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Defending AJK

Actually thts the catch,,, a brutal war is required(not like 71,whr 90k were spared). Blood needs to flow, so that the 'brave' ppl realise the worth of peace.
This so called nooklia dushmani of 70yrs which is basically big talk n 3wars where no of combined casualities is lower thn ppl dying of road accidents every year.
Perhaps after tht reality will sink in,,, until thn enjoy the wadde wadde bol.

I see no war over this issue in the foreseeable future.

That's a very non specific statement. What "fate" do you refer to? Who decided this fate decades ago?

Hindustan has chosen a path of perpetual tension and war. Modi has condemned Hindustan to this fate. The journey may be long, it may be short....but it is only a one way street now.

Hindutva will undoubtedly reap a whirlwind.

My statement is perfectly clear. The Princely State of Kashmir that existed in 1947 was divided up by the three neighboring nuclear powers a long time ago and that situation will not change for the foreseeable future. There is no going back over this issue.
I see no war over this issue in the foreseeable future.
N I think this whole 370 gimmick is planned n executed after taking pakistani establishment into confidence.
Btw,,,, I still can't buy land in kashmir,,, I tried,, local laws still prohibit outsiders.


You need to send some troops to Afghanistan.
Oooo,,,Afghanistan is dangerous place,,, darpok hindus r too afraid to go thr.
But I believe if they convert,, ,they will suddenly become brave martial stronk like u know who(the megapindians),,,perhaps thn they may venture into the cemetery of empires.
N I think this whole 370 gimmick is planned n executed after taking pakistani establishment into confidence.
Btw,,,, I still can't buy land in kashmir,,, I tried,, local laws still prohibit outsiders.

Both sides have learned to play the game very well for their own benefit, undoubtedly.
Both sides have learned to play the game very well for their own benefit, undoubtedly.
Yes undoubtedly.
If they can manage to make ppl(particularly the bhayya kind) to believe in nooklia dushmani,,,a great do or die war in future, ,, all the with a pathetic track record.
Meanwhile talking in the same tongue,watching each other's movies,drams,,buying tamatars, sugar medicine cement n whatnot frm each other.
Damn this kahani bhayyo ki
Oooo,,,Afghanistan is dangerous place,,, darpok hindus r too afraid to go thr.
But I believe if they convert,, ,they will suddenly become brave martial stronk like u know who(the megapindians),,,perhaps thn they may venture into the cemetery of empires.

lol maybe but as long as they are in the fortress they wont fight.
Actually they r not,,,but I think u r too much of a simpleton to understand that.

Then what will,,,,, I mean other thn money
Your assessment of RSS rank and file dhanda wielders as anything more than brainwashed simpletons is wishful thinking bordering on delusional.

Maybe....just maybe the RSS leadership are not stupid enough to indulge in Nazi final solution tactics against Muslims...but these hordes of saffron wearing boy scouts are far too hooked on the koolaid to understand anything else now. They want to eradicate Muslim identity and will very much attempt to do so. If this was all some cunning plan to get Kashmir, trash ayodhya and suppress Pakistan, your leadership overshot drastically and the genie is truly out of the bottle. There will be riots sooner rather than later in India.

For the record, I don't think for one second that the RSS leadership simply manipulate the underlings to achieve obtuse political objectives. I think they all believe their filthy propaganda wholesale and will enable some weird eternal Reich plan to deal with their Muslim "problem".
Your assessment of RSS rank and file dhanda wielders as anything more than brainwashed simpletons is wishful thinking bordering on delusional.
The foot soldiers maybe what u describe but those behind them r definitely not. Just read about there early days n savarkar, ,how an atheist mobilized ppl polarized thm, ,told them tht brits gud muslim bad.
subramanium swamy is kind of like tht.

Your assessment of RSS rank and file dhanda wielders as anything more than brainwashed simpletons is wishful thinking bordering on delusional.

Maybe....just maybe the RSS leadership are not stupid enough to indulge in Nazi final solution tactics against Muslims...but these hordes of saffron wearing boy scouts are far too hooked on the koolaid to understand anything else now. They want to eradicate Muslim identity and will very much attempt to do so. If this was all some cunning plan to get Kashmir, trash ayodhya and suppress Pakistan, your leadership overshot drastically and the genie is truly out of the bottle. There will be riots sooner rather than later in India.

For the record, I don't think for one second that the RSS leadership simply manipulate the underlings to achieve obtuse political objectives. I think they all believe their filthy propaganda wholesale and will enable some weird eternal Reich plan to deal with their Muslim "problem".
What r u on about, ,, do u really think ppl on top think like tht.do u think wht hitler did can be repeated today in this age.

This is all politics,,,right wing politics. Basically votes.
Modi is doing wht jinnah did, ,, ie religious polarization for political power
u really think ppl on top think like tht.do u think wht hitler did can be repeated today in this age
I'm surprised you think in a nation of half a billion sanghees, some group of clowns will not at least try. Gujarat wasn't far off. Modi gives these delusions legitimacy.
I'm surprised you think in a nation of half a billion sanghees, some group of clowns will not at least try. Gujarat wasn't far off. Modi gives these delusions legitimacy.
R u weak in math?
What is the indian population?
Hiw many r muslims?
How many died in gujrt riots?
How many hindus n how many muslims?
Hiw much difference does those deaths make In ratio of hindu:muslim.
N 500mil rss,,,ok
Tis time for count down for battle of the brave hearts from Pakistan & set the records straight up for hindis.
So based on the war mongering of BJP and IA chief . India might be planning something big this time. What can it be ?
More attacks inside Pakistan from Afghanistan.
To what extent ?
Dis-integrate Pakistan completely.

Would they be taking risks again after 27th Feb ?
Also what if there's no false attack and Pakistan fails to get any attention on Kashmir issue at UNGA ?
Pakistan should try all avenues except war.

Will IK gov and Pak establishment still pursue our " Shah-rag " diplomatically or will there be some military action ?
IK is pursuing and will pursue in his own capacity, it may be felt that he is falling short, but bear in mind he has to give attention to all issues related to Pakistan.

What will Pakistan do ? .
Defend itself against an Indian attack, if war occurs.

1)Engage in conventional war ? .
Doubtful, since India wants that.

2) Try something like Operation Gibraltar ?
India wants to show Pakistan as aggressor, so this might not happen.
3) Precision strikes by Airforce
in IOK ? why ?

4) Putting civil unrest , continuous assasinations of famous figures , riots , supplying weapons to Independence movements especially to Kasmiris and Sikhs ?
Pakistan will save its name from getting maligned.
5) Engage in highly active BAT attacks on strategically important points on LOC ? .
Which BAT; cricket or baseball? whats BAT?
6) Do something on Kargil/ Siachen ?
Happening on LOC already.
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