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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

if you interpret Islamic terrorism as terrorism carried out in the name of Islam, then your judgment is quite fair. but this is how you interpret it, not how the general public in non-Muslim countries view it. and this is definitely not what this term reflects to the people who are unaware of the teachings of Islam.

intelligent einstien, it took 15 pages for you to get that into your head,
you do have a busted skull, ******* paloyadi mone. nine bhumilekh thuri ittatha
if you interpret Islamic terrorism as terrorism carried out in the name of Islam, then your judgment is quite fair. but this is how you interpret it, not how the general public in non-Muslim countries view it. and this is definitely not what this term reflects to the people who are unaware of the teachings of Islam.

Thanks for coming in line of what I was saying.

And this terrorism in the name of religion owes much to fundamentalism if not all in the name of religion, fundamental is a direct contrast of practicing blind faith, else you wouldnt have pope asking Catholics not to donate to amnesty for their abortion rights!

All religions have narratives that appear ridiculous in contemporary times. No religion is exception. Religion has to evolve keeping the reality of the time in view or else it becomes an oddity and irrelevant and chugs along on mere Blind Faith.

To believe some religion are inferior to mine or I'm the superior also spreads some form of fundamentalism, apart from indicating the juvenile thought process that prompts such a thought.
all my replies to Adux were replies to some stupid things which he said...but i apologize for that.

there are fundamentalists in every religion, i agree. but you have to agree that irrespective of how you view the term "Islamic terrorism" its still very misleading to the general public. do you seriously think that majority of the non-Muslims specially in the west view this term as you do?
After crossing 7 seas your asking where is pacific? the reason I dont debate because debate canot be done with religion in view, but with conscience.

All of which you have said above has its own issues, fatwas are not universal, fundamentalistic thought process of certain groups has their own fatwas, heard there is fatwa of shia who disregard sunni and vice verca as well?

Theological interpretation cannot be labelled on ground based perception, its a falacy of mind, and a die hard attempt to use commitment on paper on society, which goes against the principles of nature.
Not so at all. if it is carried out in the name of Islam, it will be called islamic terrorism, just like when christain terrorism or hindu. that is how it will be
After crossing 7 seas your asking where is pacific? the reason I dont debate because debate canot be done with religion in view, but with conscience.

All of which you have said above has its own issues, fatwas are not universal, fundamentalistic thought process of certain groups has their own fatwas, heard there is fatwa of shia who disregard sunni and vice verca as well?

Theological interpretation cannot be labelled on ground based perception, its a falacy of mind, and a die hard attempt to use commitment on paper on society, which goes against the principles of nature.

show me a single fatwa allowing terrorism.
@ all muslims
i agree that terrorist who kill other people in the name of islam are not muslims..............but why do we expect the non-muslims to understand this...........all they see is a suicide bomber saying "Allah-o-akbar" and then blowing himself up, along with other innocent bystanders, to pieces.............do u really expect the non-muslims to first go and read our quran and then understand the true meaning of our religion? why should they...........if all the people in this world were so analytical, then wouldnt the world be a very nice place to live in............whether we like it or not............the whole world views them as muslims...........we cannot just go about and say that no, their not one of us.............we have to face the ground reality...........we r responsible for whoever does anything in the name of islam.........and if anyone is defaming the name of our religion then it is our duty to remedy that...........we must not hide from the truth.

we, u and me, along with all the muslims, are ultimately responsible for all these so-called terrorists............if we dont like what is happening to our religion, then we should stop blaming the non-muslims and start working towards the eradication of this disease that is plaguing islam...........having useless debates is not helping our cause my friends.............a debate where we r blaming the non-muslims instead of trying to make them understand.
@ all muslims
do u really expect the non-muslims to first go and read our quran and then understand the true meaning of our religion? why should they...........if all the people in this world were so analytical, then wouldnt the world be a very nice place to live in.

the media and some members here atleast are knw the ground realities, yet they use the term.....
show me a single fatwa allowing terrorism.

fatwa to kill israeli's
fatwa to kill rushdie
fatwa to kill non-believers
fatwa against americans

the miltant tries to meet all these fatwa's by blowing himself up or crashing a plane into a building
no "terrorism" before the word hindu?

please do add by all means, for me terrorism is terrorism, irrespective of religion. it can be hindu, christain and islamic, you xneophobes will always see a conspiracy theory everywhere, even in the people you do it against stand on middle ground.
all my replies to Adux were replies to some stupid things which he said...but i apologize for that.

there are fundamentalists in every religion, i agree. but you have to agree that irrespective of how you view the term "Islamic terrorism" its still very misleading to the general public. do you seriously think that majority of the non-Muslims specially in the west view this term as you do?

This is a entire new topic of debate, What I believe is that it owes much to Muslims not speaking much against such issues as well, 7/7 testomonies and many such stands as proof of some.

ground peoples be it Muslims or whoever are not educated enough to understand and differentiate between fundamentalism religion and terrorism.

to one general public Islamic terrorism can be "oh those bloody Muslims and their book" view, to some it can be "Aint we ally of one largest fundamentalist sponsorer?" , to another it can be "Look where are common Muslims against this, when common Christians are battling against Vatican orders?" , to me it is "Where is the reform? Muslim world need a reform that has happened in Europe more or less during WW2, If there was no fundamentalist supporter among common-Muslims you wouldnt have ataturk born or you wouldnt have terrorism being sponsored for 7/7, same for Christianity etc etc" To me the very concept of ummah is a highly communal thing which needs the first reform if any just like the xenophobia some Indians has of akhand bharat theory.

so dont generalize public opinion without knowing someone, most of the times they are just random thoughts and not analytical thoughts, if you ask a westerner to analyze vatican he will come down against it with lot of points albeit if hes rational thinker and a good religious fellow, how many Muslims will come and join against beheadal orders in Saudi? other than memri ofcourse.
the media and some members here atleast are knw the ground realities, yet they use the term.....
@skull buster
aww come on man.............u really expect the media to first tell the people the real teachings of islam and then say that the suicide bomber, who just killed xx number of people, wasnt a true muslim by its defination..............they will generalize it...........its their right...........if we think that they are going to be so analytical, then i guess we r just hitting our head into a brick wall:hitwall:
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