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Dear Kashmiris: Only War Can End Occupation and You Would Have to Fight that War Yourself

The problem with kashmir is that it is a small region with population less than lahore and it is almost impossible for kashmiris to liberate it from indian army on their own without support from proper army, afghanistan is a big region and taliban have support from large no of population and also afghan army is Muslim and it is easy for taliban to get support from within afghan army .Terrain of afghanistan is also more tough than kashmir
Keep on clinging to that fantasy ... thats the best you can do against India.
I know it going to be very difficult to wake up these Dalit converts, but I think if Modi keeps rolling on his path this might happen. Pakistan should wish India even more Modi. Sort of drown India in Modism. That might wake up the testicless 200 million shemale Indian Muslims.

That should be fun to watch. Although chances are they will all run to Pakistan .... with Modi having the last laugh.
Doubt India will care about low level insurgency. Other option for Kashmiris is to go to full taliban mode. 95% of taliban victims have been other afghans, either civilians or government all over Afghanistan. Now that will change status quo.

Now if you want Kashmiris to fight million armed troops then wake up.
Few hundreds of them might pick up a weapon to fight India but patriotic Kashmiris will be there to give information about their hideouts and whereabouts.
Dear Sir, now Kashmir issue is not in India's hands.
The days of your presence in Kashmir are over.
Aapki jagah koi or lyny wala hai.

Talibs r the son s of tht land and thy hve their rights to take whts thiers???
Can't understand. Please elaborate.
True. Hate to say it but that is true

Laikin tumhari un few 100 main bhi phat jati hai

You got to admit that too

The thing is, they do have moles within the valley but the fact is that despite their heavy security present, Kashmiris beat them with anything available and these so-called warriors only take on kids, woman and unarmed Kashmiri farmers. There is no difference of opinion by Kashmiris to hate India except their rats.
You don't even know my ideology so how can you know who I supported. I have always opposed the sell out of Afghanistan by Musharaf to USA in 2001. I have on these forums consistently stated that as single biggest act of cowardice in recent times when Musharaf gave Kabul on a platter to India for few measly $billions.
Who told u musharf gave afghanistan to India, wht India or others archived in Afghanistan untill now???
And why USA wants a dialoge with afghn resistance forces?
If thy hve afghn in thier hands?
Actully Musharaf made sure tht nato and usa, fall deep and hve spend billions before thy realised thy can't and will not win any war there, evn a former defence secrtry accused Musharaf playing double game and he was a legend, bt it all ended bad when his depty sold whole plan to CIA whn mushtaf made kiyani the ISI chief?

The thing is, they do have moles within the valley but the fact is that despite their heavy security present, Kashmiris beat them with anything available and these so-called warriors only take on kids, woman and unarmed Kashmiri farmers. There is no difference of opinion by Kashmiris to hate India except their rats.
And pak ill make sure those rats gets slaughtered frist blood before any thing happens
Dear Sir, now Kashmir issue is not in India's hands.
The days of your presence in Kashmir are over.
Aapki jagah koi or lyny wala hai.

Can't understand. Please elaborate.
Talibans r the right full and justified resistance force of Afghanistan fighting the occupation of invaders Thts the whole point and is accepted by USA

Kashmiris can be bought cheaply so no issues with this
Satisfy ur self, as u like bt once the drums start beating u ill know whts is what and all of tht satisfaction ill be in the air?
and if you kids are so scared then forget freedom and stop this rona dhona go live in india and let us live in peace .

Government / ruling class is afraid of war as they have much at stake, ordinary people will die for Pakistan.
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