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'Death Squads' in Swat?

I'm glad you've accepted you were wrong in what you said, but it seems your recantation is as a result of the disapproval expressed by those who hold somewhat similar views to your own on these forums rather than a genuine realisation that your statement was plain wrong.I do hope it is the latter though.

I think the argument that the army is not responsible is obsolete in light of the fact that you support such illegal immoral barbarism.Your approval for criminal acts is a clear indication of your criminal mindset.

There is only ever a need to highlight injustices/crimes when they are hidden from the public. The allegations against the Taliban are well known to everyone.

The G.O.P has done everything it possibly could to degrade Pakistan both nation and military, how could one person do anything to further that humiliation?

You are one hell of a die hard supporter of Taliban, why dont you just change your name to Taliban Admirer and one more thing, instead of enjoying luxury life in UK, why dont you just go to rugged areas in FATA and spend some time with these barbarians to get some ground realities.

And please we already have had enough of BS from cowards like Asma Jehangir just dont add more spice in it.:coffee:
Look, the bottom line is that Asma Jehangir has only heresy and no factual evidence, so her statement is pretty much between a rock and a hard place.

Now this CAN happen and if we consider for a minute that even if it did, it would probably have been done by soldiers acting with no direct orders from their superiors. This can be expected, after all all these soldiers have witnessed their comrades being viciously executed by these monsters.

And please refrain from calling people foreign agents, it does nothing but make yourself look immature and our country backward.
They are lucky that I am not in Military other wise I will hang them upside down from their tiny D!@#.
O.K so you accept that at this point there were no threats posed to Pakistan from the Mujahideen in these areas. Good.

Well you must also accept that the present threat posed to Pakistan is a reaction or a chain of tit for tat actions and reactions from the TTP to the initial actions of the G.O.P.

Therefor you must agree with what I have been arguing from the beginning and that is that the present disastrous situation is a consequence of the G.O.P doing the dirty work on behalf of America,or in other words what we see today is the result of fighting a proxy war for America.

I agree that the current Taliban insurgency in FATA is a result of the US invasion of Afghanistan and Pakistan supporting it, but I also believe that the TTP was and is dead wrong in taking up arms against the Pakistani state, and scheming of taking over Pakistan, instead of heeding the call to halt cross border attacks and accept the writ of the State through the existing political mechanisms.
Asma Jahangir,... hasnt he seen wat teh taliban have done in swat??? theyve been beheadin people, most importenly innocent ones, do they have the right to do that???.... and the army has teh rigth to do wat ever they want, cuzz nun of the taliban are innocent...
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Looks like there is something in common between asma jehangir and muslim khan.Muslim khan last time urged human rights organization to take notice of extra judicial killings by the army.

And now we have asma jehangir is saying the same thing.

It is her business.They want to raise some issues out of no where to get money from foreigners.I know of one such NGO whose employ said that they created false cases of domestic violence to get money from EU.

How can any body trust these traitors???
... hasnt he seen wat teh taliban have done in swat??? theyve been beheadin people, most importenly innocent ones, do they have the right to do that???.... and the army has teh rigth to do wat ever they want, cuzz nun of the taliban are innocent...

in my opinion, extra judicial killing of taliban and hanging them on the posts is inhuman, dont you think? firstly this seems to be a start of a revenge game with the ill-literate talibans which i think is not of worth and secondly, if our forces will do the same as the taliban had done with our soldiers (martyrs) than what will be the difference between educated and respected army personals and uneducated, insane and brain washed taliban:disagree:.

i am totally against the taliban and i want Pakistan to be free of these people and i want them to be punished severly but a cultured and decent way of doing it might be more appropriate.

lastly and importantly, if our forces do these kind of things it will damage the repute of Pakistani forces and above all Pakistan, so friends i hope we go by the cultured and decent way. i mean this is my opinion and any other member can have a different school of thought.


in my opinion, extra judicial killing of taliban and hanging them on the posts is inhuman, dont you think? firstly this seems to be a start of a revenge game with the ill-literate talibans which i think is not of worth and secondly, if our forces will do the same as the taliban had done with our soldiers (martyrs) than what will be the difference between educated and respected army personals and uneducated, insane and brain washed taliban:disagree:.

i am totally against the taliban and i want Pakistan to be free of these people and i want them to be punished severly but a cultured and decent way of doing it might be more appropriate.

lastly and importantly, if our forces do these kind of things it will damage the repute of Pakistani forces and above all Pakistan, so friends i hope we go by the cultured and decent way. i mean this is my opinion and any other member can have a different school of thought.



Have you ever heard about Shoot to Kill, the PA must act on this, capturing them and taking them into justice wont solve the menace.

If they are illeterate then its because of their own reasons. We want total clean up, that it. PA's doctrine does not permitthem to stay in a long conflict with the fellow countrymen or militants. They need a swift clean up and thats what they are doing.:pakistan:
Have you ever heard about Shoot to Kill, the PA must act on this, capturing them and taking them into justice wont solve the menace.

