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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

I think the best way to get rid of this so called "islamic terrorism" is to stop supporting and sympathising any form of terrorism whatever the reason might be. And this has to be done by the masses, not handful of educated population.

People should be educated that they should not get excited whenever god's name is being taken. There are more than plenty of examples showing exploitation of human emotions in the name if religion.

But for that you have to educate your people.

Once the masses are out on streets against people waging war in the name of any particular religion, such unnecessray tags wont be put up.

And i personally think that the tag" islamic terrorism" should not be used bcoz people of a certain community get hurt. But at the same time they should also ensure that they are not involved in such activities that the name of their religion is dragged in such matters.
I think the best way to get rid of this so called "islamic terrorism" is to stop supporting and sympathising any form of terrorism whatever the reason might be. And this has to be done by the masses, not handful of educated population.

People should be educated that they should not get excited whenever god's name is being taken. There are more than plenty of examples showing exploitation of human emotions in the name if religion.

But for that you have to educate your people.

Once the masses are out on streets against people waging war in the name of any particular religion, such unnecessray tags wont be put up.

And i personally think that the tag" islamic terrorism" should not be used bcoz people of a certain community get hurt. But at the same time they should also ensure that they are not involved in such activities that the name of their religion is dragged in such matters.

We need to rely on social evolution to take care of this issue. It will happen at the end. The influence of religion will fade away. 80% people in Europe consider themselves as atheist and this process got momentum in 17th century. Instead of fighting religion , we need to improve people's life with rule of law, better education and finance. A happy and healthy person is unlikely to become a fanatic.
OK fine there are some issues releted to so called "foreign occupation of your land".

Yes most of the world is phobic about islam because there are plenty of examples that muslims dont follow or dont want to follow the law of land. the moment their population crosses halfway mark they want sharia and impose it on others also. Thats why the are phobic.

No, we follow local laws just as any other local would, we drive on the right side of the road, don't steal, don't pick quarrels, as for asking for Sharia, everyone has the right to voice his demands.

And i have plenty of knowledge about religion bcoz i follow the values of my religion in daily life too rather than praying or following a book mindlessly or mis interpreting a holy text.

As I said before, only a a few hundred terrorists misinterpret the book, the other 1.6 billion muslims actually apply teachings to their daily lives in order to live a normal, happy and socially correct life.

You haven't killed a non-muslim. Fine, but you sympathise those who do that. Killing a living being is bad, whatever is the reason.

Who the fcuk told you that I sympathise with terrorists ? This is my second year of deployment against them, don't concern yourself with matters you know nothing about.

And i know how ignorant is your society. just look at the curriculum preaching hatered towards india and putting hindus into a bad light.

Please tell me how many Pakistani textbooks you have read and don't forget to quote the lines, If it's our text books that teach hatred, how is it your people who kill muslims in Gujrat and Christians in Orissa ?
And don't quote any two bit talk show host from youtube to prove your point.........
I think the best way to get rid of this so called "islamic terrorism" is to stop supporting and sympathising any form of terrorism whatever the reason might be. And this has to be done by the masses, not handful of educated population.

We don't support any kind of terrorism and we certianly don't need to be taught that by a man who's country supported Mukti Bahini, LTTE, TTP and BLA.

People should be educated that they should not get excited whenever god's name is being taken. There are more than plenty of examples showing exploitation of human emotions in the name if religion.

Teach that to the terrorists not to us, we already know that.

And i personally think that the tag" islamic terrorism" should not be used bcoz people of a certain community get hurt. But at the same time they should also ensure that they are not involved in such activities that the name of their religion is dragged in such matters.

That makes absolutely no sense, at one point you say it shouldn't be used, at the next you say it should be used, can you please make up your mind ?
to mr. kakgeta:
So in the end you say that for all your troubles we are responsible!!!:disagree:
Go on living in a self denial mode and blame everything on others(in your case india).

And about your language,mr. kakgeta, this language shows a lot about you and your culture. forward your point if you have any, this type of language won't help neither you nor me!!:disagree:

You say that this is your second year of deployment against terrorist, change your attitude bcoz with this attitude you won't last long in the battlefield.

Never loose the civilized way of conversation.
to mr. kakgeta:
So in the end you say that for all your troubles we are responsible!!!:disagree:
Go on living in a self denial mode and blame everything on others(in your case india).

Since you were blaming ALL your problems on us, I thought I should also repay the favour. And I don't say that all our problems are because of India, I believe that most of our problems are because of India.

And about your language,mr. kakgeta, this language shows a lot about you and your culture. forward your point if you have any, this type of language won't help neither you nor me!!:disagree:

Well, since I have neither swore nor insulted, I can guess you must think very highly of me and my culture..............

You say that this is your second year of deployment against terrorist, change your attitude bcoz with this attitude you won't last long in the battlefield.

What attitude are you referring to ? I would request you to please elaborate, and as for lasting in the battlefield, I have lasted two years and I am about to be posted out, so I did manage to last long enough, and holding my men's respect makes it all the more rewarding......

Never loose the civilized way of conversation.

I believe I haven't, I merely corrected you where you were wrong and if you think that makes me "Uncivilized" then I fear you are not ready yet to handle a mature discussion.

