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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

what the heck are you talking about? sunnis are 75% of Syria's population... thus the Army is mostly sunnis... even if its just soldiers, a soldier can easily kill with a gun..
Two Vice President of Syria are sunnis... the cabinet is Sunni, the PM and his deputies are sunnis, the minister of defence is sunni the Parliament is sunnis... again you are naive you don't know anything...

and communism is not secular... it actually was against religion....
anyways let me show you how peaceful was Syria...


until "Democracy" terrorism came under the name "freedom"

But you agree that it isnt a real democracy in syria if only the Assad clan rules there i know this method from the former soviet union the hard way they say you can change them if you want but you cannot do anything against them because they will always cheat in the elections.
They should strenthen securities in the region around the borders, towns close to Turkey or monitor those refugees strictly because who knows if one of those refugees are loyal to Assad intelligence that could be behind any attack. This bombing shows that the region has lack of security and they should strengthen the surveillance, you know what I mean. A buffer zone would weaken the opposition, there wouldn't be any weapon shipped coming from the Gulf so this won't happen. Erdogan's response are weak, I mean Turkey has one of the strongest army yet no actions but poor excuses?

Sir, you can't prevent another attack from happening, if you don't clear out the root. We have to find the responsibles and punish them, destroy their organization. Detaining just the perpetrators of the attack won't solve anything .
The funny part is few days ago Erdodog was a critizing Israel for protecting it borders. Now we didn't protect oud border and see what happened. Erdogan should keep his mouth and act when to act and talk when to talk. This guy has turned our public image down to the level of gossip girl.
But you agree that it isnt a real democracy in syria if only the Assad clan rules there i know this method from the former soviet union the hard way they say you can change them if you want but you cannot do anything against them because they will always cheat in the elections.

there was no democracy in Syria, no one claims that Syria is democratic, however now there is a new Constitution that states presidential elections, and Alasad has been calling for Elections under the UN administration, since the new Constitution came out...
reap what you sow reyhanli, reap what you sow
krølbååx;4285221 said:
reap what you sow reyhanli, reap what you sow

Too bad people cannot realize what kind of mistake they are doing by supporting AKP before such major tragedies occur.
krølbååx;4285350 said:
hopefully they will use their brains next time.

No doubt people in Reyhanlı will do, but as for the rest of its supporter across Turkey... :disagree:
Smells of Hezbollah/Iran.

RIP the victims.

It was always a concern for Turkey that the Syrian mess would spill over.

Why not Smells of CIA / Mossad ?
Why CIA can't do it. ? It would be beneficial to them also. Turkey and Syria will fight. No need for US , Europe to attack Syria.
krølbååx;4285396 said:
agreed. reyhanli reminded me of this guy and his neighbours in sivas:

they regretted very "hard" for voting for their current mayor :) consequences were "dire"

He hasn't taken a dump ever since :D

Where are you from mate?
krølbååx;4285396 said:

agreed. reyhanli reminded me of this guy and his neighbours in sivas:

they regretted very "hard" for voting for their current mayor :) consequences were "dire"

Well cry me a river.

I can't believe the ignorance to put the blame on the voters. I can't believe you are using this catastrophy as a medium for propaganda.
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