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'Death Squads' in Swat?

YYeah give freedom and right to protest to Talibans and they'll make sure they will blow up something in front of parliment.Besides there has been no proof that Army is doing this.Keep in mind Army alone is not conudcting these operations.Private Lashkars with army backing are also doing this.
YYeah give freedom and right to protest to Talibans and they'll make sure they will blow up something in front of parliment.Besides there has been no proof that Army is doing this.Keep in mind Army alone is not conudcting these operations.Private Lashkars with army backing are also doing this.

So whats your point? According to what you've stated above the army is ultimately responsible, and you fully support these crimes.

These actions will only serve to prolong the conflict and will be a great recruiting sergeant for the Taliban.
Let us not run away with emotional ******** here. let us sit back and think this through.
Firstly, the claim has come out of Asma Jehangir, who has become a controversial figure in any case so there is room to doubt the veracity of it in any case.
Secondly, the news needs to be verified by independant unbiased quarters before we need to look at it.
If the news is just sensationalism, then we need not worry about it. Another aspect which needs looking into is whether this is just routine blood letting and tit for tat killings that are a part and parcel of tribal life. another aspect is whether this is being done by the taliban themselves to flare tempers up against the army. This would be a pretty sensible move on their part especially if the chap needed to be disposed of in nay case.(Nobody said war is a clean game). It will kill many a birds with one stone. So in short the matter needs to be investigated properly if the claim is to be varified.
To be honest , the present commandant has won wide acclaim for sitting with the people and talking to them and winning them over.It would be foolish to destroy his whole work by doing something as stupid as this.
Lastly a dead criminal is no good to the Army. they would much rahter catch them alive and "juice" some info out of them. Why kill some one when he could potentially be a good source of valuable information?
Could I also ask you all to stop calling people derogatory names. It is not the norm of civilized debate and makes you like a kid rather than a serious debator. So those of you who have called people names in the posts above should please not only amend their posts but also refrain from this attitude.
well no one got proof that army did that but I got proof in form of video i saw in which pakistani soldiers heads were cut of by talibans and then Soldiers were hanged by the post up side down with his head between their legs and taliban guy screams telling the people that if some help Pak army they will end up with same fath.
people like asma jehangir and iqbal haider are the most heavily paid foreign agents in our country they are the biggest threat to our sovereignity

this kind of attitude is very dangerous.Pakistan is a democracy now...and people do have a right to express their views even if they conflict with that of the govt.i am sure your saying thatthey are "heavily paid foreign agents" has got no legit backing whatsoever.
This forum is filled with anti-India articles and articles criticizing some of our govt. policies...and most are by Indian writers/thinkers....though our first reaction is to curse these writers and thinkers...we can't call everyone a foreign agent....or being on any other country's payroll...
I really wanted to rip-apart the controller and auditor general of India when he reported that most of our missiles are duds...as he compromised the country's defense with that one statement...but indeed, he was working for the contrary.
When you want to snuff-off the opposition or any sort of criticism...you transform into a fascist.
Extrajudicial deaths in Swat?

The expected double standards are truly sickening.The Taliban are accused of being savages barbaric etc etc but its perfectly fine for the army to execute suspected militants. What happened to the rule of law? The self professed moral high ground? Or is this the writ of the state that I heard so much about?

So apart from being illegal immoral etc etc the execution of suspects is counter productive.

On what grounds do you advocate/justify the murder of a female human rights activist ? Simply for the reason that she has highlighted the crimes being committed by the security forces? This statement of yours speaks volumes about the type of person you are. Truly disgusting

or right my mistake i must not have talked about Asma, but yet again i there is no proof of army doing it, and guess what all this news is coming from one source ASMA, u think Taliban want any talks, come on man, we have all seen how much they r interested in conflict resolution by TALKS, these ppl deserve it after all those Suicide bombings & killings they have done they JUS SIMPLY DESERVE IT, , ok tell me how many of these "activists" have highlighted Talban crimes, have u even seen wht the hell they did to innocent ppl and Army ppl, every where the crimes r done ONLY by army, but y the hell on earth OUR MEDIA & ACTIVISTS don talk about the be headings etc carried out by taliban, and no need for us to jump too much on a report by Asma, we all know she's always looking for something new to degrade Army & this great nation of ours :pakistan:
this kind of attitude is very dangerous.Pakistan is a democracy now...and people do have a right to express their views even if they conflict with that of the govt.i am sure your saying thatthey are "heavily paid foreign agents" has got no legit backing whatsoever.
This forum is filled with anti-India articles and articles criticizing some of our govt. policies...and most are by Indian writers/thinkers....though our first reaction is to curse these writers and thinkers...we can't call everyone a foreign agent....or being on any other country's payroll...
I really wanted to rip-apart the controller and auditor general of India when he reported that most of our missiles are duds...as he compromised the country's defense with that one statement...but indeed, he was working for the contrary.
When you want to snuff-off the opposition or any sort of criticism...you transform into a fascist.

Since India is the champion of democracy people have all sort of rights to express their views...good for ears. But still party's like BJP cannot tolerate someone to speak good about Jinnah and get fired from the party.

What a joke.:coffee:
It would be interesting to see what evidence exactly Asma Jehangir purports to have implicating the Army in these killings.

The Army has been taking hundreds of Taliban prisoner, so if they had really identified these particular people as Taliban, why would they not do the same with them?
It would be interesting to see what evidence exactly Asma Jehangir purports to have implicating the Army in these killings.

The Army has been taking hundreds of Taliban prisoner, so if they had really identified these particular people as Taliban, why would they not do the same with them?

She was saying yesterday on CNBC that all of the "evidence" she got are from the eyewitness accounts.She said because many people told the fact-finding mission of HRCP the same thing so there can be something behind these stories.
She was saying yesterday on CNBC that all of the "evidence" she got are from the eyewitness accounts.She said because many people told the fact-finding mission of HRCP the same thing so there can be something behind these stories.
But we know for a fact that the Taliban have used Army and FC uniforms - so what exactly do these eyewitnesses say that makes her so sure the Army is responsible? Especially since, as I pointed out, the Army has no problems taking hundreds of other Taliban prisoner.
No. But how can you accept whatever she barks.

If one disagrees with her then one must logically, rationally and factually refute her.

We are in this war against because our enemy chose the path of violence and extrajudicial actions, instead of fighting a war of ideas in a peaceful and democratic arena - let us not become the enemy.

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