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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

dont put words into my mouth, your false media taught you well to make lies and stories..

only Syrians decide if Alasad stays or leave, if the majority of Syrians wanted Alasad gone he would have been gone long time ago...

anyways this thread explains everything...


your country is already destroyed clown , the longer Assad continues the more it will be destroyed.

Your government lost control over more than half of syria and now Assad is fighting for a separate state for his sect .

Do you not see now Assad forces mainly fighting in Hama and Qusar while neglecting Aleppo for good ? he wants to link the two alawi provinces of tartus and latakia with southern lebanon and damascus to set up an alawi state there .

your just another brainwashed clown , simply syria will not be unified until the majority " sunnis " get their full rights.

Saddam did the same mistake assad is doing today and look what happened to iraq at the end but your end will be more terrible, well already it is , the whole industrial capability has been destroyed already and your relying on Iran for economic survival .

please tell me how 14+ groups rejected SNC in one of those videos, rejected Ghitto and everything and wanted to rule Syria themselves? because it is ineffective organisation and has no control on rebel hold areas then in the end FSA factions ended up siding with them because of no international support and more ending up soon just like Syrian Lion posted. f.khead bye

If groups like Al-Nusra will be the future of Syria then except syria to be partitioned between various warlords and sects , it will be another somalia , a weak humilated country.

Do you think clowns in Al Nusra understand how to run an economy and build state institutions ?
your country is already destroyed clown , the longer Assad continues the more it will be destroyed.

Your government lost control over more than half of syria and now Assad is fighting for a separate state for his sect .

Do you not see now Assad forces mainly fighting in Hama and Qusar while neglecting Aleppo for good ? he wants to link the two alawi provinces of tartus and latakia with southern lebanon and damascus to set up an alawi state there .

your just another brainwashed clown , simply syria will not be unified until the majority " sunnis " get their full rights.

Saddam did the same mistake assad is doing today and look what happened to iraq at the end but your end will be more terrible, well already it is , the whole industrial capability has been destroyed already and your relying on Iran for economic survival .

If groups like Al-Nusra will be the future of Syria then except syria to be partitioned between various warlords and sects , it will be another somalia , a weak humilated country.

Do you think clowns in Al Nusra understand how to run an economy and build state institutions ?

the only clown here is you, you are one naive racist person. Every comment you make in this forums has to be about sects and religion, so who is brain washed?

do you think the Syrian people will allow a divided Syria? only in your dream kid...

I'm done talking to kids, there should be age limit in this forum....:hitwall:
the only clown here is you, you are one naive racist person. Every comment you make in this forums has to be about sects and religion, so who is brain washed?

do you think the Syrian people will allow a divided Syria? only in your dream kid...

I'm done talking to kids, there should be age limit in this forum....:hitwall:

The conflict is about sects now when Iran and Alqauda got involved , Assad is fighting for Alawis and the Syrian opposition fighting for sunnis , its just madness now .

Unless the well educated Alawis and Sunnis get along to get rid of radicals like Bachar and the dogs fighting in Jubhet el Nusra the country will be divided for good

You will have a Sunni state , Alawi state , Kurdish Enclave and perhaps Druze will form their own state in Suwaida with Israel support and connecting it through dara .

The end of this civil war no one will win be it Alawis , sunnis or christians unless the Alawis abandon Bachar and Sunnis clean their ranks from Jubhat el Nusra.

without compromise from both sides then Syria will be divided , because no one either the opposition or the Government has the ability to control the whole of the country .
If groups like Al-Nusra will be the future of Syria then except syria to be partitioned between various warlords and sects , it will be another somalia , a weak humilated country.
Do you think clowns in Al Nusra understand how to run an economy and build state institutions ?
Its funny how this kid always say nusra when its not only nusra you moron. Look at the FSA factions and see whothey are. They are not secularist anymore. Over 14 groups already united and formed governments, schools, police, brought scholars to form things and everything in held areas inclding ar razzaq. Not Nusrah but yes they are working with them. They rejected SNC. Is that a problem with you? You are Malay living in UAE so why do you even care. Two choice; support the Islamist or support the regime. The West label them terroist but what will they do? Too bad for them that Nusra has strong allies including Qatar, MB and the Islamist factions so nothing will happen sincd nusra is the most important for Syrians because they are effective and has top ranks and the majority of this group are Syrians, not foreigners just some. I'm off for now.
Its funny how this kid always say nusra when its not only nusra you moron. Look at the FSA factions and see whothey are. They are not secularist anymore. Over 14 groups already united and formed governments, schools, police and everything in held areas inclding ar razzaq. Not Nusrah but yes they are working with them. Is that a problem with you? You are Malay living in UAE so why do you even care. Two choice; support the Islamist or support the regime. The West label them terroist but what will they do? Too bad for them that Nusra has strong allies.

ya 3'aby ana nosy 3araby .

