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Deep sea port in doldrums


Apr 8, 2007
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The future of the deep sea port is in doubt as the government is very slow in doing the tasks suggested in a feasibility study two years ago.

The Techno-Economic Feasibility Study, submitted to the shipping ministry in July 2009, recommended setting up a deep sea port authority.

After a two-year delay, the ministry made decided to form the body at a meeting yesterday.

Another recommendation was to enact the proposed Deep Sea Port Act, which is pending with the finance ministry. Yesterday's meeting requested the ministry to immediately send the draft law to shipping ministry with opinions.

The only progress made regarding the proposed deep sea port at Sonadia Island in the Bay of Bengal was formation of a cell in August 2010.

The cell is responsible for quickly executing the port related decisions.

The three-year study outlined a three-phase construction plan and assessed huge financial potential. It also chalked out how the port can be built under public-private partnership.

The first phase of the construction is supposed to start at the end of this year and complete by 2015 at a cost of Tk 13,000 crore. As per the study, the port can go into operation in 2016 if the suggested work is done in time.

The second phase should be completed in 2035 at a cost of Tk 26,000 crore and made a full-fledged international port with the completion of the final phase by 2055 spending Tk 1,100 crore.

Construction of the port is supposed to begin after drawing of its design, but the government is yet to select a design consultant. Seven firms, however, were short-listed for the job.

The then shipping minister Afsarul Amin told journalists in 2009 that it might take them a year to have a complete design.

Shipping ministry officials said nobody can say when the construction will start.

“Everything is outlined in the study, but the progress is very disappointing,” KM Ahmed, director of deep sea port project, told The Daily Star.

“The deep sea port will have a positive impact on the economy since the study estimated about two percent GDP growth,” KM Ahmed added.

If constructed, the port will generate massive employment and earning opportunities. It will also boost export and import and massively increase the country's capacity to handle cargo.

The carrying cost of both incoming and outgoing goods will come down significantly as the port will become a regional hub handling a massive traffic.

According to the feasibility study, a total of 16 container berths, including nine international ones will be constructed in the fist phase.

There is no alternative to a deep sea port as capacity of the Chittagong Port, largest in the country, will totally be exhausted by 2015.

“The Chittagong port is already facing problem with large ships,” said KM Ahmed, adding Bangladesh will face serious problem without a deep sea port once transit is allowed to India, Nepal and Bhutan.

“The major problem will be that the government will have to update the feasibility study due to the delay,” said a senior official of the shipping ministry, adding many of the data has already become obsolete.

The feasibility study prepared at a cost of $4 million. Experts say the entire money might be wasted as the government failed to move with the deep sea port project.

Asked, Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan said there may be delay in the government's activities. He said the deep sea port authority will be formed after enactment of the law, which is also a critical task.

“We decided to expedite all the procedures at yesterday's meeting,” he told The Daily star.

Bangladesh has sought assistance from various donors, including Japan and China to build the port.

A Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) team visited Bangladesh in May and talked to the concerned officials and it showed interest to be a co-financer.

Also, a Chinese delegation visited in May and showed interest to finance the port construction.

Deep sea port in doldrums
I think BD should approach Singapore. They are the best in the world for ports
China should realize that the AL Government is not going to give it the Deep Sea Port facility. India will get its transit and a strategic advantage.
China should realize that the AL Government is not going to give it the Deep Sea Port facility. India will get its transit and a strategic advantage.

What are you on about? No one will GET cht port, its only for movement of cargo and conducting business. Lets try to avoid conspiracy theories.
The idea is good and it should be done the earliest.

Bureaucratic hurdles and enacting of law should be done on a fast track basis.

Ideally, Singapore should be incorporated for construction.

They have a good track record to include port management.

---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------

What are you on about? No one will GET cht port, its only for movement of cargo and conducting business. Lets try to avoid conspiracy theories.

It is his agenda to bring in India wherever, even if it is irrelevant.

One should not take him seriously.

Good man, the lalten!

He is the living example of the adage, 'Cutting the nose to spite the face'!

A unique phenomenon!
What are you on about? No one will GET cht port, its only for movement of cargo and conducting business. Lets try to avoid conspiracy theories.

One should not be so pedantic about language. The question is of constructing the deep sea port and linking it to Kunming in China. About conspiracy theories what are US people doing in the CHT if not to cause trouble and keep Myanmar under observation. TTT you should read the book 'Breaking India' then you will know more about conspiracies against your country.