If they are illeterate then its because of their own reasons. We want total clean up, that it. PA's doctrine does not permitthem to stay in a long conflict with the fellow countrymen or militants. They need a swift clean up and thats what they are doing.:pakistan:

first thing, as i have mentioned before that any member can have his own opinion on the matter, so if you think killing and hanging their bodies is essential for cleaning the area completely from taliban, it is your opinion and i completely respect that.

secondly, going out at night just to kill anyone who is a suspected taliban (innocent person) or a taliban, i think it is not a very bright idea since he can be a culprit or he can be one of our pakistani brother just a simple peace loving citizen.

thirdly, suppose, we continue to do this for a longer period and kill many innocent, it will turn the people s opinion against our army and after sometime you will find more people in the favor of fighting pakistan forces than supporting the Pakistan forces.

fourthly, taliban are using our people against us and why they were able to brain washed their minds? that was due to lack of education and if our people or there children were not educated in that region who s responsibility was to provide them with it. i think Pakistan govt. so that was our mistake and we should learn from it.

last of all, i was/am and will be, strictly against taliban and their idealogy and i myself want a total cleanup too but my point was/is that i am against the hanging of the dead bodies inhumanely by pakistani forces just like taliban were doing. i mean, what are we trying to prove by hanging the dead bodies and what benefit are we getting from it. one thing for sure is that from this act out forces will lose their good repo and ultimately bring a bad name to the country as well. this kind of thing happened reccently with US forces and prisoners in guantnamo (if i remmeber correctly), when the pictures came out on the net with dogs unleashed on the detained prisoners and it bring bad name to their forces and country as well. i do not want that same thing going on with my country and Pakistan forces.

once again that is my opinion and any one can have different views.


If this news is true then it is not allowed as per human rights law and Islamic law.

Dead bodies should not be hanged in public places.

PA should maintain their good image.
PA is not a band of thugs out to torture criminals and terrorists for kicks, personal amusement or to spread fear. Many armies have resorted to such tactics in various parts of the world, the U.S. army with their abu-gharib prison is the most recent example with Indian, Russian and Israeli army following right behind.
PA is not a band of thugs out to torture criminals and terrorists for kicks, personal amusement or to spread fear. Many armies have resorted to such tactics in various parts of the world, the U.S. army with their abu-gharib prison is the most recent example with Indian, Russian and Israeli army following right behind.

No one is out of law , sooner or later who had done any crime should be dealt by court martial.
You are one hell of a die hard supporter of Taliban,

Because I do not support extra judicial killings and I'm against fighting a proxy war for America in which my Muslim Pakistani people suffer?

why dont you just change your name to Taliban Admirer

Why don't you change yours to Zardari's poodle?

and one more thing, instead of enjoying luxury life in UK, why dont you just go to rugged areas in FATA and spend some time with these barbarians to get some ground realities.

I take it your embedded in a trench with the Pak fauj on the front line then.

And please we already have had enough of BS from cowards like Asma Jehangir just dont add more spice in it.

On the contrary I think she is a very brave woman even though I hold contrasting views to hers.

I agree that the current Taliban insurgency in FATA is a result of the US invasion of Afghanistan and Pakistan supporting it.

Why aren't you more vociferous in your condemnations of the actions of the G.O.P? Why is all your criticism directed toward the Taliban?According to what you have stated the G.O.P bears responsibility for the most part for initiating a chain of events that has led to this brutal war in Pakistan

but I also believe that the TTP was and is dead wrong in taking up arms against the Pakistani state,and scheming of taking over Pakistan, instead of heeding the call to halt cross border attacks and accept the writ of the State through the existing political mechanisms

You agree that they were attacked by the G.O.P so their uptake of arms was an act of self defense.They see the fight against America as being a religious obligation so in essence the G.O.P were seeking to prevent them from carrying out this obligation.Yes you will argue that they shouldn't do it from Pakistani territory, but surely the G.O.P could have sought to prevent them from launching cross border attacks without resorting to an all out conflict. No?
The obvious purpose of public-hangings is to send a clear message to the locals regarding their fate if they choose to join the Taliban.
Because I do not support extra judicial killings and I'm against fighting a proxy war for America in which my Muslim Pakistani people suffer?

Why don't you change yours to Zardari's poodle?

I take it your embedded in a trench with the Pak fauj on the front line then.

On the contrary I think she is a very brave woman even though I hold contrasting views to hers.

Why aren't you more vociferous in your condemnations of the actions of the G.O.P? Why is all your criticism directed toward the Taliban?According to what you have stated the G.O.P bears responsibility for the most part for initiating a chain of events that has led to this brutal war in Pakistan

You agree that they were attacked by the G.O.P so their uptake of arms was an act of self defense.They see the fight against America as being a religious obligation so in essence the G.O.P were seeking to prevent them from carrying out this obligation.Yes you will argue that they shouldn't do it from Pakistani territory, but surely the G.O.P could have sought to prevent them from launching cross border attacks without resorting to an all out conflict. No?

Can you clarify are they fighting for revenge,money or islam ?

Every one know TTP attacks killed also innocient civilian and suiciodel attack is haram in islam still you support them?

Why dont they fight in Afghanistan and Palestine?

Agreed we should not support USA for continue attacks in afghanistan.
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