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Denmark passes ban on niqabs and burkas

I think we should forgive and forget - take the lead from Indians. British starved to death 3 million Indians in 1942 like as if they were animals. Today India has forgotten/forgiven.*Respect*

This ban is like a storm in a teacup by comparison

I don't even know why we're talking about 1942. But while you're at it, just wanna add that Pak was part of India in 1942 so you don't have to take a "lead" from Indians, you know.. you were already Indian then.

But yes we should forgive and forget. Who else could demonstrate it better than Pakistan which has forgiven the US for killing 60k Pakistanis for war on terror. *TotalRespect*

I have immense respect for pakistan for this humble act. I'm sure Pakistanis will also forgive Denmark for banning this burqa , nikab or hijab - just like Pakistan has forgiven China for banning Ramdan fasting. I love Pakistan:-)
Pak was part of India
No, let me correct you. Pak, India, Bangla and Burma were part of British India - which is not same as the Indian Republic. You got born on the same month/year as Pak - August 1947.

The mass starvation in British Raj was limited to what is now India with the epicentre being Kolkata or what was then Calcutta. So I reiterate we need to learn forgiveness from you starved victims - after what is a ban compared to 3 million Indians starved to death.

And I not trying to derail te thread. Merely teach the Muslims the magnanmity shown by Indians to their former starvers.
There you go. There's a reason why it's called British India, and not British Pakistan.
There you what? We have West Indians, Indiana, Indonesia. Hell we have Romania but the connection with Rome is indirect.

British India was a entity made by Britain, ruled by Britain. It constituted Pakistan, India, Bangla, Burma, Dubai, Yemen etc. As I have said before if John Senior had three offspring, David, Peter, John Junior it would not follow that John Junior is John Senior just because he carries his parents name?

So for the last time get this in your thick skull. You are in this analogy John junior - you are only conspicious by your name. Other then that you along with whole heap of countries I listed are just equal descendants of the British Raj by being one of the successor states. Yes one of the successor states like rest.
It constituted Pakistan
Yes there you go again, British India did constitute present day Pakistan. That's why the 1942 article you came up with (I have no idea why you did that in a thread which is related to denmark) is applicable to Pakistan too. May be that's why you were able to forgive

Though you're trying to talk about India in this denmark thread, I will try my best to keep you on topic. You

British Raj
1947 Succeeded by

Dominion of India

Dominion of Pakistan

British rule in Burma

Trucial States

Colony of Aden

Straits Settlements


China (disputed)
United Arab Emirates

British India did constitute present day Pakistan
True but the British starved people in Bengal, Calcutta, Bihar, Utter Pradesh in what is now India. The starvation did not effect the region that is now Pakistan, Burma etc. It was you guys got shafted ..
The starvation did not effect the region that is now Pakistan, Burma etc. It was you guys got shafted ..
Cool logic. May be that's why you shouldn't complain about Denmark or any country banning burqa, because it doesn't affect the region that is now Pakistan :lol:

Btw, I'm glad you accepted that present day pakistan was part of British India. Finally we saw some improvements. Good going :)
Cool logic. May be that's why you shouldn't complain about Denmark or any country banning burqa, because it doesn't affect the region that is now Pakistan :lol:

Btw, I'm glad you accepted that present day pakistan was part of British India. Finally we saw some improvements. Good going :)
He never denied that Pakistan was part of British India.

Cool logic. May be that's why you shouldn't complain about Denmark or any country banning burqa, because it doesn't affect the region that is now Pakistan :lol:

Btw, I'm glad you accepted that present day pakistan was part of British India. Finally we saw some improvements. Good going :)
Just another reminder, India is named after the Indus River...there is no etymological link between Bharat and Indus/India/Hind/Hindustan. And no I am not saying there is an linguistic link between Pakistan and Indus...

well they shouldnt if they call themselves secular.
it depends upon how secular is defined....
He never denied that Pakistan was part of British India.

Just another reminder, India is named after the Indus River...there is no etymological link between Bharat and Indus/India/Hind/Hindustan. And no I am not saying there is an linguistic link between Pakistan and Indus...

Sir why derail tthe thread which has nothing to do with India. If you go through this thread, you'll see how this started.

Please open another thread about Indian history and tag me there. I'll be happy to participate. Good day.
Sir why derail tthe thread which has nothing to do with India. If you go through this thread, you'll see how this started.

Please open another thread about Indian history and tag me there. I'll be happy to participate. Good day.
fair enough.
I don't even know why we're talking about 1942. But while you're at it, just wanna add that Pak was part of India in 1942 so you don't have to take a "lead" from Indians, you know.. you were already Indian then.

But yes we should forgive and forget. Who else could demonstrate it better than Pakistan which has forgiven the US for killing 60k Pakistanis for war on terror. *TotalRespect*

I have immense respect for pakistan for this humble act. I'm sure Pakistanis will also forgive Denmark for banning this burqa , nikab or hijab - just like Pakistan has forgiven China for banning Ramdan fasting. I love Pakistan:-)
Pakistan was never part of the Republic of India. Republic of India was created in 1947 like Pakistan was.

The term used was British India. British India and Republic of India is not the same thing.

Cool logic. May be that's why you shouldn't complain about Denmark or any country banning burqa, because it doesn't affect the region that is now Pakistan :lol:

Btw, I'm glad you accepted that present day pakistan was part of British India. Finally we saw some improvements. Good going :)
Don't try to obfuscate people here.

@Kaptaan never denied that Pakistan was not part of British India. He just said Pakistan was never part of the Republic of India which was created in 1947 like Pakistan was.

You have been caught red handed.

British Raj India is not the same thing as the "Republic of India" which was created in 1947.
Pakistan was never part of the Republic of India. Republic of India was created in 1947 like Pakistan was.

The term used was British India. British India and Republic of India is not the same thing.

Don't try to obfuscate people here.

@Kaptaan never denied that Pakistan was not part of British India. He just said Pakistan was never part of the Republic of India which was created in 1947 like Pakistan was.

You have been caught red handed.

British Raj India is not the same thing as the "Republic of India" which was created in 1947.

Read this:

Sir why derail tthe thread which has nothing to do with India. If you go through this thread, you'll see how this started.

Please open another thread about Indian history and tag me there. I'll be happy to participate. Good day.
Read this:
I cannot see what you posted.

You really are starting to annoy me.

In his posts @Kaptaan never denied Pakistan was not part of the British India.

He said Pakistan was part of "British Colonial India."

@Kaptaan meant to say Pakistan was never part of the "Republic of India" which was created in 1947.

Don't confuse the people with your games.

You are looking for a ban here.
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