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Denmark passes ban on niqabs and burkas

I cannot see what you posted.

You really are starting to annoy me.

In his posts @Kaptaan never denied Pakistan was not part of the British India.

He said Pakistan was part of "British Colonial India."

@Kaptaan meant to say Pakistan was never part of the "Republic of India" which was created in 1947.

Don't confuse the people with your games.

You are looking for a ban here.
Again, read this post below and stop derailing the thread:

Sir why derail tthe thread which has nothing to do with India. If you go through this thread, you'll see how this started.

Please open another thread about Indian history and tag me there. I'll be happy to participate. Good day.
Again, read this post below and stop derailing the thread:
Sorry but we can try to discuss the matter here as well. We do not need a separate thread on the history of South Asia.

In the old days "India" was a regional name stretching from Afghanistan to Bangladesh.
Now the name "India" is no longer a regional name. The name "India" is a political name which is the name of the "Republic of India" which was created in 1947.

People are just stupid and uneducated and they equate the political name of "India" with the old definition of the regional name.

The region from Afghanistan to Bangladesh is called "South Asia" and not "India."

Again, don't confuse the people here.

If you want to talk about "South Asian" history I would be more than happy to oblige.

You can go to the United Nations website and Wikipedia for what they call the region from Afghanistan to Bangladesh. They call it "South Asia."
Sorry but we can try to discuss the matter here as well. We do not need a separate thread on the history of South Asia
Get me a mod who confirms it, and we can then proceed.

No issues with the law but the intentions arent what they say they are its start of punishment season for a community they no longer want
No, who told you that? Saudia Arabia is champion of freedom and human rights.

True, very true. Next time you hear Chinese jacking the Tibetans just do a wobble of your head, Indian style and then sing "their country, their rules".
1. this move will not make extremist Muslims leave denmark not will stop more coming
2. This cover everything is regressive and Denmark is actually helping Muslim community. Such small changes will help them progress.
3. Normal Muslims what we normally interact with and specially who go to West will not cry abt such things
4. What happened in Tibet was atrocities. It is not same as they don't allow me to wear bedsheet over clothes

British Raj
1947 Succeeded by

Dominion of India

Dominion of Pakistan

British rule in Burma

Trucial States

Colony of Aden

Straits Settlements


China (disputed)
United Arab Emirates

True but the British starved people in Bengal, Calcutta, Bihar, Utter Pradesh in what is now India. The starvation did not effect the region that is now Pakistan, Burma etc. It was you guys got shafted ..

Same thing happened in 1970 when you guys ignored the cyclone of East Pakistan. You forgot that they were your country men. Some 200 thousand died in that disaster. What ensued after that we all know. This we are 'other race thingy' lead you to disastrous results.:lol::lol::lol:
There you what? We have West Indians, Indiana, Indonesia. Hell we have Romania but the connection with Rome is indirect.

British India was a entity made by Britain, ruled by Britain. It constituted Pakistan, India, Bangla, Burma, Dubai, Yemen etc. As I have said before if John Senior had three offspring, David, Peter, John Junior it would not follow that John Junior is John Senior just because he carries his parents name?

So for the last time get this in your thick skull. You are in this analogy John junior - you are only conspicious by your name. Other then that you along with whole heap of countries I listed are just equal descendants of the British Raj by being one of the successor states. Yes one of the successor states like rest.


Columbus called americans as red indians why? bcos he thought he had reached India this was even before british advent in India.

Greek historian megasthenes called his work Indica describing the Indo-gangetic plains as the territory bound by rivers Indus & ganges.

There you go. There's a reason why it's called British India, and not British Pakistan.
Its his normal rant without any supporting historical facts or evidence. Being a british his knowledge of history is only few hundred years old. As time passes in british style he will even claim that himalayas were created by british to save India from china.

Chandragupta,ashoka,porus,taxila, pataliputra,rajatarangini....etc does not simply exist in his lexicon.
I think we should forgive and forget - take the lead from Indians. British starved to death 3 million Indians in 1942 like as if they were animals. Today India has forgotten/forgiven.*Respect*

This ban is like a storm in a teacup by comparison

I know your sentiments when it comes to, let's call it 'sensitive topics', is probably different from mine. But you gotta love a mindset that sees the bigger picture.
Most people here would consider a leader as someone who, based on atrocities committed eons ago proclaims that he seeks vengeance and reparations. It works. Look to your local politicians for more details.
It's awesomely scary when there comes along a few generations, and it's always a generation not a single individual, that can put aside differences and work together with people you called enemies just seconds ago provided that the relation has shifted to one of mutual benefit on equal terms. Not one born out of condescending circumstances, but genuine yearning. I look at what countries like Japan and Germany has achieved, and see things a little less skewed.
But Pakistan can feel free to avenge all the perceived wrongdoings done against it, going back all the way when caveman Oog decided to hit caveman Urk with a club and steal his mammoth steaks.

Forum rules and regulations: SARCASM
We do not allow people to post sarcastic post at all. They are a very pathetic way in the end to back things up. They will be deleted on sight and user warned.
These European countries must stop poking other countries and giving them lectures on Human Rights..........There are no Human Rights in World....there are only European Rights.......Rest of the World don't fall into this category....
I happen to agree with this. The covering of the female face is all to do with male misogny and precious little to do with Islam. As far as I am concerned a covering the head is cool. Even more imporant then covering the head however is the demeanour of the male/female. If both are looking or acting lecherous then frankly no amount of physical varrier will balm the diseased individual. I often see girls these days wearing full on Arab style headgear - certainly my mother or my grandmother in Pakistan never wore such contaptions but a simple dopatta fulfilled the mead of modesty but the real factor is/was their modesty/conservative natures.

However these days I see these wannabe 'Arabs' effusing so called Islam walling with those silly contraptions on their head but then face is plastered with one inch make up, indeed even a hooker would be embarrased with the makeup they have and then they wear these skin tight leotard legging type of things which are I think Bolly/Indian inspired and you can see their a*ss cheeks wobbling away. I know I should not look but often this sight will be in my direction vision.


Whatever happened to the fantastic baggy Shalwar with the Kameez and dopatta???

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You don't seem to understand that you are the problem, you old cancerous moron. How would you like if I told your mother how to dress? That's the core of the issue. Who the **** is anyone to tell someone else how to dress? It's a futile game of control and domination to see who we can subjugate under the parameters of our own personal morality.

Here's the thing old man, I don't care how any female in your family dresses. It's entirely their choice. So how about you cut the rest of humanity a break and let them live their lives the way they want to. All humans have a choice unto how they want to behave. Why are you being the old Nazi **** prick from the UK? Just leave people alone. It's really that simple.

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