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Derogatory Terms Associated With Islam

That's too bad. Maybe you should convert to Christianity so you can escape their oppression.

:))))))))))))))))))))) the day i feel oppressed i may think over your advice. For the time being they are feeling oppressed and thats fine with me.
Modi is a great man. He is saviour of people. He saved millions of Muslims from slaughter during Gujarat riots.

This thread has nothing to do with Modi, Please look for a political thread if you think Modi is a great, and that should be the place where you can discuss it such issues
This thread has nothing to do with Modi, Please look for a political thread if you think Modi is a great, and that should be the place where you can discuss it such issues

Actually Modi is great. He had left his woman for saffronic cause and he is great that at last stage of her life he finally accepted her as his wife.
:))))))))))))))))))))) the day i feel oppressed i may think over your advice. For the time being they are feeling oppressed and thats fine with me.
You don't feel oppressed because your'e experiencing what pop-psychology calls 'Stockholm syndrome'....or it could be that you don't really know any better having grown up within a rigorous patriarchal community. Anyhow, remember....the door is always open.

You can start by trying to be less submissive to a man...that might give you some perspective.
Actually Modi is great. He had left his woman for saffronic cause and he is great that at last stage of her life he finally accepted her as his wife.

I am not a Modi fan,and I have no interest in his marital status or what he did with his wife, as long as he is not breaking a law. I am more interested what he is capable as a Prime Minister, and i will not like to judge him based on what he has done when he was 17 or 19, But as i said in previous post, this is off topic :)

By the way @Zarvan bhai aaap jawab nahin diya abhi thak.....
Unfortunately YES.

Bingo! and @Spring Onion hits the nail on the head in terms of a major aspect of this whole discussion.

Thank you for bringing this up, and this is relevant because a lot of cultures in South Asia are heavily patriarchal and regard Women as property.

And by extension a lot of the male ego is tied with this.

:))))))))))))))))))))) the day i feel oppressed i may think over your advice. For the time being they are feeling oppressed and thats fine with me.

I think it is much better to change the attitude within the system, Mainly through female education and encouraging them to have lives and careers beyond their homes.
I am not a Modi fan,and I have no interest in his marital status or what he did with his wife, as long as he is not breaking a law. I am more interested what he is capable as a Prime Minister, and i will not like to judge him based on what he has done when he was 17 or 19, But as i said in previous post, this is off topic :)
Only fools who indulge in gossip care about whether or not he was married and what happened when he was 17 years old.

I care only for his actions as Prime Minister of India...and so far I am far from disappointed.
You don't feel oppressed because your'e experiencing what pop-psychology calls 'Stockholm syndrome'....or it could be that you don't really know any better having grown up within a rigorous patriarchal community. Anyhow, remember....the door is always open.

You can start by trying to be less submissive to a man...that might give you some perspective.

well I think a better solution is to encourage Women to get educated, and encourage them to have lives of their own, don't you think?

Because let's face it, no way Hindus and Muslims are going to convert en masse.
You don't feel oppressed because your'e experiencing what pop-psychology calls 'Stockholm syndrome'....or it could be that you don't really know any better having grown up within a rigorous patriarchal community. Anyhow, remember....the door is always open. ;

The most funniest thing on earth seems to be wildest imagination and fantasies of people like you about lives of other while the fact remains that these are mere imaginations by people like you.

You can start by trying to be less submissive to a man...that might give you some perspective.

:lol: if you are addressing me as an individual then you are gravely mistaken because the word submissive that is to a man is NOT in my dictionary.
Actually Modi is great. He had left his woman for saffronic cause and he is great that at last stage of her life he finally accepted her as his wife.

and the alternative is staying with his child bride who he was forced to marry at a young age. There is a ton of other criticisms one can use, but here, he acted in a manner that saved both lives. Though I don't know why he didn't divorce her.