Enjoy then Syria being divided with groups like Al Nusra crap around , as I told you these clowns do not know how to run a country and now Syrians are on dead boats trying to escape to Europe .

The Syrians will be the one losing from all this , they will end up like the Afghans , as I said before the only solution for this ****** war to end is alawis abandon Assad and work with FSA to form a transition government . The transition government will then clean syria from foreign fighters and groups like Hizbullah and Gabhet el nusra .

without this being done then the country will return back to the stone age and become another Afghanistan . Neither the opposition or Bachar has the capability of controlling the country .

Remember than non sunnis form 30% of Syria and if you add the kurds who are already against FSA and bachar then the sunnis only end up forming 60% of the whole syrian population and they do not have the capability to control the whole of syria .

One of the main reasons why Assad still has wide support from non sunni minorities is the presence of groups like Al-Nusra .

da enta 7omar wallahi ya a7'i
the only clown here is you, you are one naive racist person. Every comment you make in this forums has to be about sects and religion, so who is brain washed?

do you think the Syrian people will allow a divided Syria? only in your dream kid...

I'm done talking to kids, there should be age limit in this forum....:hitwall:

Syrians have already allowed their country to be divided by breaking themselves up into sects , the kurds fighting for their own state in hassaka and now bachar forces engaged in ethnic cleansing in tartus and latakia on sunni populations , the opposition forces kicked out alawis from regions in aleppo .

Syria will be divided with the stupidity of Assad and those supporting him and radical sunnis in the opposition, without compromise from both sides the country will be divided.
i like your most of comments even if you were mistaken somtimes..it is normal...

First, Sunnis over 80% pop.of syria..Because Kurds are Sunni muslims too...they demand just an autonomy in some Kurdish towns..and after peace process between Turkey and PKK they went far from Assad regime.

As for devision of Syria into ethnic and sectarian states, i dont agree with you..if after austing Assad regime period west would control Syria then you would be right...But after Assad regime gone the countries that will lead Syria will be Turkey and GCC countries.Neither Turkey nor GCCs want instabiity situations in Syria..

Even Assad thugs, İran and Hezbollah massacre milions of Sunnis they are never be able to found an Noussayri state in coast region of Syria..Neither Turkey nor GCCs and other ME muslim countries dont want and dont permit an iran puppet state always stab the region countries in back.
Nope sir, we captured the group leader who planned this attacks. Not the organizations group leader there is difference. A month later another 10 members of this organization can enter and make another attack.

Your question was, should we go in war with Syria right? My answer is if going war with Syria, will end these attacks on our citizens, yes we should.

Well that's what I was arguing with other members here.
At last, there's someone sharing my view.
But if you ask me, I suggest we be a little moderate before planning a full scale attack. I mean we should give a similar response and if they don't stop, then give them a spartan kick.

Video's Title should be Turks Blame Erdogan and Syrians for Bombings in Reyhanlı.

Seriously, they are blaming Syrian refugees not FSA, the first scene where they attack a car, that car has a Sryrian plate.
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Video's Title should be Turks Blame Erdogan and Syrians for Bombings in Reyhanlı.

Seriously, they are blaming Syrian refugees not FSA, the first scene where they attack a car, that car has a Sryrian plate.

yeah, but the main one to blame is erDOGan he supported chaos in Syria, he supports terrorism in Syria, and chaos is contagious, should I remind how peaceful Syria and Turkey were before 2011? however since erDOGan opened the Turkish soil for terrorists and opened terrorists training camps in Turkey, Turkey will see some chaos from those terrorists, last week F$A terrorist killed Turkish policeman... F$A will bomb Turkey to drag it into war with Syria..
yeah, but the main one to blame is erDOGan he supported chaos in Syria, he supports terrorism in Syria, and chaos is contagious, should I remind how peaceful Syria and Turkey were before 2011? however since erDOGan opened the Turkish soil for terrorists and opened terrorists training camps in Turkey, Turkey will see some chaos from those terrorists, last week F$A terrorist killed Turkish policeman... F$A will bomb Turkey to drag it into war with Syria..