Oh and by the way if you were referring to the usage of fcuk, well that is a store called "French Connection UK", we use it as a substitute for the real word, you better get used to it quick since it used extensively by both Indian and Pakistani members.
Education is the key. Human development is very important if we are to prosper in the long run.
mr. kakgeta,
none of your problems are because of us. pakistanis live in their own world where they are under the threat of india constantly.
you are in army, can you give me a single proof of indian involvement in destabilizing your country from a neutral source??
bcoz the entire world thinks otherwise.

I read the entire post given in the link. This is a kind of collateral damage that muslim society is facing in india. do you know that out of around 3500 muslims arrested under pota, 1/3rd had direct connection with various terrorist activities. When all the rest were released when pota was scrapped many of them were arrested later in involvement in terrorist activities.
So you can say that out of 3500 people around 1500 people were involved in terror activities.
These 2000 people have to pay the price for 1500 people.
So we can say that to arrest 1500 terrorists we did a collateral damage of 2000 people, which is not bad at all. Considering the fact that these 1500 people would have killed thousands later.
Our security agencies did a fairly good job.
mr. kakgeta,
none of your problems are because of us. pakistanis live in their own world where they are under the threat of india constantly.
you are in army, can you give me a single proof of indian involvement in destabilizing your country from a neutral source??
bcoz the entire world thinks otherwise.

Mukti Bahini were made, trained, provided funds and weapons by India, and the whole world accepts that, i'm sure you must too.

I read the entire post given in the link. This is a kind of collateral damage that muslim society is facing in india. do you know that out of around 3500 muslims arrested under pota, 1/3rd had direct connection with various terrorist activities. When all the rest were released when pota was scrapped many of them were arrested later in involvement in terrorist activities.

Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm, interesting I did not know that.

So you can say that out of 3500 people around 1500 people were involved in terror activities.
These 2000 people have to pay the price for 1500 people.
So we can say that to arrest 1500 terrorists we did a collateral damage of 2000 people, which is not bad at all. Considering the fact that these 1500 people would have killed thousands later.
Our security agencies did a fairly good job.

That is indeed not too shabby a job but the time it took to ascertain these men's true motives and intentions is worrying, I mean torturing and imprisoning someone and then releasing them after 10 years with a sorry does not heal the wounds, in fact I believe that it would make terrorists out of those who previously, were just average everyday country boys with their only ambitions being to have a good job, raise a family and live on.
Some body can check the figures,,,but in todays world 90 percent of the acts of terrorism is by Muslems...mostly against other muslims...it leads a person to belive something is wrong somewhere.
Mukti Bahini was formed to fight off the military crackdown by the Pakistan army on March 25, 1971 during the climax of Bangladesh freedom movement, The crisis had already started taking shape with anti-Ayub uprising in 1969 and precipitated into a political crisis at the height of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Six-point movement beginning in the 1970s. In March 1971, rising political discontent and cultural nationalism in what was then East Pakistan (later, Bangladesh) was met by harsh suppressive force from the ruling elite of the West Pakistan establishment in what came to be termed Operation Searchlight.
The massive crackdown by West Pakistan forces became an important factor in precipitating the civil war as a sea of refugees (estimated at the time to be about 10 million) came flooding to the eastern provinces of India. Facing a mounting humanitarian crisis, India started actively aiding and re-organising what was by this time already the nucleus of the Mukti Bahini.

get the point mr. kakgeta??
Some body can check the figures,,,but in todays world 90 percent of the acts of terrorism is by Muslems...mostly against other muslims...it leads a person to belive something is wrong somewhere.

I would like to correct you there, 90% of attacks are done by Terrorists on muslims, and what's wrong is that being responsible people, we have chosen to ally ourselves with the party that is morally correct in this conflict, and that is the non-muslims and that is enough for the terrorists to kill us as they would kill you.
Mukti Bahini was formed to fight off the military crackdown by the Pakistan army on March 25, 1971 during the climax of Bangladesh freedom movement, The crisis had already started taking shape with anti-Ayub uprising in 1969 and precipitated into a political crisis at the height of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's Six-point movement beginning in the 1970s. In March 1971, rising political discontent and cultural nationalism in what was then East Pakistan (later, Bangladesh) was met by harsh suppressive force from the ruling elite of the West Pakistan establishment in what came to be termed Operation Searchlight.
The massive crackdown by West Pakistan forces became an important factor in precipitating the civil war as a sea of refugees (estimated at the time to be about 10 million) came flooding to the eastern provinces of India. Facing a mounting humanitarian crisis, India started actively aiding and re-organising what was by this time already the nucleus of the Mukti Bahini.

get the point mr. kakgeta??

The point still remains that India actively trained and funded a militant organization, who's goal was to destabilize the state of Pakistan whether for good or for bad motives, that is another thing.
I would like to correct you there, 90% of attacks are done by Terrorists on muslims, and what's wrong is that being responsible people, we have chosen to ally ourselves with the party that is morally correct in this conflict, and that is the non-muslims and that is enough for the terrorists to kill us as they would kill you.

I think you miss the point,, 90 percent of the terrorist attacks world wide are by muslims,,,,most other people seem to have methods of settling their greivance by ways others then by the cold blooded murder of innocent people.

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