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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

the commie in you still hasnt died down!!!
i guess you are the commie mole in the stock market.

shiiiiiiit yaar. Dont say it to anyone.

Lal Salaam Saghave!!!
Saying a Hindu who is a terrorist and saying a Muslim who is a terrorist are similar and no one's debating that.

Now tell me how many people called Gujrat riots as Hindu Terrorism? Or terrorism done in the Hindu way.

The problem with the phrase "Islamic terrorism" is to suggest that Islam has a Terror doctrine, which hurts us Muslims in the long run. So in reality, by insisting to use the term you're insisting to hurt Muslims worldwide.

it was a riot, basically makes a differnt scene then doesnt it.

If a hindu does anything what is called islamic terrorism today, i would definitly call them hindutva terrorist.
why tell us what to call your bad apples, why dont you go ask'em and change'em. We have no time to see if they are true islamic followers, if they are muslims and they yell allah-o-abkar behead someone on a webcast, you can bet your bottom dollar that i will call them islamic terrorist.
Since I'm on this topic I'll reply you,

Saying a Hindu who is a terrorist and saying a Muslim who is a terrorist are similar and no one's debating that.

Now tell me how many people called Gujrat riots as Hindu Terrorism? Or terrorism done in the Hindu way.
The problem I honestly find with many Pakistani members is their absolute lack of conscience to debate something other than repeating the same thing from page 1 to page infinite,Riots and Terrorism are different things, Are you even aware of how many THOUSAND riots happened all over India instigated by Hindus somewhere and somewhere Muslims? if not better keep quite.

If you want to think otherwise fine, but without knowing how what has influenced the politics in subcontinent over years wouldnt lead you nowhere in a debate with me.

I still maintain Gujrat was a RIOT juet like the RIOT of 1947 but Bajrang Dal killing someone is TERROR same as the EJ's violating constitution is FUNDAMENTALISM.

The problem with the phrase "Islamic terrorism" is to suggest that Islam has a Terror doctrine
No it isnt which I have proved many times, again after so many dialogue back to square 1.

No religion has a terror doctrine, Read down what I said a few pages back,

Another one I said,

That was only one single sentence of what I said, No religion preaches Terrorism, its a common thing, however theoracratic structure of religions DO promote communal disturbances which has been proved throughout history even among the same religion, and there ARE certain aspects of each religion which IF promoted in that theoracratical structure to resemble in a pluralistic society, fundamentalism is born.

The communities again says what religion says i.e. NO to terrorism, still happening means lack of ground reforms in the overall structure.

If Akhand Bharat is a hindu terror xenophobia or a nheru doctrine xenephobia what is the other? as Adux once mentioned!

which hurts us Muslims in the long run.
See above, also they should do this so that things wont hurt them, They should bring out a reform among them

1> Seperation of state and religion atleast try to.
2> Dissolve ummah concept, Ask anyone from turkey what can be its consequences.
3> Work with the other peopels from other religion to have a socially benefited society.

etc etc etc,

Read my few post to skull buster first, Practicing any faith blindly leads to fundamentalism as it cannot keeps pace with present doctrine, it raises the need to install the new way into a existing system which system evolved from that new way that one is trying to install, raises terrorism.

Religion should be strictly personal thing and should not be soemthing that will define a society, however there can be things inside a society that will lead the way to the believers of that religion.

My one reply was,

And this terrorism in the name of religion owes much to fundamentalism if not all in the name of religion, fundamental is a direct contrast of practicing blind faith, else you wouldnt have pope asking Catholics not to donate to amnesty for their abortion rights!

All religions have narratives that appear ridiculous in contemporary times. No religion is exception. Religion has to evolve keeping the reality of the time in view or else it becomes an oddity and irrelevant and chugs along on mere Blind Faith.

To believe some religion are inferior to mine or I'm the superior also spreads some form of fundamentalism, apart from indicating the juvenile thought process that prompts such a thought.