There is no conspiracy here but strategic calculations. India gets transit facilities through Bangladesh and is then able to easily to supply its military in the North East. China would like a balance by having a link to a Deep Sea Port in Chittagong. May be you guys should not be on a defence forum but instead watching Sesame Street or Tom and Jerry and leave the serious thinking to the big boys.

Having you both been ignoring the debates over Gwadar and Hambintola Ports or do you just pretend to be dense?
What are you on about? No one will GET cht port, its only for movement of cargo and conducting business. Lets try to avoid conspiracy theories.

You have only 17 posts on this forum and you are already giving a lecture. Typical American.
One should not be so pedantic about language. The question is of constructing the deep sea port and linking it to Kunming in China. About conspiracy theories what are US people doing in the CHT if not to cause trouble and keep Myanmar under observation. TTT you should read the book 'Breaking India' then you will know more about conspiracies against your country.

There is no conspiracy here but strategic calculations. India gets transit facilities through Bangladesh and is then able to easily to supply its military in the North East. China would like a balance by having a link to a Deep Sea Port in Chittagong. May be you guys should not be on a defence forum but instead watching Sesame Street or Tom and Jerry and leave the serious thinking to the big boys.

Having you both been ignoring the debates over Gwadar and Hambintola Ports or do you just pretend to be dense?

That you are not only dense, and instead you are a blockhead has been well established.

I don't do cartwheels every time someone writes something of a conspiracy. Conspiracy is a bread and butter issue of briefness barristers and those who have been sidelined and who yearn pathetically for a modicum of recognition.

You may have been enamoured by the book Breaking India. I will not be.

What's new about vested interest wanting to break India?

Those who are genuinely analytical and not those who wallow in conspiracies like beached whales fail to understand the issues and nuances and write books to keep their home and hearth in one piece and also satiate their desire to feed fat their ancient grudge.

The manner in which the Radcliffe Award was penned and the excuse trotted out that it was the best that could be done in the short time, foundationed not only Breaking India, but also leave the area in turmoil so that they (the West) could still have a finger in the pie. QED. What is so new that brings excitement to surface, as if from a drab existence, to gleefully announce the mundane to me in your post?

Notwithstanding all attempts to destabilise this part of the world, we all have surfaced and doing rather well, to include Bangladesh. In fact, much to their dismay, India has been able to weather all their attempts and surge ahead to have leaders of the top 5 countries knocking on India's door in Delhi in quick succession. Obviously, they did not come on historical tourism to see the relics and ruins of the Mughal and other Empires!!

Money speaks as they say! India spells big money and you were also lamenting on such an insignificant organisation as the BBCI and thier stranglehold over international cricket (as if cricket is worth losing sleep over!) because of money.

That your hate India is your staple requires no elaboration. It is wonderfully delightful to observe how you burn. It is people like you who indicate, even to those who are complacent, that India must be doing well to arouse intense emotions of jealousy and heart burn. Thank you for your service to India.

Since you know fanny adams about strategy, it is worth the time to waste on you to educate you. Chittagong is not strategically important to China. The Burmese port, which is linked by road and rail to Kunming is what is strategically important. It is the closest to the straits where the chokepoint is. Therefore, diverting to Burma would be faster, and in case of hostility, easier to ensure safe berthing even in a pursuit. For a layman like you to understand what I am implying, you could do well to see the film, Battle of the River Plate.

As far as transit to the NE, why should India require the Chittagong port involving a vulnerable sea route that will tie up the Eastern Fleet? Good thing is that you are not on India's strategic planning since you seem to be a strategic nightmare!

Just by dropping words like strategy, which in any case you don't understand, does not a strategic analyst make; more so when you would, without fail, use it even when describing import of toilet paper from India as a strategic mistake for Bangladesh.

I think you should take care not to showcase your ignorance.

As far as the Chinese String of Pearls, I could teach you all about it. So, before you think I am dense, you should not expose the truth that you have vacuum between your ears.
I seen China already assigned their State Port authority to run the feasibility one more time. Once it is done, then it wil be a matter of time.
I seen China already assigned their State Port authority to run the feasibility one more time. Once it is done, then it wil be a matter of time.

A correct action.

The port should be up and running and adding to Bangladesh's rising economic fortunes!

The world today is all about improving one's economy and uplifting their people.

It does not matter who does what. All that matters is that whatever is being done is for the Nation's, and in this case Bangladesh, good!
That you are not only dense, and instead you are a blockhead has been well established.

I don't do cartwheels every time someone writes something of a conspiracy. Conspiracy is a bread and butter issue of briefness barristers and those who have been sidelined and who yearn pathetically for a modicum of recognition.

You may have been enamoured by the book Breaking India. I will not be.

What's new about vested interest wanting to break India?

