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Def.pk op-ed: Mutual Blackmail, ETO for Afg, Pak and Ind

India has only become the flavour of the month to stem the rise of china. No different to Pakistan being the darling in the eighties to stem the russians.

Nobody can stem the rise of China or India, but their involvement in international affairs will be gradual and orderly.

Thats it take my words out of context and give yourself comfort that your flawed op has come to being.

Even when I have shown that you dont even know yourself tp predict whether you are on here for 6 weeks or a year you feel confident in predicting mission impossible

My prediction was rooted in the fact that I fully expected the Admin/Mods to ban me within 6 weeks. They have indeed pleasantly surprised me with their tolerance of diversity of opinions and views, without casting aspersions on loyalty or patriotism. If you don't like my views or presence here, blame THEM! :D
Has Pakistan secured $1.5 billion for its side of the pipeline? Any shovels hitting the ground yet?

Well Iranians havve confidence that it will be raised if they have started building. What you hoping that pakistan will fail in raising money. How sad for you as a patriot.
My prediction was rooted in the fact that I fully expected the Admin/Mods to ban me within 6 weeks. They have indeed pleasantly surprised me with their tolerance of diversity of opinions and views, without casting aspersions on loyalty or patriotism. If you don't like my views or presence here, blame THEM! :D

Qualify it how you wish. What you cannot argue with is that first you were wrong and second the variables with you and this site were infinatly less than when predicting several countries. But then you chose to ignore all countries wanted other than america. i wish we had a few americans who were loyal to pakistan the way you are to america.
Well Iranians havve confidence that it will be raised if they have started building. What you hoping that pakistan will fail in raising money. How sad for you as a patriot.

The Iranians want to be able to break out of their sanctioned cage anyway they can.

My statement is neutral about my hopes for the pipeline; I merely presented facts that no contract that secures the $1.5 billion needed by Pakistan has been signed, although I do know discussion are continuing on many levels about that.

If and when that deal is signed and construction actually starts, I will be happy to congratulate my compatriots.

---------- Post added at 11:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------

Qualify it how you wish. What you cannot argue with is that first you were wrong and second the variables with you and this site were infinatly less than when predicting several countries. But then you chose to ignore all countries wanted other than america. i wish we had a few americans who were loyal to pakistan the way you are to america.

Did you even read what I admitted above: I am OFTEN WRONG......? :lol:
No matter how you want to look at it your op was and is flawed. It certainly isnt thought provoking its wrong. Even if as you suggest with which I dont agree in any event it was put in to operation its still wrong

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 PM ----------

The Iranians want to be able to break out of their sanctioned cage anyway they can.

Yea something which your op ignored all together
No matter how you want to look at it your op was and is flawed. It certainly isnt thought provoking its wrong. Even if as you suggest with which I dont agree in any event it was put in to operation its still wrong

There is no "right" or "wrong" in international geopolitics.

If my op-ed is not provoking any thoughts in your mind, how can that be my fault? :D

(Iranians may want to break out all they want, whether they succeed is another matter.)
Did you even read what I admitted above: I am OFTEN WRONG......? :lol:

Well your consistency wont change with threads like this thread. I wont say you will be wrong because I submit that you are wrong lol sorry cheng I feel strongly that you are wrong mate no offence

---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

If my op-ed is not provoking any thoughts in your mind, how can that be my fault? :D

No but you cant state it was thought provoking and you have said this when recepient in my case say its not thought provoking. I am not blaming or aportioning blame to you just pointing the error in your ways

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

There is no "right" or "wrong" in international geopolitics.

Thats very cynical and certainly the american way. They couldnt tell right from wrong fair from unfair if it smacked them in the face
(Iranians may want to break out all they want, whether they succeed is another matter.)

Americans have been huffing and puffing for 30 years without actually being able to do squat to Iran. Thats not going to change now when they are going bust. America does not have the appetite to take on countries with pipulations of 60 million plus that have under limited UN sanctions unlike Iraq. Cos they are so daring and brave

Anyway before we go completly off post your op is flawed
There is no "right" or "wrong" in international geopolitics.



