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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"


what you percieve is not always right

Didn't I mention the right context and background as a pre-requirement ?

ok, since from the context and background, i.e. by my posts here you can see that i am not a Hindu. so if i claim to be a hindu you wont agree, i.e. i am lying.

but if you apply your theory to the terrorist, the context and background, you can clearly see that his actions are not at all inspired by the Quran i.e. he is lying!
what you percieve is not always right

What I percieve is not always wrong either, my friend.

but if you apply your theory to the terrorist, the context and background, you can clearly see that his actions are not at all inspired by the Quran i.e. he is lying!

Your interpretation of Quran may not be the same as his.
Some muslim yells allah-o-akbar and beheads someone, i would call it islamic terrorism

So if a person of another religion chants a Hindu or Christian (insert any other religion here) phrase before murdering will you then describe it as being "Hindu terrorism"? Would you describe those who riot along secular lines as being religious terrorists (because they are killing in the name of their religion)?
So if a person of another religion chants a Hindu or Christian (insert any other religion here) phrase before murdering will you then describe it as being "Hindu terrorism"?

Why do you forget the context and background of the event happening? If one were to observe them they'd know the truth.
show me ONE interpretation of the Quran, just ONE verse from ANY interpretation, which may inspire a terrorist to kill innocent civillians.

Ask the terrorist. He's the guy doing the killing and claiming it in the name of Islam or Quran.
So if a person of another religion chants a Hindu or Christian (insert any other religion here) phrase before murdering will you then describe it as being "Hindu terrorism"? Would you describe those who riot along secular lines as being religious terrorists (because they are killing in the name of their religion)?

Yes i would call it Hindu Terrorism!!!!!!!
Rioting is different to Terrorism,
But if someone beheads calling Hare Rama and beheads someone, I would call them Hindu Terrorism.
I dont know about Secular terrorism...i thought i just invented it today evening..lol
We are going off-topic, Skull-Buster
Your preception and human value's cant be expected of all human beings.
so your perception is illogical?

is our preception illogical in point of a person who claims to have read quran and is a practicing muslim, and does a terrorist crime in its name, then NO our preception is not wrong.
I repeat samudra, how can you equate perception and logic!!!
no one is equating perception and logic.

verb (used with object), -ceived, -ceiv·ing.

to recognize, discern, envision, or understand: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.

so by the definition i hope you must have understood that a perception based on some logic is more likely to turn out to be true.

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