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Dawn: an anti-Pakistan newspaper ?

This is exactly the mindset which might fail us. See wherelse in world media is so bold that it speaks so loudly against state. and its not state basically. Basically anti army and anti isi. See no doubt musharraf was the worst animal in pak's history who brought an external war upon us. I dont consider it our war. And he was a dark age in pakistan's history. Where in world is it happening that media is spewing such poison against state. Making fun of politicians looks etc is one thing that they do, but anti state attitude is another.
look at india,if indian media ever does such thing indian state will hammer them to ground.
We cant say they are mir jaaffars ignore them. Bahi uthain jagain history dekhain mir jaffar nay kya kar diya tha. You cant turn your backs to them. Remember this is how east pakistan was done. Trust me east pakistan itna subjugated bilkiul nahi tha. Itwas all indian propaganda. Same has been done towar 0ds balochistan. Agar hum ignore kar dain then we shouldnt complain about the rukus in balochistan. That is media does pays its role in creating miscreancy and dawn is doing it. if one doesnt want to stop it then one shouldn.t complain about incidents happening in country.
This is media war age.
All pakistan needs to do is launch a good healthy quality newspaper and channel. Which doesnt go panting pakistan as a heaven. But instesd shows its ills and its bright sides. Does a realistic analysis. Educates people, inform them of their country's resources, increase positive patriotism,bring nation closer, teach good moral values. Above all good goood quality work. Pakistanis want such stuff and they want altenative to bathroom rags like dawns but absence of good newspapers takes them there.
Dont forget you want success than first thing that you should lear to do is deliver quality work, when quality ia good lil quantity is mammoth.
And most importantly dont ignore these things, we have a painful past behind us we dont want a repeat. put all these media houses on hook. These traitors are biggest cowards and no matter how loud they yap yap from editorial desks once you nail them they cry and wail like mice stuck in traps. Bloody cowards.

Why are we reactive than proactive? Majority of us follow a faith whose Prophet (PBUH) advised don't just believe whatever is told to you unless you make sure yourself its right and correct, but still we act as zombies from 7:00 pm in the evening till 11:00 pm (PST) and believe whatever they say in those talk shows. We have the nicest emotional slogans, but we don't have the actions to support these slogans. We wrote the nicest emotional song but that filth of the earth Mullah Radio is still walking the earth.

For you (may be) it is a war limited to your borders only, for me I believe this war is not against Pakistan it is against Islam and in that bigger picture I find Pakistanis to be the least prepared. Sunni musalman hain sunni sunai pay yaqeen rakhty hain. You will find supporters of agendas against Islam in our very own midst with the beards and piousness you have never seen. And in that bigger scheme of things Dawn or any media outlet is just a pawn, it has to play its part and it will, but what preparedness is yours to counter this propaganda? Islam ka jitna mazak hum Musalmano nay khud bnaya hai itna to shayad dushman soch bhi na sakta tha aur Pakistani Musalmano say bara to koi Musalman hai he nai.

And let me say it once and for all honestly and clearly, their bombs don't differentiate between Sunnis and Shias, that they have left for us to do ourselves and we are very good at doing this.

We still have time to understand and realise the bigger picture, otherwise events will unfold as they are supposed to and I have no doubt in that. World has to divide in two clear groups and it will and it depends on us which group we want to belong to. Why are we reactive than proactive?
@sabena siddiqi
Dawn's articles are a PoV of its writers, nothing more nothing less. re military courts , give it as much authenticity as much the tears coming out of Senator Raza Rabbani in his speech after the amendment about military courts.

back in the days it used to host Kamran Shafi the disgraced ex army officer who was kicked out of the army who is in the forefront of maligning the Pakistan army and was very active and vocal during the Docile Kyani time. in principle there are some genuine concerns that there is some miscarriage of justice towards the accused and they might not enjoy the same level of legal cover or benefit of doubt as in normal court and some accused who have shot our kids in the eyes, have executed Hazara's on the road side or played football with the skulls of the soldiers might get a swift punishment by the military judges who are not even mentioned.

I mean I get the writers that why no accused is named, why his location is not disclosed and why the number of guards and rota of the prison guards not explained? why the names of the judges along with their family members and their homes not disclosed? it must be because army is trying to hide something and prevent the natural course of action which the supporters of the defendants might take?
I mean I get the writers that why no accused is named, why his location is not disclosed and why the number of guards and rota of the prison guards not explained? why the names of the judges along with their family members and their homes not disclosed? it must be because army is trying to hide something and prevent the natural course of action which the supporters of the defendants might take?

Better if a listing of all this is shown on TV daily. And addresses of schools were their harmless kids go for education would be a bonus.
@sabena siddiqi

If this is our writing then i would say 'not bad, not bad at all'.