I can say at least %90 of the Turkish people are against Erdogan's Syria policy.
I can say at least %90 of the Turkish people are against Erdogan's Syria policy.

AKP can be against Alasad in many different ways, in peaceful ways, however AKP wanted to please the west and gcc, thus is supports the terrorists F$A .... AKP forgot that chaos is contagious... the best for all the countries in the M.E is to have peaceful neighbors, now Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq are suffering because Syria is at war, and same with Turkey, Turkey border a M.E country, it should have thought about peace... AKP thought Alasad would be gone in weeks, however they didn't realize that Syrians only decide...

look how AKP shaped the Turkish public, I think most Turks hate Syria now... and maybe you do also hate Syria, but the difference is that I don't hate Turks, I hate AKP ... Turks and Syrians shared a good relationship, we had peace, free visa policy, business trade boomed, and etc, until AKP decided to follow the west...
i like your most of comments even if you were mistaken somtimes..it is normal...

First, Sunnis over 80% pop.of syria..Because Kurds are Sunni muslims too...they demand just an autonomy in some Kurdish towns..and after peace process between Turkey and PKK they went far from Assad regime.

As for devision of Syria into ethnic and sectarian states, i dont agree with you..if after austing Assad regime period west would control Syria then you would be right...But after Assad regime gone the countries that will lead Syria will be Turkey and GCC countries.Neither Turkey nor GCCs want instabiity situations in Syria..

Even Assad thugs, İran and Hezbollah massacre milions of Sunnis they are never be able to found an Noussayri state in coast region of Syria..Neither Turkey nor GCCs and other ME muslim countries dont want and dont permit an iran puppet state always stab the region countries in back.

I agree with you that Iran is a ****** sectarian regime but also there where many Alawis killed by radical elements in the opposition Just like how Hizbullah and Iran backed proxy groups in Syria have engaged in ethnic cleansing against sunnis .

The alawis are not religious by any means , the only reason they are held hostage by Bachar is the lack of communication between the syrian nationalists in the opposition with the secular alawi soldiers in Syrian army . There has to be negotiations between both sides to come up with a middle solution so they can later on clean the country from Iranian ***** and Gubhat el Nusra ***** . Syria should not be a ground for proxy wars between sectarian shias and sunnis .

Syria is one of a few countries where people of different sects were getting along without any problems , who is burning the country now are foreign fighters coming from Iran , Lebanon , Saudi Arabia , Chechenya and Iraq.

Now there might be some positive news from the summit made between USA and Russia , the opposition and moderates from Assad regime agreed to negotiate for a coalition government .

maybe they might agree on having an acceptable figure for both the opposition and other minorities to run the country like Manaf Talas or the current Syrian vice president who is a technocrat while Assad and his little gang leave the country for good and the opposition work on cleaning regions under their control from Nusra front .

Right now on the ground there is a stalemate that wount change , we Just have to wait to see what the American/Russian summit will bring on Syria . After all Americans and Russians will not announce about such a summit and waste their time unless they have an agreed solution to this crises.

You know hatay is half alawi Arabs and they are well integrated within the Turkish society , there is not need to further increase the sectarian tension . The role of Countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia needs to be limited in the Syrian conflict after all both countries are sectarian and have horrible record when it comes to human rights and dealing with their citizens .

Saudi Arabia oppresses its Shiah minority and Iran oppresses its sunni minority , any sane human should condemn both the Iranian and Saudi Arabian regimes.

Should we burn the whole middle east Just because of Saudi Arabia and Iran sectarian conflict ? and I am sure Turkey cares most about the stability of Syria than Iran or Saudi Arabia will ever be , after all it shares 1000 km border with that country.

Communicating with the Alawi minority is crucial now in order to save whats remaining of syria from the crazy sectarian groups like Hizbullah and Jubhet el Nusra .

I can say at least %90 of the Turkish people are against Erdogan's Syria policy.

problem he had no other choice , Iran burned Syria into an outright sectarian civil war , no one wants war but even if Turkey did nothing it will have simply spilled over .

Anyway Erodogan said he will not be dragged into the Syrian swamp .
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