Those who are genuinely analytical and not those who wallow in conspiracies like beached whales fail to understand the issues and nuances and write books to keep their home and hearth in one piece and also satiate their desire to feed fat their ancient grudge.

The manner in which the Radcliffe Award was penned and the excuse trotted out that it was the best that could be done in the short time, foundationed not only Breaking India, but also leave the area in turmoil so that they (the West) could still have a finger in the pie. QED. What is so new that brings excitement to surface, as if from a drab existence, to gleefully announce the mundane to me in your post?

Notwithstanding all attempts to destabilise this part of the world, we all have surfaced and doing rather well, to include Bangladesh. In fact, much to their dismay, India has been able to weather all their attempts and surge ahead to have leaders of the top 5 countries knocking on India's door in Delhi in quick succession. Obviously, they did not come on historical tourism to see the relics and ruins of the Mughal and other Empires!!

Money speaks as they say! India spells big money and you were also lamenting on such an insignificant organisation as the BBCI and thier stranglehold over international cricket (as if cricket is worth losing sleep over!) because of money.

That your hate India is your staple requires no elaboration. It is wonderfully delightful to observe how you burn. It is people like you who indicate, even to those who are complacent, that India must be doing well to arouse intense emotions of jealousy and heart burn. Thank you for your service to India.

Since you know fanny adams about strategy, it is worth the time to waste on you to educate you. Chittagong is not strategically important to China. The Burmese port, which is linked by road and rail to Kunming is what is strategically important. It is the closest to the straits where the chokepoint is. Therefore, diverting to Burma would be faster, and in case of hostility, easier to ensure safe berthing even in a pursuit. For a layman like you to understand what I am implying, you could do well to see the film, Battle of the River Plate.

As far as transit to the NE, why should India require the Chittagong port involving a vulnerable sea route that will tie up the Eastern Fleet? Good thing is that you are not on India's strategic planning since you seem to be a strategic nightmare!

Just by dropping words like strategy, which in any case you don't understand, does not a strategic analyst make; more so when you would, without fail, use it even when describing import of toilet paper from India as a strategic mistake for Bangladesh.

I think you should take care not to showcase your ignorance.

As far as the Chinese String of Pearls, I could teach you all about it. So, before you think I am dense, you should not expose the truth that you have vacuum between your ears.

Again your verbosity completely defeats you.
I seen China already assigned their State Port authority to run the feasibility one more time. Once it is done, then it wil be a matter of time.

I wonder why the speed with which transit is being provided is not applied with same vigor to this Deep Sea Project. Would Indian pressure be a possible answer. Do you think the comments of Manmohan Singh was empty? He was merely trying to pioint out that India will not tolerate Chinese involvement in Bangladesh.
I wonder why the speed with which transit is being provided is not applied with same vigor to this Deep Sea Project. Would Indian pressure be a possible answer. Do you think the comments of Manmohan Singh was empty? He was merely trying to pioint out that India will not tolerate Chinese involvement in Bangladesh.

No i think its Chinese who is taking the time. We sent Foreign secretary then again foreign minister to follow that up after PMs visit.
Its a huge project and Chinese has other priorities as well.
Chinese are looking at the feasibility study that we ran and decided to run it by themselves again. These kind of things take time.

I have not seen any transit traffic yet.
I seen China already assigned their State Port authority to run the feasibility one more time. Once it is done, then it wil be a matter of time.

This game regarding the Deep Sea Port project is nothing new. It has been hanging fire for quite a while. Nearly a decade ago, a Japanese agency was working on the project along with efforts to streamline and de-bottleneck the existing Chittagong port operations. I was part of that team. There was a different Govt. in BD then, the political interests in BD had an agenda to derail it then. It just fizzled out.
There is another matter related; there is (or is it-was) a shipping company in BD called HRC Feeder, owned by a BNP politico who lived/lives in Singapore. If you research his antecedents and his role, you will understand why this project has been constantly floundering.
This game regarding the Deep Sea Port project is nothing new. It has been hanging fire for quite a while. Nearly a decade ago, a Japanese agency was working on the project along with efforts to streamline and de-bottleneck the existing Chittagong port operations. I was part of that team. There was a different Govt. in BD then, the political interests in BD had an agenda to derail it then. It just fizzled out.
There is another matter related; there is (or is it-was) a shipping company in BD called HRC Feeder, owned by a BNP politico who lived/lives in Singapore. If you research his antecedents and his role, you will understand why this project has been constantly floundering.

After the last caretaker govt and with the help of army beating Chittagong port turned out to be the most efficient port in Asia.
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