Indeed dawn has been at it for awhile now and the state needs to step in. A pakistani news paper must not be allowed to spew poision against the state all the time.
some of its articles both for and against are high quality there is no doubt.
my only issue is with those that are actually written by some people that are running a smear campaign and are openly known benefactors of foreign aid and their niyat is harami one example is Kamran shafi

. apart from that people like NFP and dawns own staff are exceptional writers and I like their posts whether or not they are against the state (read Pak military).
If you plan on curtailing freedom of speech, where do you draw the line? I believe no institution should be above critique, that includes Pak Army.
If this is our writing then i would say 'not bad, not bad at all'.

Indeed dawn has been at it for awhile now and the state needs to step in. A pakistani news paper must not be allowed to spew poision against the state all the time.

"Mader Piadar Azadi" should not be given to any media outfit. Red lines should be drawn.
War is definitely against islam. But against pakistan is a part of that whole game. I wont shun the fact that muslims have their faults and flaws too that brought upon us what came. But looking at one aspect of problem never means one should overlook all other aspects. And media has always remained and played a lethal part which needs to be looked into. And just look at it this way, you find something anti pak, you will ignore and move on but other countryfellas who wil be reading and getting brainwashed and acting like zombie following the agenda spewed.
You @Color_Less_Sky bahi , and many others may or may not agree but i will repeat its a serious problem needs to be addressed.
Critcizing army or anyone is fine but if done justly ,and also should be done taking into account current situation.
Now if at this tme when army is facing bla terrorists and someone like sana saleem writes an article on suicides in balochistan where ppl instantly without thinking point fingers at army what good are you doing.
but i would repeat Media shouldnt be overlooked.
If you plan on curtailing freedom of speech, where do you draw the line? I believe no institution should be above critique, that includes Pak Army.
Freedom of speech has its limitations. Its alright to criticize military establishment on their decisions, but criticism should not cross the lines of States interests. State institutions have the right to establish State Interests.
Again just as mullahs are blamed for brainwashing ppl these media houses are also no different and equally lethal with their hypocritical,fascistic, pseudo liberal thinking. They are causing damages close to the far right thinkers.
And these ppl like nfp, hoodhbhoy are total disgrace.
@sabena siddiqi
Dawn's articles are a PoV of its writers, nothing more nothing less. re military courts , give it as much authenticity as much the tears coming out of Senator Raza Rabbani in his speech after the amendment about military courts.

back in the days it used to host Kamran Shafi the disgraced ex army officer who was kicked out of the army who is in the forefront of maligning the Pakistan army and was very active and vocal during the Docile Kyani time. in principle there are some genuine concerns that there is some miscarriage of justice towards the accused and they might not enjoy the same level of legal cover or benefit of doubt as in normal court and some accused who have shot our kids in the eyes, have executed Hazara's on the road side or played football with the skulls of the soldiers might get a swift punishment by the military judges who are not even mentioned.

I mean I get the writers that why no accused is named, why his location is not disclosed and why the number of guards and rota of the prison guards not explained? why the names of the judges along with their family members and their homes not disclosed? it must be because army is trying to hide something and prevent the natural course of action which the supporters of the defendants might take?
Thanks a lot Sir G I knew something was wrong about that Kamran Shafi. By the way why he was kicked out ?
some of its articles both for and against are high quality there is no doubt.
my only issue is with those that are actually written by some people that are running a smear campaign and are openly known benefactors of foreign aid and their niyat is harami one example is Kamran shafi

. apart from that people like NFP and dawns own staff are exceptional writers and I like their posts whether or not they are against the state (read Pak military).

I used to read Dawn regularly few years back (before joining PDF, and i used to a reader here too)....... I thought they were very good..... their articles were interesting to read....... Is there any truth in OP?
dawn ...dunia our geo ko india fanding karta ha our nawaz shref ke full sporte ha in ko
dawn ...dunia our geo ko india fanding karta ha our nawaz shref ke full sporte ha in ko
lolz.. aur koi newspaper hai jisse funding chahiye?

Freedom of speech has its limitations. Its alright to criticize military establishment on their decisions, but criticism should not cross the lines of States interests. State institutions have the right to establish State Interests.
how do you know what is good for country..
as an editor you allow what you believe to be true..
should watergate been hidden from the world?
lolz.. aur koi newspaper hai jisse funding chahiye?

how do you know what is good for country..
as an editor you allow what you believe to be true..
should watergate been hidden from the world?
lol phala in ka tu hasiab ho jay jo ho jay ga dhara dhara:o:
Dawn News is Pakistan, s oldest English newspaper, in fact it was founded by Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah in Delhi, India, on 26 October 1941 as a mouthpiece for the Muslim League.
Today, it is Pakistan, s most well-known newspaper and is considered an authentic, factual news source on all things Pakistani.
It earned this reputation in decades, consequently it has also incurred upon itself the responsibility that it will not mis-represent Pakistan or distort its realities.