So in reality, by insisting to use the term you're insisting to hurt Muslims worldwide.
Again the same point applies, after crossing 7 sea you'll just say I dont know pacific :yahoo: The reason I dont like to debate here.
Now tell me how many people called Gujrat riots as Hindu Terrorism?

If a Hindu were to kill an innocent in the name of a Hindu god, for the sake of a Hindu religion or God, or was inspired by an established Hindu scripture then I have no problem whatsoever in calling him a Hindu terrorist and the said act can be labelled Hindu terrorism.

We modern Hindus have picked up this habit of being a little honest about our issues with the religion.

Its high time the so called 'moderate Muslim' section of the Islamic society followed suit.

The problem with the phrase "Islamic terrorism" is to suggest that Islam has a Terror doctrine,

Muslims can't define whats the right doctrine yet.

If they had there would be no divisions amidst them. The fact that Shias and Sunnis are massaccring each other is a testimonial to the fact that the Muslims themselves do not hold a uniform view of what the true 'Islam' is.

Before calling one suggestion wrong the Islamic society should settle its differences and come up with the right doctrine and the right 'Islam'.

Kid not the world with Islam being the one great uniform truth. You guys have been killing amidst yourselves about the question of whose truth is the truth!

For centuries!
We modern Hindus have picked up this habit of being a little honest about our issues with the religion.

After writing this I went back and re-read some other posts and realised that two other 'Hindus' have no qualms with the term 'Hindu terrorism'.

Well done Chaps.

We all think the same.
it was a riot, basically makes a differnt scene then doesnt it.

If a hindu does anything what is called islamic terrorism today, i would definitly call them hindutva terrorist.
why tell us what to call your bad apples, why dont you go ask'em and change'em. We have no time to see if they are true islamic followers, if they are muslims and they yell allah-o-abkar behead someone on a webcast, you can bet your bottom dollar that i will call them islamic terrorist.
Actually to us you'd be as much of an enemy as the terrorist. Both are equally participative in hurting Muslims. If you are prepared to knowingly say something wrong about Muslims rather than express the correct terminology, then the Muslims should be preparing to fend off this aggressor as well.

I've said this before. The only two people with the exact same definition of Islam is Al Qaeda and the Islamophobes. You both are in total agreement about what Islam is, and the rest of us be damned!!

The problem is the wrong terminology, if you can't see the difference between a terrorist who is a Muslim and a terrorists that uses Islamic methodology for terror then we have a problem. You obviously believe Yelling Allah-hu-Akbar and beheading someone is part of the Islamic religion. Either that or are mischievously suggesting it for the express purpose of hurting Muslims.

Either way, you would find that you'd have a problem with every Muslim with that sort of an accusation rather than just the terrorist.
If you are prepared to knowingly say

The non-Muslim world is not interested in knowing. It reacts with what it percieves.

The only two people with the exact same definition of Islam is Al Qaeda and the Islamophobes

Nobody here is trying to define Islam yet.

I've told in my last post. Not even the Muslims have an uniform opinion about what Islam is. There are many interpretations and that of Al-Qaeda is just one of them.

you'd have a problem with every Muslim
Actually to us you'd be as much of an enemy as the terrorist.

These threats do not work anymore...
I've told in my last post. Not even the Muslims have an uniform opinion about what Islam is. There are many interpretations and that of Al-Qaeda is just one of them.
But if two groups were to be found with similar interpretations of Islam, they would be the Al Qaeda and the Islamaphobes. Regular Muslims are like "We reject terrorism" and its only Al Qaeda and the Islamaphobes that are shouting at the top of their lungs "No, no you guys love terrorism".

Are the Islamaphobes terror supporters?

