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'Death Squads' in Swat?

If one disagrees with her then one must logically, rationally and factually refute her.

We are in this war against because our enemy chose the path of violence and extrajudicial actions, instead of fighting a war of ideas in a peaceful and democratic arena - let us not become the enemy.

We must remember that in this war, unlawful and vengeful acts will only come back to haunt us later. This is in many ways the battle of hearts and minds that people have talked about. Whatever their beliefs and practices, they are ouer misguided brothers. It will harm us more than the taliban and we will play right into their hands with such acts
Well, beware of becoming too much like your "best friend :usflag:": Guantanamo and abu Ghraib.

If you rail against us when we do it, don't do it yourselves. Or, admit that: "WAR IS HELL!"
^You're in this war for far less noble reasons that that.
Of course I disagree, especially when confronted with a one liner ..

P.S: Though that may also be because I am making a distinction between the war in Swat and the larger war in FATA, and on the latter you woudl be correct. Though it is also increasingly looking like the war in FATA too is being guided more by the intransigence of the TTP against Pakistan, instead of in support of the US invasion in Afghanistan.
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or right my mistake i must not have talked about Asma

I'm glad you've accepted you were wrong in what you said, but it seems your recantation is as a result of the disapproval expressed by those who hold somewhat similar views to your own on these forums rather than a genuine realisation that your statement was plain wrong.I do hope it is the latter though.

but yet again i there is no proof of army doing it, and guess what all this news is coming from one source ASMA, u think Taliban want any talks, come on man, we have all seen how much they r interested in conflict resolution by TALKS, these ppl deserve it after all those Suicide bombings & killings they have done they JUS SIMPLY DESERVE IT,

I think the argument that the army is not responsible is obsolete in light of the fact that you support such illegal immoral barbarism.Your approval for criminal acts is a clear indication of your criminal mindset.

ok tell me how many of these "activists" have highlighted Talban crimes, have u even seen wht the hell they did to innocent ppl and Army ppl, every where the crimes r done ONLY by army, but y the hell on earth OUR MEDIA & ACTIVISTS don talk about the be headings etc carried out by taliban,

There is only ever a need to highlight injustices/crimes when they are hidden from the public. The allegations against the Taliban are well known to everyone.

and no need for us to jump too much on a report by Asma, we all know she's always looking for something new to degrade Army & this great nation of ours :pakistan:

The G.O.P has done everything it possibly could to degrade Pakistan both nation and military, how could one person do anything to further that humiliation?
I think these exta judicial killing need to stop. This is also damaging the writ of the state. if anyone is an expected taliban then he must be brought in front of a court of law. this action will actually win the hearts and minds of the people because they will actually witness these barbarians standing in front of court and getting what they deserve.
i again say that these actions are hurting the writ of the state.
So you agree that the war in the tribal belt is to further American interests in the region?

dear sir, mr!Conscientious objector,
its nice, to see some one backing up, talibans on the fourm!
i guss, its logical that , every action has its reactions?

So, whatever "the talibans" had done in thier past , they are facing the same music! its very logical, isnt it?
peoples like assma, are media hungry , they always come up with , the stuff like this to , show thier value, in fact they are the peoples who, were advocating for a west oriented democracy in pakistan.
But , its a fact that , Asma have no place & no role in , "TALIBAN's sharia rule"?
or, maybe its better to, sent ASMA to Mullaha FM , so that he can order her, tobe punished in a football ground with , full public exposure
& a video should be shot, when some 18 years old "TALIB"is about to sent her to hell, by putting 2 bullets of his AK-47 in her, head?;):lol::rofl:
pakarmy zindabad:agree::pakistan::tup:
Since India is the champion of democracy people have all sort of rights to express their views...good for ears. But still party's like BJP cannot tolerate someone to speak good about Jinnah and get fired from the party.

What a joke.:coffee:

BJP is a political party...there are communist parties in most capitalist countries but you don't expect them to be anti-union can you?
If BJP would have been in power and punished an independent critic...then it would have been undemocratic.
there is no HR department in political parties to look after incorrect expulsions sadly.
So you agree that the war in the tribal belt is to further American interests in the region?