I am not a Modi fan,and I have no interest in his marital status or what he did with his wife, as long as he is not breaking a law. I am more interested what he is capable as a Prime Minister, and i will not like to judge him based on what he has done when he was 17 or 19, But as i said in previous post, this is off topic :)

By the way @Zarvan bhai aaap jawab nahin diya abhi thak.....

too busy waging war on ******** :D

@Mech long time no see sahodara :D
and the alternative is staying with his child bride who he was forced to marry at a young age. There is a ton of other criticisms one can use, but here, he acted in a manner that saved both lives. Though I don't know why he didn't divorce her

well that is not my point neither want to indulge in that what Modi did. She was not saved because living uptill old age in isolation and still dreaming of him was no good for her.

Anyway he did presumably did that for his political career thats all. Good decision for his political life and his aims and goals.
sounds a bit fantastic. Proof?
The first case dates back in 13th April,1927, MujaffarNagar. The second case is of a lady named Anitha in Bantwal district, Karnataka where she was murdered by a serial killer named Mohan Kumar in 2009. In both the cases, Hindutva organizations created massive uproar about these incidents spewing venomous attack on Muslim as usual. These two are just tip of the iceberg. there are many such cases of lies and false rumors.

"In many cases in the past it have been found that the girl was a Muslim by birth, or the missing lady who had been thought to be abducted by a Muslim was found murdered by a Hindu serial killer"
Not convincing sire. :disagree: And Hindu serial killer who kills girls married by Muslims? :what:

Please learn Urdu and read some Urdu dailies. Also if possible do visit some of the local mosques wearing a pheran on Fridays.(I often do) Sare galaat faimiya door ho jaygi dada :)

Besides, this is not a Hindu Muslim Islam thread.

Can't help if it is not much convincing. These reports have been published in EPW in 2009. The bold part; It was a Hindu girl,abducted and killed by a Hindu but rumor spread by Hindutva organizations that she was abducted and forcefully converted to Islam. The point is often these allegations are found false and simple hate mongering from Rightist groups.
The first case dates back in 13th April,1927, MujaffarNagar. The second case is of a lady named Anitha in Bantwal district, Karnataka where she was murdered by a serial killer named Mohan Kumar in 2009. In both the cases, Hindutva organizations created massive uproar about these incidents spewing venomous attack on Muslim as usual. These two are just tip of the iceberg. there are many such cases of lies and false rumors.

I am too lazy to care about these things. As long as I can live like a sinner who belongs in hellfire, I am all good.
What is this 'love Jihad'? This is a derogatory term coined by religiously fanatic Hindu party BJP; why is this being allowed to be tagged with each and every thread, which has something to do with conversion (force or not is another issue)? The same term has also been used previously in threads on teen sex scandal in UK etc.

1. Social issues associated with two partners following different religions are very obvious, especially in non-Eurpean societies where people prefer to live in close association with their families. It is not unnatural for one partner to ask the other to convert to his/her religion (which religion is not my point of concern) purely to avoid social consequences. Force conversion has little (or nothing) to do with the religion but of macho behavior of men in male-dominated societies. It is not about a particular religion i.e. Islam, for I am 100% sure that a person's demand from his wife to convert to 'his' religion would still be there had he had converted to Christianity, or Budhism or any other religion. Unfortunately, it is being associated with Islam, which is highest degree of intellectual dishonesty.

2. Now the use of love Jihad term in the case of sexual exploitation of teens in the UK (or elsewhere). If those who got themselves involved into those lustful actions were practicing Muslims, they would have never got involved in the first place. In the Islamic Shariah, the sentence for the Zina (sex outside marriage) is severe than the sentence for a murder. The existence of such a severe punishment (80 lashes to unmarried, and stone-to-death to married male or female) is a proof in itself that Islam discourages its followers to get indulged into actions such as extra-marital relationships let alone heinous crimes such as rape.

How on earth can Jihad, which is among the noblest deeds in Islam, be associated with filthy things such as force-conversion and rape? What if we use terms as Love Chanakya or Love Hindutva for Hindus involved in rape and/or molestation, which are a lot by the way? Obviously it would not be acceptable. Therefore I request here to kindly discuss this matter at management level and impose a ban on the use of certain derogatory terms associated with Islam for they have nothing to do with Islam or any other religion for that matter.
"love jihad" is a term invented by insecure non-muslim men…
if non-muslims are worried about love jihad….they shouldn't give any muslim a chance to go with your girls..your should woo them so muslims don't even get a chance.

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