These threats do not work anymore...
Neither will yours. You back us into a corner and you will see a fight. It's not a religious fight any more its a fight for survival. It's pretty obvious that your Perceptions about Islam are screwed up. We can't change it, since you're obviously not dependent upon us for that perception by you are looking up to Al Qaeda to gain this 'inspiration' about Islam. Meaning you WILL always perceive all Muslims as the enemy, since all Muslims are Islamic and according to you there is such a thing as Islamic terrorism hence there is terrorism doctrine in Islam according to you.

If you will choose to be an enemy of Muslims, Muslims will remain an enemy of you. Regardless of any interpretation, but only because of your own perceptions.

That is the screwed up nature of using the term Islamic Terrorism. The bigger goal WAS to highlight your screwed up perceptions. And now you've said so, yourself!

The non-Muslim world is not interested in knowing. It reacts with what it percieves.
There is no chance for us regular Muslims then.
But if two groups were to be found with similar interpretations of Islam, they would be the Al Qaeda and the Islamaphobes. Regular Muslims are like "We reject terrorism" and its only Al Qaeda and the Islamaphobes that are shouting at the top of their lungs "No, no you guys love terrorism".

Are the Islamaphobes terror supporters?

You are the one who is taking the debate in circles, we are not here to study the quran, we dont really care about it. Now if a person who has carried that faith, does a terrorist act which according to him will help his religion's cause or politcial motive, it will be called islamic terrorism.

Neither will yours. You back us into a corner and you will see a fight. It's not a religious fight any more its a fight for survival. It's pretty obvious that your Perceptions about Islam are screwed up. We can't change it, since you're obviously not dependent upon us for that perception by you are looking up to Al Qaeda to gain this 'inspiration' about Islam. Meaning you WILL always perceive all Muslims as the enemy, since all Muslims are Islamic and according to you there is such a thing as Islamic terrorism hence there is terrorism doctrine in Islam according to you.

Here in lies the problem, the sympathy and your moral support always goes to the terrorist and not the non-muslims(when they are right) just cuz the terrorist are muslims. You are the one who has backed us into a corner and we are the one's fighting islamic terrorist, its our blood that is being spilled not yours. So please keep your heroics to yourself.

If you will choose to be an enemy of Muslims, Muslims will remain an enemy of you. Regardless of any interpretation, but only because of your own perceptions.

I am not enemy of muslims, ----but am i enemy lets say OBL, LeT etc; According to you that would make me an enemy of you asim, cuz OBL and LeT are muslims, and you have to support them.

That is the screwed up nature of using the term Islamic Terrorism. The bigger goal WAS to highlight your screwed up perceptions. And now you've said so, yourself!

Our screwed perceptions; i dont want to learn about your book, it is of no importance to us., in the idiots in your community who have learned your book, is the one creating the problems. If the people who have learned the book, create so much problems for you, then imagine those havent. It is your responbility to reign in your fellow community people, not ours. If they attack you can expect they will get it as they are; and you will be collateral damage as long as you remain a silent supporter to them.

There is no chance for us regular Muslims then.[/QUOTE]
We've already done that and have found ourselves fighting on two fronts. One against them and one against you. The thing is if you aren't ready to differentiate between us and them then that's a big problem. The problem is the fight against the extremists can wait, since they are not attacking us but we are attacking them. But on the other hand the defence against Islamaphobes is URGENT since we are defending and they are attacking us, indiscriminately.

It's almost like we are attacking the Al Qaeda types and from the back the Islamaphobes are attacking us along the way too. So however you look at it, everybody's fighting each other. The problem is, its natural. We have two groups of extremists. The Al Qaeda and the Islamaphobes. The moderates HAVE TO fight both of them since its a defeat for us if either of them win.

Complicated? Yes it is! But it all emanates from careless behavior such us using terms like Islamic terrorism.
Islamic terrorism is what it is. It is not irresponsible term, you are reading too much into it
for us the fight cannot wait, they are fighting against us and spilling our blood.
If you are talking about pakistani fight against about terrorism, its nothing but a farce
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