is being maligned*, you should, in the interest of our country submit them to the courts for swift action against VHP. The police is preparing evidence on these conversion gangs already.

*I am assuming you do have proof dada.

It was published in EPW in 2009

Sorry dada, I have serious doubts about the authenticity of EPW. When I opened the home page, it greeted me with this - Jawaharlal Nehru and the Capitalist Class, 1936(!!!!!!) :ashamed:

Ok pls mention when you reach home :)
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What is this 'love Jihad'? This is a derogatory term coined by religiously fanatic Hindu party BJP;

Is the sex Jihad of asking the unmerried girls by ISIS or abducting Hristian teen girl by Boko haram , or beheading shias on the name of Zihad or whatever is happening in Egypt, Syria, Iraq or Nigeria is coined by BJP?

Not necessarily, my friend. What I am saying is a lot of fantasies had been mixed with facts before by organizations like VHP. Their organized campaign is not against a few Muslims who actually are guilty of forced conversion, but against the whole community, awarding them derogatory adjectives. It creates further division and antagonizes a lot more bigger section.


I already gave the details to Ravi. It was published in EPW in 2009. I can't give the link from mobile.

When Hindus were kicked out of Kashmir, None of so called Majority of good Muslim (As per you) came out to support Hindus.

When the 60 karsevak were burned alive None of good Muslim opened his mouth against the cruelty. You can settle in Kashmir to test the neighborhood of Majority of good Muslims.
This is slander. If you have proof that the whole Muslim community from Arunachal to Gujarat and Kashmir to Kanyakumari is being maligned*, you should, in the interest of our country submit them to the courts for swift action against VHP. The police is preparing evidence on these conversion gangs already.

*I am assuming you do have proof dada.
Come on. Don't be emotional :D

PS: epw, Nehru chacha ka home ground nehi hai mere bhai. There are articles where his over secularized policies have been sternly criticized.So chill. Source is authentic and we can rely on it.
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Come on. Don't be emotional :D

PS: epw, Nehru chacha ka home ground nehi hai mere bhai. There are articles where his over secularized policies have been sternly criticized.
Emotional? Seriously? We belong to the country of Bollywood. We have to be emotional :D
Ok dada, will read it at home - site is badly formatted, hurts my eyes. :(
"love jihad" is a term invented by insecure non-muslim men…
if non-muslims are worried about love jihad….they shouldn't give any muslim a chance to go with your girls..your should woo them so muslims don't even get a chance.

This middle age activity was restarted by Radical british Muslims. Some rich Indian Msulim saw it and they start funding for Love Jihad.

The Muslims are disgusised as Hindu/Sikh (wearing Hindu or Sikh symbols) and eloped with girls... Its Jihad and it will lead massive riots, Muslims are playing with fire... They should stop and start living as Human..

Evidence of my statement:
sex grooming sikh girl - YouTube --UK
love jihad - YouTube --India
Forcefull conversion in pakistan - YouTube --Pakistan

there are many evidence that the Islam has started new Jihad on Kafirs...

Is the sex Jihad of asking the unmerried girls by ISIS or abducting Hristian teen girl by Boko haram , or beheading shias on the name of Zihad or whatever is happening in Egypt, Syria, Iraq or Nigeria is coined by BJP?

When Hindus were kicked out of Kashmir, None of so called Majority of good Muslim (As per you) came out to support Hindus.

When the 60 karsevak were burned alive None of good Muslim opened his mouth against the cruelty. You can settle in Kashmir to test the neighborhood of Majority of good Muslims.

Muslim care only about Muslims... .
This middle age activity was restarted by Radical british Muslims. Some rich Indian Msulim saw it and they start funding for Love Jihad.

The Muslims are disgusised as Hindu/Sikh (wearing Hindu or Sikh symbols) and eloped with girls... Its Jihad and it will lead massive riots, Muslims are playing with fire... They should stop and start living as Human..

Evidence of my statement:
sex grooming sikh girl - YouTube --UK
love jihad - YouTube --India
Forcefull conversion in pakistan - YouTube --Pakistan

there are many evidence that the Islam has started new Jihad on Kafirs...

Muslim care only about Muslims... .
qamar was not serious. :P You got trolled :D
Not necessarily, my friend. What I am saying is a lot of fantasies had been mixed with facts before by organizations like VHP. Their organized campaign is not against a few Muslims who actually are guilty of forced conversion, but against the whole community, awarding them derogatory adjectives. It creates further division and antagonizes a lot more bigger section.

I already gave the details to Ravi. It was published in EPW in 2009. I can't give the link from mobile.

I am sure Hindu organisation will like to make it an issue and they may try to generalise it to a community ...... I agree with that .

But my point was that if somebody thinks that there exist no organised program like love jihad or grooming being used by some groups then they are just closing their eyes to make it dark .

Indians and their lies. lol

This middle age activity was restarted by Radical british Muslims. Some rich Indian Msulim saw it and they start funding for Love Jihad.
no such thing exists…. nobody is marrying girls to convert them, they maybe marrying them just for sex.
i never heard of such things till you people made them up out of your insecurities.
The Muslims are disguised as Hindu/Sikh (wearing Hindu or Sikh symbols) and eloped with girls
why would any muslim degrade themselves disguising as a hindu/sikh? i never had to disguise myself to get with the sikh girls.
i keep getting them indian girls all day long.. pakis girls aren't freaks like indian girls so we have to get the next closest thing to **** girls (indian girls):-)
... Its Jihad and it will lead massive riots, Muslims are playing with fire...
i use to think you might not be as dumb as sound but you just proved me wrong once and for all…. not only are you dumb but your also insecure…
They should stop and start living as Human..
perhaps you stop dividing humans up like that then… we are all humans.. there are bad people in all groups so stop trying to alienate muslims before i go bang another sikh girl.

there are many evidence that the Islam has started new Jihad on Kafirs...
products of your imagination

Muslim care only about Muslims… .
i care about muslims along with all humans…
i care more about my fellow muslims because we share a religion.. just like sikhs care more about sikhs and hindus care more about hindus.
"What happens nowadays is that if some non muslim rapes or forces someone, he's a rapist and criminal and has nothing to do with the whole of Christianity or Atheism or Hinduism . But if some muslim does it, its "Love Jihad" and he suddenly represents all the Muslims in the world. That is wrong,so please stop that if you're so advanced and modern".

I wont be able to sum up things as comprehensively and elegantly as you did in the last paragraph. That is the whole point and I wish, in-fact hope that management team will look into this and consider banning derogatory terms (such as love Jihad), which are used to associate all sorts of moral, social, and religious crimes with Islam.

Some 7-8 months back a friend of mine (Muslim by religion) was in love with a Hindu girl, and they both were facing problems at their homes. During that troubled time the local mosque in his area probably got to know about this, and they called him to offer him Rs. 2 lakh for converting & marrying a Hindu girl, and Rs. 3 lakh if the girl is also a Brahmin. My friend is a decent guy from a well-to-do family, and he was certainly not interested in any kind of "Jihad". That incident really pissed him off. The relationship didn't survive though because of family pressure.

The concerns are:

1. There are some men (From all religions) who would cheat girls anyway for "Time-pass" or sex, now if cheating women becomes a "Godly act" with some good monetary incentives thrown in, then religious fanatics, casanovas, and jobless vagabonds with low morale, all becomes easy targets for those groups who are promoting such things, and women pay the price.

2. From where these small local mosques get that kind of money to run such schemes? There is a reason behind Indian government's concerns about the "Oil money" that is entering India through hawala.

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