In these trying times, when the army is at war with terrorist elements and terror attacks on a war level are taking place in Pakistan, s cities, the most brutal and barbaric being the ignominious murder of more than a 100 schoolchildren in a Peshawar army school, suddenly Dawn is coming across as oddly protective of terrorists.
It has vehemently unleashed a campaign to put a question mark on military courts, these were established after a political consensus by the government and other parties.
Dawn News, most recent views on military courts were that the execution orders of 6 TTP terrorists had 'sounded alarm bells among the country’s legal and political circles'.
It is the first time in the history of Pakistan that these Taliban mercenaries have been convicted and this newspaper has raised a ruckus in its antipathy with military courts.
It has, in a way, tried to provoke lawyers and judges to clamour against military courts, even though military courts are the need of the hour and established for just two years to control the rampant wave of terrorism.
The 'secrecy' of military courts irks Dawn newspaper instead of being relieved that terrorists will meet their well-deserved end.

It looks more like a studied stance determined by the newspaper to undermine the image of the armed forces, another particularly silly bit of news published in Dawn was that InterServices Intelligence had prepared banners accusing a senior judge of blasphemy.
This allegation could never be proven but it was still news.

In another Dawn report , it was claimed that Pakistan is the largest importer of Chinese arms, without reporting that India is the largest importer of arms from all over the world. This partial reporting only favored India.

Not only that, Dawn is playing a very dangerous game by providing a platform to separatists.
Recently, Mama Qadeer, a Baloch separatist was stopped from going abroad as his name was on the exit control list, Dawn reported the whole incident as if his demand was like that of Indian Kashmiris living under occupation.
Dawn portrays those who want separation from Pakistan as those who are asking for their rights, shouldnt it be against the ethics of a Pakistani newspaper to avoid giving it front page space, such persons are also known as seditionists or traitors. :
If the Pakistan government deems it fit to stop them from going abroad, shouldnt Dawn avoid nominating the same seditionist as Person of the Year 2014 ?
Now this looks like confirmed endorsement and approval by Dawn news group for Baluchi separatist proxies.

Lately, Dawn even glorified the Indian border force BSF which keeps firing on Pakistani troops on an international border.
The launch of the Indian BSF All Women Camel Safari, at BSF Head Quarters in Bhuj was highlighted and promoted with such gusto that visitors on the Dawn.com Facebook page commented that they followed Dawn to catch a glimpse of Pakistan but it looked more like an Indian newspaper.

The liberal Dawn newspaper also gives space to the miscreants of Lal Masjid and ample coverage.
With overflowing magnanimity, Dawn always shows Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as part of India on maps used in its publications.
Isnt it strange that Pakistan, s largest selling and well-known English daily does not have a correct map of Pakistan?

Lately, the Dawn news group also deemed it suitable to publish a piece by Husain Haqqani, erstwhile ambassador to the U.S. , in which he asked Pakistan to abandon the Kashmir issue as it is a small pesky country and America does not need it anymore after getting a mighty ally like India.
This stance is very passe and only approved by India, it is not a realistic analysis of the situation.
Also, he tries his best to give Pakistanis an inferiority complex on everything under the sun, is this sort of deliberately placed article suitable for Pakistan, s flag bearer in journalism to publish?
Dawn has responsibilities towards Pakistan too, it is not just a land where they print away anything to make money.

Dawn writes against an Islamic identity of Pakistan, running down the Two Nation Theory and questioning if Pakistan is indeed a Muslim country.
I ended my subscription of Dawn newspaper five years ago, and im glad I did, reading it gives one a depression.

Dawn also did an editorial against the death penalty because the ordinary people in Pakistan support the idea, the general public wants to see justice being done after losing 50, 000 lives to terrorism.
The Peshawar attack was Pakistan, s 9/11 and people want to see results, they want to see good winning over evil, and dont need decorative talk about human rights of terrorists who kill babies.

Newspapers in Pakistan should represent it with sincerity and honesty, exercising caution regarding its foreign policy, its defense and its future.
Is it possible for a newspaper to go against the interests of a country it is identified with and undermine the efforts of the government and security agencies in checking crime and ensuring terrorists are punished.
This is not freedom of speech, it is negative propaganda and a senseless bias, sorry to say but the next largest English newspaper Express Tribune also follows Dawn, s example.
Pakistan does not have the honest, sincere, patriotic media it deserves.
How can a newspaper go against what is good for the country and still claim to represent the same country?
Pakistan, s newspaper and television media need a code of conduct as they do not understand the ethos of Pakistan.


NOTHING wrong with Dawn.

Media is supposed to present all kinds of view points and let the readers, audience, listeners to decide or think about taking it or rejecting it.

Nothing wrong with analysing death penality and its affects

Nothing wrong with questioning if Pakistan is really a Muslim country?

Nothing wrong with publishing view point of Hussain haqqani. everyone knows his so-called credibility so we should NOT be worried if this will harm us in big way. Readers are very wise these days so let them decide what should be bought and what should be rejected.

and you and me are nobody to decide what is suitable for Dawn and what is not. Every newspaper has own editorial policy which it follows.
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