Thats very cynical and certainly the american way. They couldnt tell right from wrong fair from unfair if it smacked them in the face

"Truth hurts!" - VCheng. :D

The TRUTH is that there is no "right" or "wrong" in international geopolitics, nor "fair" or "unfair".
Well Iranians havve confidence that it will be raised if they have started building. What you hoping that pakistan will fail in raising money.

1. Saudi Arabia is the largest supplier of oil to Pakistan.

2. Pakistan also gets a great deal of concessions and subsidies from Saudi Arabia.

3. Iran is being isolated on international levels. (Even India with ample forex had a very hard time paying them for the oil).

4. Pakistan's forex has been dwindling faster than what you may want to call "alarming rate".

I do not see any feasibility, for any of the countries involved, in the pipeline being so enthusiastically cheered in here. It will never be an economically sound deal unless it also extends to China and India.

Both the countries, China and India, are waiting to see the success of the pipeline, and the mood of international heavyweights with respect to Iran.

Another note, I feel so compelled to state here... The US is neither an enemy of Pakistan, nor a friend of India. It has its own interests in the region. If the US were an enemy nation to Pakistan, none of all that has happened could have taken place. The US, with its strong influence on the KSA, can very easily choke Pakistan of all the energy supplies and bring it down on its knees in one single day. A civil war could be sparked in a week. But the US would never want that, for there are many beneficial purposes to be solved with a peaceful, sovereign Pakistan - for all the countries around, including the States.

Like someone pointed out to me, we should stop looking at the scenario as a zero-sum game. No efforts in the region will ever be successful, unless they are beneficial for all the nations involved, and in long term, for the whole world.
"Truth hurts!" - VCheng. :D

eh whats that got to do with the op other than you are hurt because what you postulate has been shown to flawed?

Its amazing on this forum where people have been shown the error of their ways they resort to inapplicable proverbs
India has only become the flavour of the month to stem the rise of china. No different to Pakistan being the darling in the eighties to stem the russians.

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

Thats it take my words out of context and give yourself comfort that your flawed op has come to being.

Even when I have shown that you dont even know yourself tp predict whether you are on here for 6 weeks or a year you feel confident in predicting mission impossible

The point is India don't need a hedge to put up against Pakistan or China for that matter, we followed very independent foreign policy throughout our existance and now when we are growing at 8-10 percent per year, do you think we will let our foreign policy go down the Indian Ocean and follow US diktat? Heck man just check Indian position in various UN resolution.
The point is India don't need a hedge to put up against Pakistan or China for that matter, we followed very independent foreign policy throughout our existance and now when we are growing at 8-10 percent per year, do you think we will let our foreign policy go down the Indian Ocean and follow US diktat? Heck man just check Indian position in various UN resolution.

My dear Abir I am pleased you are fortunate and lucky that you have a mature govt in india that will not follow US diktat. i believe that what you say is correct. However I am suggesting that op is flawed that it is an american dream which in this case suits india but not the other countries whether that be iran pakistan or china
Well, is there a genuine warming of relations goings on, or not? I wonder ........

Lahore high court order for immediate release of 74 Indian prisoners . they already finish there time in jails and still stuck in jails .:tdown:

Pakistani people, jingoistic they could be, but slowly coming to terms with the inevitable, as can be witnessed by virtually no protest against the decision of giving india mfn.
The 'jingoistic' comment is a very broad and incorrect generalization - the same charge can be laid against Indians based on the comments of some of their political leaders and on various fora and news sites.

I don't see Pakistanis as being excessively more patriotic than citizens of nations like the US and India.

Moving beyond that though, there have been concerns/opposition voiced by members of various industries about regulating the import of certain kinds of goods such as finished textiles, pharmaceuticals and auto-parts from India - those concerns should be listened to. Granting MFN status does not mean the floodgates of trade between India and Pakistan will be opened.

Pakistan should engage in regulated trade with India, where it benefits/complements Pakistani industry AND the Pakistani consumer.
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