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Debate on the so called "Islamic Terrorism"

fatwa to kill israeli's
fatwa to kill rushdie
fatwa to kill non-believers
fatwa against americans

the miltant tries to meet all these fatwa's by blowing himself up or crashing a plane into a building

where is the fatwa?:crazy:
show me a single fatwa allowing terrorism.

You didnt even got my point at all, read the same post again fatwa means nothing. Hinduism deanounces mal-practices yet some are still associated in different life forms or another, proper reform and education can change them, not some piece of theological letter written on a piece of paper.

Adux please discontinue this discussion, I think the topic starter have his thing answered, this is nothign but merely dragging along, I'll discontinue posting here.
This is a entire new topic of debate, What I believe is that it owes much to Muslims not speaking much against such issues as well, 7/7 testomonies and many such stands as proof of some.

ground peoples be it Muslims or whoever are not educated enough to understand and differentiate between fundamentalism religion and terrorism.

to one general public Islamic terrorism can be "oh those bloody Muslims and their book" view, to some it can be "Aint we ally of one largest fundamentalist sponsorer?" , to another it can be "Look where are common Muslims against this, when common Christians are battling against Vatican orders?" , to me it is "Where is the reform? Muslim world need a reform that has happened in Europe more or less during WW2, If there was no fundamentalist supporter among common-Muslims you wouldnt have ataturk born or you wouldnt have terrorism being sponsored for 7/7, same for Christianity etc etc" To me the very concept of ummah is a highly communal thing which needs the first reform if any just like the xenophobia some Indians has of akhand bharat theory.

so dont generalize public opinion without knowing someone, most of the times they are just random thoughts and not analytical thoughts, if you ask a westerner to analyze vatican he will come down against it with lot of points albeit if hes rational thinker and a good religious fellow, how many Muslims will come and join against beheadal orders in Saudi? other than memri ofcourse.

its not a Muslims fault if their condemnations of terrorism are not given attention by the media. on the first page of this thread i gave a list of hundreds of Muslim communities condemning terrorism, but hey nobody knws abt it. yet if one Muslim supports terrorism he will become a TV star. just because their condemnations are not made public due to the interests of the US, it doesnt means that they dont condemn it.
You didnt even got my point at all, read the same post again fatwa means nothing. Hinduism deanounces mal-practices yet some are still associated in different life forms or another, proper reform and education can change them, not some piece of theological letter written on a piece of paper.

Adux please discontinue this discussion, I think the topic starter have his thing answered, this is nothign but merely dragging along, I'll discontinue posting here.

yes, thats my point. hinduism denounces mal-practices but some hindus are associated with it. that does not means that i can relate the two. can i use some term such as...err....Hindu Mal-practicing:woot:
its not a Muslims fault if their condemnations of terrorism are not given attention by the media. on the first page of this thread i gave a list of hundreds of Muslim communities condemning terrorism, but hey nobody knws abt it. yet if one Muslim supports terrorism he will become a TV star. just because their condemnations are not made public due to the interests of the US, it doesnt means that they dont condemn it.

That was only one single sentence of what I said, No religion preaches Terrorism, its a common thing, however theoracratic structure of religions DO promote communal disturbances which has been proved throughout history even among the same religion, and there ARE certain aspects of each religion which IF promoted in hat theoracratical structure to resemble in a pluralistic society, fundamentalism is born.

The communities again says what religion says i.e. NO to terrorism, still happening means lack of ground reforms in the overall structure.

This is going off topic..
its not a Muslims fault if their condemnations of terrorism are not given attention by the media. on the first page of this thread i gave a list of hundreds of Muslim communities condemning terrorism, but hey nobody knws abt it. yet if one Muslim supports terrorism he will become a TV star. just because their condemnations are not made public due to the interests of the US, it doesnt means that they dont condemn it.

check out the pro-rally's for 9/11 in pakistan, to that of number of people calling it a terrorism
yes, thats my point. hinduism denounces mal-practices but some hindus are associated with it. that does not means that i can relate the two. can i use some term such as...err....Hindu Mal-practicing:woot:

Yes you can call it a social problem in Hinduism lack of awareness proper reform in hinduism, We have been doing that for long, your going in circles, my post was to show you if fatwa deanounces terrorism has nothing in effect with terrorists doing it in the name of Islam, just like one cannot relate the two one cannot hide the name Islamic terrorism by citing example of the fatwas, it needs reforms plain and simple.

And I have seen/heard enough fatwas that are nothing but plain stupid, classical example of maintaining the power status in a hiercharlal way using theology as force.
Highly Highly Misleading and totally wrong.

Islamic/Evangelical fundamentalism are the direct reason why some Christian/muslim group commits terrorism.

Islamic terrorism is not generalizing Islam, but is in simple term means Terrorism commited in the name of Islam.

Good one!!!
Islamic terrorism is not generalizing Islam, but is in simple term means Terrorism commited in the name of Islam.

Doesn't get better than this.....

Close the thread already.

If you dont agree with it, then learn to live with it.

Fact remains that there are many interpretations of Islam leading to a lot of divisons within the Muslim society.

You can't deny or help it.
Doesn't get better than this.....

Close the thread already.

If you dont agree with it, then learn to live with it.

Fact remains that there are many interpretations of Islam leading to a lot of divisons within the Muslim society.

You can't deny or help it.

welcome back, the divisions in Islam have no relation with terrorism. please show me how.
the divisions in Islam have no relation with terrorism

The divisons are an clear example that Muslims are themselves not clear about what Islam is. Therefore nobody is qualified to pronounce if something is UnIslamic or not. Only God, if that thing ever exists can judge.
Let me be on your side and say this " I know the moron is wrong" and let me continue

Its not about the school of thought or not. In which Hindu scripture's has it said that non-hindu's were to be killed. When idiots killed muslims in gujarat, what did we all call them "hindutva miltants, hindu terrorist"; it is as simple as that....
Various school of thought have issued fatwa's and the like's on various people's.
Non-muslims shouldnt have to read the quran, my friend. If someone blows up in the name of allah, mohammed or quran, he is a islamic terrorist.. non-muslims will take it at face value.

Its your duty to question your own kind who defame islamic values and terrorize. Not non-muslim's. As long as you dont do that, expect the world to take action

Saying a Hindu who is a terrorist and saying a Muslim who is a terrorist are similar and no one's debating that.

Now tell me how many people called Gujrat riots as Hindu Terrorism? Or terrorism done in the Hindu way.

The problem with the phrase "Islamic terrorism" is to suggest that Islam has a Terror doctrine, which hurts us Muslims in the long run. So in reality, by insisting to use the term you're insisting to hurt Muslims worldwide.
Terrorism terrorises, but if i take a sickle and kill my neighbour its not terrorism. Is it?
Terrorism terrorises, but if i take a sickle and kill my neighbour its not terrorism. Is it?

the commie in you still hasnt died down!!!
i guess you are the commie mole in the stock market.
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