I agree that the initial deployment and attempts to contain the Taliban/insurgents in FATA was done in support of the US invasion of Afghanistan.

However, I do think that since then the situation has morphed into one where the TTP does pose a severe threat to Pakistan (suicide bombings across Pakistan, assasinations, support for other militant/terrorist groups), and our efforts in FATA now are primarily directed by that threat to Pakistan.
well if this is true then what's the difference between pakistan army and taliban??

If it is true that you are part of these death squads then what is the difference between a terrorist and you ... oh wait, I just made an unsubstantiated allegation against you and was speculating based on an assumption that the allegation was true ....

The ISPR has strongly refuted these allegations, and quite frankly there is no need for them to set up death squads since they are capturing these criminals by the hundreds, and they provide information against their comrades.

Innocent till proven guilty - and the establishment of guilt has a long way to go.
dear sir, mr!Conscientious objector,
its nice, to see some one backing up, talibans on the fourm!
i guss, its logical that , every action has its reactions?

So, whatever "the talibans" had done in thier past , they are facing the same music! its very logical, isnt it?
peoples like assma, are media hungry , they always come up with , the stuff like this to , show thier value, in fact they are the peoples who, were advocating for a west oriented democracy in pakistan.
But , its a fact that , Asma have no place & no role in , "TALIBAN's sharia rule"?
or, maybe its better to, sent ASMA to Mullaha FM , so that he can order her, tobe punished in a football ground with , full public exposure
& a video should be shot, when some 18 years old "TALIB"is about to sent her to hell, by putting 2 bullets of his AK-47 in her, head?;):lol::rofl:
pakarmy zindabad:agree::pakistan::tup:

I think she is well aware of the fact that her views/ideology would not fair very well in an Islamic state, yet her desire to seek justice for those whom she opposes and who oppose her is admirable.

It tells me she is passionate about her work and has genuine concern for human rights. I oppose her views but am balanced enough Alhamdulillah not to hate her as a person because of that.I would certainly not wish to see her executed and hung in public like some of the "enlightened moderates" around here.
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I don't remember asma jehangir or any HRCP people coming on TV and denouncing the atrocities of Taliban ??

So how come when some taliban are hung up just like they did to the innocent people, HRCP comes into action. HRCPs main role is to humiliate PA & Pakistan whenever they can. Same asma jehangir went to India and denounced Pakistan, without thinking that she is sitting in a country which itself is a big human rights violator & arch enemy of Pakistan.

In my opinion the taliban who are arrested and have sufficient proof being part of taliban should be summarily executed in the field, as they don't deserve to live. The 900+ taliban captured so far, be put in already crowded jails and then let their cases go on in the already overburdened courts, so that they live many many years to come till their fate is decided, whats the use then in the end ??
People who where forced to join should be let go and the hard core should be put to death. Simple solution.
I agree that the initial deployment and attempts to contain the Taliban/insurgents in FATA was done in support of the US invasion of Afghanistan.

O.K so you accept that at this point there were no threats posed to Pakistan from the Mujahideen in these areas. Good.

However, I do think that since then the situation has morphed into one where the TTP does pose a severe threat to Pakistan (suicide bombings across Pakistan, assasinations, support for other militant/terrorist groups), and our efforts in FATA now are primarily directed by that threat to Pakistan.

Well you must also accept that the present threat posed to Pakistan is a reaction or a chain of tit for tat actions and reactions from the TTP to the initial actions of the G.O.P.

Therefor you must agree with what I have been arguing from the beginning and that is that the present disastrous situation is a consequence of the G.O.P doing the dirty work on behalf of America,or in other words what we see today is the result of fighting a proxy war for America.
I don't remember asma jehangir or any HRCP people coming on TV and denouncing the atrocities of Taliban ??

There should not be any doubt that they are salaried employees of RAW.
Look at the subject of the article.. the word what they are trying to spread... I have to be an idiot to toe there line any further.

In past this stretgey had been employeed in Iraq and i hope there was no Pak army.
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